City of the Dead, At the End of Another Lost Highway

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Billie seemed to notice my discomfort and said, stumbling over his words, "So um, I'm in a band called Green Day if you didn't know, but I mean your mom said you know my band, but I'm just not sure if you know I'm in it...wait what," he trailed off, looking uncomfortable and embarrassed, his face a deep red and his eyes downcast. He took a deep breath, and tried to start again, "Well, um, we're in the process of recording a new album. It's going great in my opinion and-"

He did a great job at shattering the uncomfortable silence but I needed him to get to the point.

"Not trying to seem like a bitch Billie, but I know your band, been a fan for a long time but I need to know why are we here – what are the big news?" I asked my mom, shutting poor Billie up.

But it was he who gave it away. His eyes grew twice their size, his face turned an even deeper shade of red, and he started running his hands through his hair, over and over and over again.

And then it sunk in.

"Oh my GOD I was so STUPID! You're getting married aren't you? That's why I'm sitting here with you and him, and not any of your previous boyfriends...since it never got that serious with any of them! And that's why you brought me here – so I won't cause a scene. Well guess what, mother, you are so fucking stupid! I can handle myself and my emotions, I've learned how to do that the hard way if you've forgotten," I said getting up, with my chair toppling over and everyone's eyes finding their way to me. Well so much for not making a scene.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier but it just came up! I mean, he asked me so quickly and I mean...I'm sorry," my mom said, sounding flustered and guilty.

"No, it's my fault, I'm so sorry Hope, we should've asked you before we made this big decision," Billie jumped to my mom's defense.

I just looked at him. Just to think, I listened to his songs, I bought his albums, I burned his lyrics into my brain. And now he was here, ruining my life so easily, so unexpectedly, that I just didn't know what to do.

So I did the only thing I could do – I rushed out of there, into the warm air, the summer, reality. What am I going to do?

My Stepdad, Billie Joe Armstrong (Daughter of Rage and Love)Where stories live. Discover now