Epilogue (Jai)

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Epilogue (Jai):

Luna's POV

I never thought I would be here, I would have gotten this far, to be honest I thought I would have been home for a long time now.

However, to think if someone said that I would go into the husband games and win, I would have laugh in their face. I don't even believe it myself yet, it hasn't sunk in just yet.

At this moment I am stood waiting for the go ahead from a crew member, this room with me is, my mum, dad, and also the other girls who had won, they will be walking down the aisle before me and my dad, my mum will be taken out of the room before any of us go out. The girls are my bridesmaids and they will be walking down with their husbands to be, with my wedding being the first out of the five.

My stylist, that I have had all the way through the games, is doing my hair and makeup, I have put so much trust into her, with cutting and changing my hair in so many ways, however, I wouldn't change anything, I loved all the styles she had done on me, but also I have had an amazing time talking to her, talking about the games but also home, you see she was from a district and she used to work as a hairdresser, and one day someone from the capitol went and got their hair done and when they came back everyone loved it, so they brought her to the capitol and now she works with the games, as she as always dreamed of doing.

Once my hair and makeup is finished, she helps me into my dress, another dress that she has designed for me.

I look at my reflection, the dress hugged every curve of my body, but it wasn't too tight, it felt perfect. This has to be my favourite dress from all the others. (Picture of dress on the media bar)

It is a mermaid dress, with a sweetheart neckline, and also long sleeves with a lace design, the entire dress has lace on, looking so elegant.

I hear a knock on the door, I say a quick 'come in' and the door opens a little, a head popping in, "Luna, you ready to get married?" I nod my head, smiling, I couldn't wait to become Mrs Luna Brooks, the first out of us five girls to get married.

I look towards my dad, him walking towards me with my bouquet, it holding white roses but also grey flowers, to go with Jai's favourite colour.

My dad passes me the flowers and brings me into a tight hug, "I love you, I love you so much Luna."

"I love you too dad."

Once we pull away my bridesmaids walk down the aisle with the boys, Olive with Luke, Ivy with James, Becky Mae and Daniel, and also Kathryn with Beau. I had my little brother to walk down the aisle with the rings.

I take a deep breath, slotting my left arm into my dad right, we begin walking, I look at Jai, him in a black suit, with a grey tie, and he looks amazing.

As soon as we reach him, I hug my dad and give my flowers to one of the girls, I give them to my maid of honour, Ivy.

"I, Jaidon Domenic Matthew Brooks, take you, Luna Hernández

To be my wife,

To have and to hold

From this day forward;

For better, for worse,

For richer, for poorer,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

Till death we do part."

"I, Luna Hernández, take you, Jaidon Domenic Matthew Brooks

To be my husband,

To have and to hold

From this day forward;

For better, for worse,

For richer, for poorer,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

Till death we do part."

"You may kiss the bride!" Jai leans forward, I follow his lead and our lips touch, his soft lips against my own, and I just want to stay like this forever.


*Seven years later*

Luna's POV

I couldn't believe today is mine and Jai seventh anniversary, over these seven years, we have had a few children, four t=for that matter, two sets of twins, two boys and then two girls, and now I have another baby on the way, we know this one is going to be another girl. The two boys' best be the best big brothers these three girls could ever have.

Today Jai and I are meeting up with everyone, we are going out for a meal at Nando's, where else?

Everyone will be there, the six- well seven of us, Luke, Olive and their three children, Beau, Kathryn and their two children, Daniel, Becky Mae and their one child, and lastly James and Ivy with their seven children, yes James has the most with seven, they have a set of triplets, and two sets of twins.

We have an amazing night, the twenty seven of us eating, and celebrating.

I love my big family and I wouldn't change it for anything.


A/N here is Jai and Luna's family, a large family 😂

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