Heads or Tails and Fairytales in my Mind

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Waking up, I was slightly disorientated as to where the hell I was. Bringing my hand up to head, I closed my eyes and counted to ten, it always helped me get my bearings together. Then I lifted my head, opened my eyes and looked around. Ah, safe and sound in my room.

I drew my hand through my hair, letting my head fall back. That is until I heard a crash come from downstairs, and then some yelling. Ugh of course. Stupid Billie.

I rolled out of bed, and the memories from yesterday came flooding back.

Well I'll be damned! Shit, my mom is probably going through the roof right now, what with smelling that darn weed on Billie.

I dashed for the stairs, almost falling in the process. Reaching the bottom, I was greeted with an amusing yet scary sight.

Billie was cowering into the couch so much it looked like he was a part of it, while mom loomed over him like the Boogeyman.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SMOKED WEED AGAIN! YOU PROMISED THAT YOU'VE STOPPED!" my mom bellowed while Billie looked at her like a lost puppy.

She started pacing around the couch, like a lioness does around her wounded prey, before jumping on top of it to finish it off.

"You, you, you just don't seem to understand that now you have responsibility! What you do affects not only you, but everyone around you – and tell me this, if you were alone, who would've taken you back home? If it wasn't for Mike, you'll be still lying somewhere out on the streets, mugged, cold, and lost," she continued on a much softer tone.

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't think about that...I guess I just kind of got lost in the moment. I swear it won't happen again," Billie finally spoke up, sounding like a five year old apologizing for stealing some cookies.

I decided to make my presence known then, and coughed a little.

Mom's and Billie's heads snapped to me then, Billie looking guilty and embarrassed, while mom looked angry and defiant.

"Um, good morning?" I said.

"Good morning," Billie chirped up.

"Don't you good morning her!" my mom yelled at him, making him cower back into the couch and pull the blanket over his head.

"This little fart got high yesterday, can you believe that? And then guess what – I get a call from Mike today at 6 am in the fucking morning saying that he picked up Billie yesterday on the side of the street, high out of his mind, and drove him back here," my mom yelled, looking at me.

Before she could continue on with her little tirade, I decided to jump to Billie's defense and said, "I don't blame him, I do have that effect on people. After spending no more than 5 minutes with me, people have the primal need to forget they've ever spoken to me – probably explains why I don't have friends. And as for poor Billie, well he was stuck with me for the entire dinner, so can you really blame him for getting high?"

My mom looked flabbergasted, her eyes practically bulging out of her head from surprise, while Billie withdrew his head from underneath the blanket and looked at me with equal surprise mixed in with gratitude.

"Why...why are you standing up for him? You hated him no more than a day ago, why the sudden change?" my mom yelled, throwing up her arms in the air.

"She's not standing up for me, she's trying to be funny," Billie said looking up at my mom.

He shut up the minute she leveled him with her gaze. After a couple seconds of tense silence, she practically hissed at him, "Wow Sherlock, I'm impressed. I've never met someone with such a small mind inside such a big head before,"

"It's all the hair, that's why my head looks bigger than it really is," Billie said, nervously pulling his hand through his hair, his face flushed.

"I suggest you shut up!" she said.

"I'm sorry, I just, yeah...I mean, yeah," Billie said, at a loss for words.

"Why isn't anyone ever on my side in this goddamn fucking house!" she yelled.

"Maybe we should change houses then," Billie said, then turned a pale, ghost white, stark terror etching into his face, and proceeded to hide under the blanket as what he said sunk in.

"You're such a smart ass I bet you could sit on a carton of ice cream and tell what flavor it is," my mom said, rubbing her temples.

She walked past me and up the stairs, "If anyone needs me, I'll be upstairs," she yelled when she reached the top, leaving me alone with Billie.

"Thanks for not ratting me out," I said finally, and looked at Billie.

"You're welcome," he said happily and smiled at me.

"Why did you cover for me?" I asked him, taking a seat next to him on the couch.

"Because it was my fault, I mean, if I didn't want to smoke weed, I wouldn't have. And hey, you trusted me enough to tell me your little secret about how you smoked for the past 4 years, which means our relationship is getting better – so why the hell would I tell on you?" he said, smugly.

"I was high! I told you everything because I was high!" I said, wanting to wipe that smirk off his face.

"Yeah yeah, you can say whatever you want but our relationship is getting better! You're actually talking with me, and sharing secrets that not even your mother knows. Speaking of, I should really go up and talk to her," Billie said, getting up, the smug look still on his face.

He winked at me while passing by me and I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the sub conscious voice telling me to smack him on the side of the head. 

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