She Sings The Revolution, The Dawning Of Our Lives

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"Is he always like this?" I asked Mike, while turning around to throw my jacket over Billie's sleeping form, since he started shivering smack in the middle of June. He had his mouth slightly open, and light snore sounds issued from it every other second.

"You put up a good façade but you care, I can see it," Mike said while eyeing me.

"No, I don't," I said, putting up my defenses all at once and turning away from Billie.

"Yeah you do, and it's good to know because he cares a great deal about you. Since he first started dating your mom and she showed him your picture, he wouldn't shut up about you. Every time we would meet up to record the new album, he would talk about you every spare second he could get: how excited he is to meet you and have someone whom he can call his own daughter. He's a great guy Hope, he really is, and he cares a whole great about you," Mike finished his little speech and then reached out and gently squeezed my arm.

"Yeah, well, I don't care," I said, and crossed my arms in my lap.

He chuckled, and said, "Yes you do. I can see it in your eyes. You're surprised and refuse to believe that there is someone out there who is willing to care about you as much as that little dork does," he pointed to the snoring Billie behind us, then continued on, "Look, I know how you feel, trust me. Some random guy barges into your life and decides to stay, with or without your approval. But this guy really cares about you, and I can see why. You seem like a pretty cool, intelligent kid, with a lot of potential and a really sweet personality - and honestly, I'm glad to have met you,"

"Thanks Mike, you're sweet. I'm glad to have met you too, I've loved Green Day since I was like, a tiny ass kid. But the problem is that I'm not willing to let Billie into my life just yet. It feels too much like my mom is trying to replace the father figure in my life, and trying way too hard to create a picture perfect family," I said, my head still a little clouded from all the weed in my system.

"Hey, no one said it would be easy or fast, but if I were you I would give him a chance before shutting him out so bluntly you know?" Mike said, rounding the corner to my house.

"I guess," I sighed, reluctant to admit he was right. I knew he was. Everyone deserved their chance at happiness, especially my mom, but I just...I find it so hard to just accept him without a fight, into my life.

"And I should mention for future references: if you want to smoke with Billie, be careful, because right after the high he falls asleep, whether it be in the middle of the road, on top of a refrigerator, or in the trunk of a car. And when he wakes up he eats like a pig," Mike said and looked over at me, his blue eyes twinkling in the darkness.

"I didn't want to smoke with him! He just, came across me and he saw me smoking and asked for some, and I couldn't say no," I said, sounding slightly stupid.

"Hah! You couldn't say no because you like him...and I can see why he wanted some of your weed, I mean, this is like prime quality, where'd you get this?" Mike said, sniffing the air.

"Yeah, that's it, Mr. Dirnt. I got this from a guy I've been dealing with for the past couple of years," I muttered.

"I'll totally need you to introduce me to this guy," he said chuckling, then he looked at me, his eyes turning gentle, and he said, just as my house came into my line of vision, "Sweetie, both of you stink so bad of weed that I'm going to have to air this car out for at least 2 days to get rid of this smell completely. Do you honestly think your mom won't smell this on you?"

"She's knocked out, she won't wake up until morning, so I guess I'll worry about that tomorrow," I said, realizing he was right.

Mike helped me get Billie out of the car and into the house. My mom was asleep through all this, oblivious to the commotion going on around her.

Mike threw Billie onto the couch and drew a blanket around him, trying to keep as quiet as possible.

He turned to me then, and whispered, "If you guys need any kind of cover up, just text or call me,"

"Thanks for everything," I whispered back, giving him my phone. After putting in his phone number, he followed me to the front entrance, kissed the top of my head, whispered a good night and let himself out. I waved after him, then ran back inside, being careful not to slam the front door.

Checking on Billie, I saw that he was still sound asleep. Well I have to wake him up and make him take a shower, or at least change clothes or something, I mean, he stinks of weed.

I shook him roughly, but all he did was try to push me away, waving his arms around and muttering something unintelligible under his breath. Narrowly dodging his arm as he swiped it too close to my head for my liking, I decided to just give up.

I mean, my mom might as well get disappointed now by her seemingly perfect fiancé. I mean, it's not my fault he smoked weed - that was all his decision, I wasn't really involved. I mean, if he didn't want to get high, he wouldn't have asked me for some weed to begin with.

He could've been the responsible parent, told me off, then dragged me home and let my mom deliver her punishment onto me.

So why should I care if he gets caught in the morning? Either way he'll give me away the minute my mom raises her voice at him. He'll take all the blame and put it on me.

Looking one last time at Billie, I creeped up the stairs, tiptoed into my room and quickly changed my clothes. Then I sprayed some body mist on myself and my hair and jumped into bed. It's not the best decision but it's better than nothing.

I tried not to feel guilty about the whole Billie situation. I mean, I couldn't exactly undress him and put on fresh smelling clothes on him. That'll be like, too weird you know?

My Stepdad, Billie Joe Armstrong (Daughter of Rage and Love)Where stories live. Discover now