Oh Love, Oh Love, Won't You Rain on me Tonight?

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"So what was the phone call about?" I asked, shrugging Billie's arm off my shoulders.

"She kicked Lauren out of her bridesmaid role and now we're one girl short. I told her not to worry, I have someone as backup," he said.

"And that someone is?" I prodded.

"Geez you sound just like your mother," he said and shook his head.

"I'm guessing she's jealous of whoever this mystery lady of yours is," I said.

"Damn right, though there's nothing to be jealous of," he said.

"Well my best friend is coming home tomorrow so you're going to be up to your devices with my jealous mom," I said and checked my phone.

"Checking your phone to see if your crush texted you yet?" he asked and elbowed me.

"Billie. I'm not waiting for her, I just checked if my best friend, the one that's coming tomorrow, the one I literally talked about like a second ago if you were paying attention to what I was saying, texted or called me," I said, trying not to fume.

"Oh so you can talk about that cute little girl right?" he asked, winking at me.

"No," I grumbled.

"So you're bisexual...and you said we didn't have anything in common!" Billie exclaimed.

"Shut up!" Geez, I mean I was never as straight as a line, but I didn't really want to admit to that. My mom wasn't the most open minded person to say in the least. That was my dad's job. As a matter of fact, he was open minded enough for two people. And I refused to accept the fact that Billie is like him. In any way.

"Hello, Earth to Hope!" Billie said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh my God, WHAT?" I asked.

"I asked if you're bisexual,"

"No," I said and looked away.

"No as in yes, but I can't admit to it, or no as in I just like to blush around every cute girl and deem it normal?" he asked.

"None of your beeswax," I grumbled and crossed my arms in front of my chest, picking up my pace so I was walking in front of him, as the sun disappeared silently behind the live oaks and sturdy buildings, giving way to night. I walked as fast as I could on the uneven brick streets, away from him, his interrogations, his truth.


*next morning*

With an ear splitting racket that issued from somewhere outside, I unwillingly blinked open my eyes.

Glancing at my clock I confirmed my worst fears. It was 5 am in the fucking morning and I'm awake. AWAKE. This is not just unacceptable, this is plain RUDE.

I got out of bed, angrily kicking the blankets away as they got in the way and walked down the stairs. I huffed towards the front door, then kicked it open with my foot. Looking around I didn't have a hard time locating the source of the racket.

It was coming from the house situated across from ours. A couple of moving vans littered the front lawn, and some more stood on the street. Before I could start making my way over there another loud crash issued from one of the vans, and a guy came running out, followed closely by a giant bookcase that almost landed on top of his head. Four other people were gathered around another bookcase, twice the size of the one that just fell out, this one probably responsible for my early awakening.

As I started to walk across the street, the four guys came over to the one that was sitting on the lawn and holding his hands up in a prayer. Yeah you better pray buddy, because only God can help your sorry ass now.

"EXCUSE ME!" I yelled loud enough that I surprised myself. The guys looked up at me, and one of them said, "The owner of the house is in it, please talk to him, he's the one who paid us extra to do this this early,"

Without breaking stride I walked towards the front door, feeling more anger bubble up inside of me.

Just who does this rich asshole think he is? Does he think he owns the entire damn world?

I knocked loudly on the front door and not a minute later the hottest guy I've ever seen opened it. He was wearing tight black jeans and nothing else, revealing his well-toned abs and body. I gulped, trying not to get distracted and took a minute to figure out what I came here for. Oh yeah, he woke me up...I think.

His hazel eyes were flecked with a dark brown, and were now staring at me with curiosity, amusement, and an emotion I couldn't quite decipher. His dark brown hair fell evenly over his forehead and he smiled, revealing two adorable dimples on his cheeks.

"Nice to meet you, I'm your new neighbor. My name's Gerard Way," he said and offered me his hand. Still smitten by his good looks I stuck my hand out and shook his hand. It was firm, strong, and calloused; just like Billie's. Probably a musician of some sorts.

"Don't give me none of your bullshit! You woke me up at 5 fucking am and I need my beauty sleep," I yelled into his face. His smile faltered, then came back on twice as bright as he eyed me up and down.

"May I help you?" I asked, feeling unnerved under his gaze.

"I'm sorry, but I needed this done as fast as I could because I have a tight schedule. And as for your beauty sleep, well, I don't think you need it," he said, his eyes turning slightly darker as he bit his lip for good measure.

I just looked at him, trying hard to resist the urge to punch him straight in his perfect face.

"Keep your business to yourself and you better do it quietly unless you want to see my face every time you do something fucking stupid!" I seethed at him as he leaned languidly against the door frame, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I wouldn't mind seeing that beautiful face every day – I guess we'll be seeing each often then, won't we cutie?" he said and winked at me.

I looked at him, speechless, then fired off a couple of insults in his direction, which made his eyes widen and a smirk to lighten his features. Before he could say anything, I walked away, feeling his eyes on my backside all the way to my front door. I mentally face palmed as I realized that I was wearing the tiniest pajama shorts and that I should've at least considered putting on some pants before telling my new neighbor off.

But he sure is gorgeous.

My Stepdad, Billie Joe Armstrong (Daughter of Rage and Love)Where stories live. Discover now