She Smashed her Knuckles into Winter, as Autumns Wind Fades into Black

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I stepped into the studio, and was momentarily tackled by Tre who screamed, "Mini-Billie! I've been dying to meet you!"

"Tre..." I managed to wheeze out from underneath his death hug. Oh my fluffy rainbow cupcake bunnies! I'm being hugged by THE Tre. Okay relax, relax, don't freeze out on him. Don't fangirl, can't fangirl, I MUST STAY STRONG. Especially now that he's squeezing the life out of me.

"Wha?" he asked enthusiastically, swinging me around like a rag doll, oblivious to the lack of oxygen to my lungs.

"She's turning purple Tre," Mike the genius piped up from the other side of the room.

"Oh, sorry," he said and let me go. I tried to catch my breath as Tre looked at me, his blue eyes bulging so much that they looked ready to fall out of his head.

"You ever milked a cat?" he suddenly asked me.

"No, didn't have the chance," I said, trying not to wheeze while getting my hair to lie flat again.

"Good, don't, they don't like it," he said and nodded his head vigorously.

"I wouldn't like that either," I muttered as Mike chuckled and Tre's eyes grew twice in size.

"Oh wait what? Shit, did I say that out loud? Never mind, just ignore me, I blabber a lot," I said, feeling a blush creep onto my cheek.

"You're a pervert," Billie said with the most serious tone of voice I have ever heard him use as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Shut up before I stick that guitar up your ass you old fart!" I yelled at him, shrugging his arm off.

He looked at me, still serious and said, "Sounds kinky. I'm up for it,"

"And you call me a pervert," I said and walked over to one of the chairs and sat down.

Billie opened his mouth to say something, but before he could his phone rang. He whipped it out of his back pocket, glanced at the screen, his face clouding with anger, and answered it as he walked out of the room.

"What's up with all the ruckus? Why's Billie pissed off? Ohhh who's this little munchkin?" Jason asked as he waltzed into the room right as Billie walked out. He looked at me with a very concentrated look and then made his way over to me and started fussing, pinching my cheeks and touching my face.

"Hope," I said.

"Don't we all have some," Jason said, momentarily stopping his fussing and looking off into the distance.

Mike burst out laughing while Tre dropped down on the ground and started to flop around like a fish out of water, sounding like a dolphin. "That's her name," Mike finally said.

"Oh! My name is Jason then," he said and gave me a hug. I hugged him back, smelling his spicy cologne.

Pulling back, we looked down at Tre, who was still flopping around.

After a while, he stopped flopping and looked up at me, staring me down. I looked back at him and said, "Dude! I'm not a unicorn, stop looking at me like I'm one,"

"NOO!" Tre yelled out so suddenly and forcefully that we all flinched. "You are much more important and beautiful than a damn unicorn!" he yelled, pounding his fist on the floor, then proceeded to wink and smile.

"That is why you're my favorite," I said, returning the smile.

"I thought I was your favorite!" Mike said, bringing a hand up to his heart and looking hurt, but a smile lighting his features.

I was going to reply back, but was cut short by Billie's yell of; "Fuck my life!" sounding muffled from outside. Then a loud crashing noise issued, like he threw a chair against the wall, but before we could go investigate, he rushed into the room and past us all in a matter of seconds.

Grabbing Blue, he headed straight for the studio room, all the while looking infuriated, and after taking a seat on one of the tiny stools, started to mindlessly strum his guitar while muttering something under his breath.

"What's up with him?" Jason asked, as we all shared a look and I shrugged my shoulders.

What's wrong with Billie now?

My Stepdad, Billie Joe Armstrong (Daughter of Rage and Love)Where stories live. Discover now