She's Old Enough To Bleed Now

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***I just want to say thank you all for your nice comments which means a lot of freaking lot to me! So thank you thank you thank you! One note I forgot to mention; in this fanfiction, Daddy Gerard is 25, other than that, hope you all continue enjoying this story; don't forget to vote and comment (what you like, don't like, etc. and basically anything you have on your mind) :) :) :) :)***

I slammed my front door shut and tried to quiet my fluttering heart. Leaning against the front door I could feel a smile creeping on as I thought about Gerard. Darn it, why do hot guys have to be so –

"What cha smiling about?" Billie's voice came somewhere from the right. Looking over to the side I saw that he had materialized in the kitchen and was holding a fork in one hand and a pancake in the other. Ah, the mystery of Billie Joe.

"Nothing," I said, quickly wiping my smile off my face. He nodded his head slightly, not believing a word I said and proceeded to glance out the window.

"Oh, I see what you're all smiley about," he said as he noticed Gerard. I walked over to his side and saw Gerard looking towards my house – noticing me in the window he raised his hand in a wave. I felt anger seethe out of every pore of my body and I raised my hand to flip him off. Then I pulled down the blinds and said to Billie, "Leave me ALONE! You are so annoying! Ugh!"

"Someone got a little crushy-wushy," Billie said and winked at me.

"No I do not! That asshole woke me up at 5 o'clock in the fucking morning!" I grumbled as I made a beeline for the stairs.

"That asshole is pretty hot," Billie called out after me. I glanced behind to see him peeking from behind the blinds and into the street.

"HEY! You have a soon to be wife you old fart, stop checking out hot males everywhere you go," I said.

"So you admit he's hot," Billie said and then winked at me. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, "What the hell are you doing up to begin with?" I asked, trying to distract him.

"I heard some ruckus downstairs so I decided to come down and investigate. There was nothing here so I decided to make some pancakes. Speaking of, you want some?" Billie asked, waving his pancake around.

"No, no I do not want some," I grumbled and walked up the stairs, to bump straight into mum.

"What's all the ruckus about?" she asked standing outside of her room and tying the bathrobe more tightly around her frail body, looking disheveled either from sleep or the bow-chika-bow-wow that happened during the night with Billie.

Trying not to cringe at the image of the latter, I grumbled a, "Ask your perverted fiancé," and walked back into my room.

Falling onto my bed I closed my eyes, feeling content.

For a full 5 seconds before I heard an elephant thump up the stairs, run into my room screaming, "Rise and shine!" and then jumping on my bed.

His cologne was so strong it almost killed me. Literally. I jumped off the bed, coughing, wheezing, and trying to ignore the tears that sprung forth from my eyes.

"Nice cologne. Must you marinate in it? Wait, when the hell did you even have the time to put it on," I gasped as I cracked open a window and breathed in fresh air.

"I'm rubber, you're glue; whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you," Billie said smugly.

"Where'd you get that from? A blog or my mom?" I asked. Billie grew silent and looked off into the distance, looking like he was thinking hard about that question.

"Don't get lost in thought – it's unfamiliar territory," I said. He grumbled a shut up and said before I could hurl another insult at him, "I came here for a reason, and you're making me forget what it was...oh yeah! That cutie from across the street is downstairs and wants to speak with you,"

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears, and before I could hide my emotions, Billie saw the blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"Aw, hide all you want but I can –" Billie said but I cut him off with an ear splitting "NOOOOO", momentarily stunning him long enough to push him onto my bed, make a dash out of my room with a chair in tow. Then I slammed the door shut and propped it closed with a chair.

Running down the stairs with Billie's unintelligible yelling following me like some kind of a phantom I came to a full stop when I reached the first floor landing.

My mom was chatting with Gerard, who had the decency to put on a shirt this time – oh shit. I glanced down and sighed, damn me and my forgetfulness.

I guess I sighed pretty loudly because both my mom and Gerard looked my way and stopped talking.

"This kind gentleman came over and told me he needed to tell you something – he's supposed to start teaching in your school in the upcoming fall by the way," Well fuck me over sideways and dick toss that shit to hell's gate because now I have to change schools.

As if on cue Gerard winked at me from behind my mom's back.

I tried hard not to roll my eyes as my mom walked up the stairs.

"What do you want?" I asked him and crossed my arms.

"Well there's a lot but first of all I want to know your name," he said and smirked again.

"Hope," I said.

"Nice to meet you Hope," he said and stuck out his hand.

"I'm not shaking your hand," I said and rolled my eyes.

"Sassy. Just how I like 'em," he said. I angrily gripped his hand and shook it, almost wrenching it out of his socket. He seemed to not be affected by pain, and instead brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it.

"I'll see you in school," he said and let himself out of the house.

I sighed just as my mom yelled down to me, "HOPE! What is Billie doing locked in here? Did you try to kill him again?"

"No I didn't mother, I never tried to actually KILL him," I said and walked up the stairs.

Gerard or Billie will be the death of me. I just don't know who.

My Stepdad, Billie Joe Armstrong (Daughter of Rage and Love)Where stories live. Discover now