Say Goodbye to the Ones That We Love, Say a Prayer for the Ones That We Love

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*after having an immense writers-block I have found my inspiration to write again, thanks to how many nice comments there are that told me they want an update. Thank you so much for your support! I will upload three chapters today, and try not to stop writing this story - happy holidays! And once again, thank you so much for your support I love you guys ^~^ ^~^*

"Yoo-hoo!" blonde hair with blood shot eyes yelled when she saw me and Billie. She waved with her fingers as she made her way to us. That is, as Mike half-dragged, half-carried her to where we were standing. She seemed to be having a very hard time keeping herself on her feet.

"Don't tell your mom about this okay?" Billie asked pleadingly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, so what's her deal?" I asked him while eyeing the blonde reproachfully. She looked like a mix between a crack whore and a meth addict on the final mile of her life.

"Her name's Bethany and she's a thieving slob. She stole my wallet, my pretty vase, and a cellphone. And while she was living with me she turned my entire apartment into a freaken dump. And she tried to sell Blue!" he said, forming his hand into a fist and hitting it against his palm, his brows furrowed in anger.

"Well that must have been horrible," I said, refusing the urge to roll my eyes.

"Oh yes, she was a creep, she used to wear Billie's underwear," Mike put his 5 cents in as he joined us with Bethany in tow.

"How would you even know that?" I asked, feeling creeped out and more than slightly disgusted.

"I saw her when I visited Billie," he said, holding on to Bethany who looked like she was on the verge of passing out.

"The question is," he continued, "is what the hell do we do with her and why the hell is she here in the first place,"

"Maybe she's here to ruin the wedding!" I hoped fervently.

"Ha ha," Billie said, crossing his arms. "I don't give a damn why she's here, I want her as far away from me as possible, if your mom sees this I'm dead. And I can't be dead because then I'll be alone and I can't be alone. Not again,"

"Calm down, we'll figure this out. If my mom finds out about this I'll be in deep shit too,"

"Language!" Billie practically screamed.

"Shut up dude, I don't have to take this shit from someone who based their entire career on weed!" I said, pushing him.

"Har de har," Billie said, crossing his arms again.

"She's got a good point there though," Mike said just as Bethany took a giant breath and barfed.

"Yeesh she's a keeper isn't she?" I asked moving farther away.

"Oh my God I'm screwed!" Billie whispered in a panic stricken voice and hid behind me.

"What the hell are you talking abo –" turning around I felt my words literally die somewhere deep in my throat. My mom was standing on the front steps, looking out at where we were standing, and even from here I could see she wasn't pleased and was gearing up to start a brawl. One she would undoubtedly win. Fuck.

"You have to help me make sure that your mom doesn't find out! Oh please!" Billie said, looking at my mom with a mixture of fear and pain, simultaneously making puppy dog eyes at me. "Yeah yeah, this wedding is going to be the death of me, I swear," I grumbled while waving at my mom, trying to show that we're going to go back inside, no need for her to come here and do something that she'll regret.

"Wedding? Are you getting married Bill?" Bethany piped up, sounding half-drugged.

"My name's Billie, not Bill, Bethany." Billie said, sounding harrumphed.

And that is where the perfect opportunity rose up to ask the most obvious question, "Why are you here?"

She straightened up, shaking off Mike's hands and said in the most serious tone I've heard her use since she opened her mouth, "Because I need my godforsaken parrot back,"

My Stepdad, Billie Joe Armstrong (Daughter of Rage and Love)Where stories live. Discover now