I'm Walking Down the Line That Divides me Somewhere in my Mind

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Walking down to the park with its multitude of people, trees, and really behaved kids, I sat down on the bench and looked around for any kind of potential danger heading my way.

Couples, couples, and more couples. Makes me think of Rey. My boyfriend of almost two years. He works as a librarian; he is stable, predictable, and knows all the answers.

Too bad I can't call and mourn with him because he's away at some stupid math camp. It was his choice to go because it's supposed to "help academically". He's an honors student, always reaching for higher grades and more challenging classes - you can see I'm not one of his top priorities. Far from it actually.

Sighing, I leaned back against the bench just as my phone rang.

Picking it up, I uttered a curt "Hello," and waited for the response.

"Honey, I know I should have warned you beforehand that this relationship was getting serious, but you'll have to come to terms with the fact that we are getting married. Whether you like it or not," my mom said angrily.

With the empty crackling of the static, I found it hard to find the right answer, so instead I replaced "right" with a "just fine" which was close to "right" but not close enough, "Yeah mom, okay, you deserve your chance at happiness,"

"Oh...I'm so glad that you, um, you think that way?" my mom said, confused at my sudden mood swing.

"But you made this easy for you, not me. So I'll just warn you: I'm not going to make this easy for you too. I don't care that I like his songs, or that I think he's pretty cool, or that he used to be my idol, or anything of that character. This wasn't right because I wasn't involved in any of this from the beginning, but only at the last darn minute when everything was decided. Haven't you noticed that we only got each other to rely on and trust, and you just showed me why I can't do that anymore?" I said this under my breath, emotionless, and my mom took a full minute before she replied.

Her voice cold as ice she said calmly, "He'll be having dinner with us today and I expect you to be there, on your best behavior, 9 pm sharp. Oh, and for your information, he's moving in with us as of today,"

At the last piece of information I heard Billie's beyond-surprised voice say something but I couldn't make it out. Before I could reply, my mom hung up, and I was left cradling the cell to my ear. What is this coming to?

Trying to relax and not lose it, I got up and started to walk out of the park.

I guess my mom made it clear. The war is on.

My Stepdad, Billie Joe Armstrong (Daughter of Rage and Love)Where stories live. Discover now