Chapter twenty six

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(Unedited, I haven't got my laptop with me while I'm the road, but will edit it when I get home tomorrow)
Chapter 26:

Olives POV


When we returned back to the building  Luke pulls me to one side and gives me a tight hug, and just as we pull away, we look, at each other in the eyes, Luke's eyes, looking down at my lips then back at my eyes, I bite my lip, not knowing what to do, which makes Luke grab my face, and crash his pink lips onto mine, his lip ring cold on my warm lips. Our lips move together in sync, I put my arms around his neck, as his hand leave my face and travel down my body stopping just above my ass. As he is just about to grab it some ones voice brings us apart rather sharply. "Olive Turner and Luke Brooks, what do we have here?" Condrey says as we look at him, me wiping my mouth from that kiss.

End of recap

Condrey just stares at us, but it seams that it is mostly at me, sheepishly I smile at him, Luke and me had stepped apart a bit more creating a bigger gap between the two of us. All Condrey does is raises his eyebrows before opening his mouth once again, "I don't actually need an answer to that, I think that all three of us know what just happened there. But the one thing I don't get is why here in reception? Why didn't you take Olive to your room Luke or why didn't you take him too your room, Olive?" Before I could give him a reply Luke opens his mouth.

"Condrey, I don't care what you think of the two of us and what you just saw is doing. It is up to us to do what ever we want together and where. I know it would have been better is we was in a more private place rather in the reception area." He begins, looking Condrey dead in the eyes.

"I know that Luke, however it is my responsibility to get things off of you boys to say on my show, giving my viewers what they want which is dirt on the games from the girls an boys. And this would be perfect-"

I cut him off, "I don't care if this would be perfect to tell your viewers about what you have just witnessed! Yes maybe it shouldn't of happened, but it did and we cannot change that." Stepping closer to him, which made him step back a bit.

"Okay, okay, I won't tell my views, however if I do see anything like this I will tell them no matter what, so you have a warning until I tell them, the both of you." He walks away from us after and as soon as he is in a elevator with the doors closed, I feel arms wrap around my torso, Luke's breath on my neck.

"Olive, wow, I never thought something like that would come from you." I get turned around, his arms still wrapped around me, I raise my eyebrows at him, before letting out a small laugh, shaking my head.

"Thanks, but I need to get back up to my floor, before the girls think I have gotten lost or something." I chuckle at the thought of them thinking I got lost but also what they would do to solve the situation.

"Alright, I will see you soon then?" I nod my head slightly at his question, "I will text you later on." He goes in for what I thought was a hug until I feel his lips press against my own, but this time only for a short period of time, the two of us not wanting to get caught already.

When he pulls away he shoots me a cheeky smile before kissing my cheek and walking away, leaving me stunned at what just happened.

I shake my head, getting rid of the thought of why he just kissed me once again, but also on the cheek, before he walked away. I then walk over towards the elevators pressing to go up to my floor, where Faith and Emily are.

As the metal container gets pulled up to my floor I just stand there on my own thinking about all the kisses I received from Luke, his soft lips pressed against my own, but his cold lip ring, making shivers run down my spine just at the thought. But then when he kissed me on my cheek his lips lingered, staying longer than necessary.

As the silver metal doors open I walk out and into my bedroom. Looking down at the carpeted floor, something that I didn't remember having on our floor, but I knew that I pressed the right floor, floor six, the lobby but also the five floors for the girls, one floor for all the girls competing for each boy.

Walking to my bedroom I go and lay down on the soft large bed taking off my jeans and top, and laying on top of the soft covers, tired from the walking, I close my eyes for a brief moment, the peacefulness getting interrupted by a door opening rather closely, lifting my head off the pillow I look to where the bathroom door opens and a male walks out with only a towel wrapped around his lower torso.

He looks straight at me, laid on the bed, in my underwear. Oh shit! I think, not knowing what to do in this situation I just stay on the bed, still looking at him as he stood at the bathroom door.

Without thinking my eyes travel down his toned chest, small droplets running down him them coming from his still damp hair. As I look further down, where the towel starts, a visible V line, disappearing by the top of the towel. When my eyes finds their way back up his body and to his face I see that he is smirking, oh lord that smirk my mind screams at me. "You finished checking me out yet?" His voice, I have heard that voice before. But what is his name? After a about a five seconds of racking my brain for his name, it's like a light bulb turns on, his name on the tip of my tongue...


A/N am I a nice author by doing this? 🙈😳

Who do you think this person is?

Is Olive actually in her own bedroom?

How did she get here if it isn't?

How did he get here if it's Olive's room?

What would you do in this situation?

Comment, vote, share, etc...

Love you all and thank you for sticking with me while I got the chance to update!!
I am on my way to Scotland as I write this for a wedding, can't wait to wear my new heels!!😜🙈

Tell me what you think of the chapter, maybe? 😳

But also I will try and update again if I don't start to get travel sickness with my dads driving 😔🙄😂

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