I've Been Wasted, Pills and Alcohol

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*next morning*

I woke up feeling exhausted. There was a heavy weight in the back of my head, feeling like the onset of a migraine but without the pain. I rolled out of bed, and the heavy weight migrated from my head to my shoulders. Suddenly, the aspect of carrying a weight on your shoulders seemed not just probable but real.

Spending 20 minutes taking a shower, I raked a brush through my hair, put on some makeup, threw on some clothes, and made my way downstairs.

"Morning," my mom said, looking at me with a smile bright enough to blind the sun.

I mumbled something that sounded like morning and took a seat in front of the only place in the table that was set with a plate of food. I dug in, consuming the bacon and eggs like a vacuum.

"That was my plate!" Billie whined as he came out of the dining room.

I rolled my eyes and put bacon into my mouth, pointedly chewing at him.

"And what are you going to do about it?" I asked him as he pouted.

"You're mean," he said, taking a seat next to me.

"There's the door, don't let it hit you on the way out," I grumbled at him as my mother exclaimed with a loud "Hope, be nice!"

"What is this, kindergarten? I thought everyone in this room would be past the notion that life is nice by now," I said, mirroring my mother's scowl.

The doorbell rang, interrupting whatever my mother opened her mouth to say. With a sigh, she heaved herself off the counter and made her way to the front door.

Quickly finishing off Billie's breakfast, I washed the plate just as I heard mom's and Mike's voices float from the hallway.

I walked into the hallway with Billie following close behind. To come face to face with a scene straight out of some corny chick flick. My mom was flaunting over Mike, who balanced about 10 bags in both of his hands. The muscles in his biceps and triceps stood out with a silent ferocity against the weight, and I must admit, they were pretty big. My mom must have noticed too, because she was staring at him with a kind of awe, blushing to such a degree that her cheeks looked like they needed a blood transfusion to maintain it. Billie noticed too, and I heard him harrumph behind me before rushing over to Mike and grabbing 4 bags. He crippled under the weight and almost ended up falling.

Cursing under his breath, he dragged the bags on the floor and disappeared into the dining room.

"How's it going Mike?" I called out to him just as my mom pranced after Billie.

"Pretty well. What's up with you, pumpkin?" he said, smiling at me.

"Bearing the burden of living with Billie," I sighed.

"Oh, so you've heard?" he whispered.

"Heard what?" I whispered back.

"Billie threw a tantrum yesterday accusing your mom of cheating. After their quarrel he said he'll forgive her only if he gets to completely move in, thereby proving that she isn't interested in anyone but him. I mean since he started living here he's been sneaking clothes from his house to here and now he's had enough," Mike whispered.

Well that sounds just like something Billie would do. Stupid, immature, and senseless.

"Thanks for the bags Mike, I'll see you tomorrow," Billie said emerging from the dining room and ushering Mike towards the front door after grabbing his bags and setting them down on the ground right away (obviously scared of embarrassing himself again). Mike waved at me and I was able to yell a 'see ya later' before he disappeared from view.

Billie reappeared after slamming the front door shut.

"It's official! I'm moving in!" he said in a sing song voice.

"I thought we established that the first time I met you. My mother brought you home and you just forgot where the front door was because I keep seeing you everywhere I go! But no, let's take a trip down memory lane; hmm, let me remember, it was one of those days that you just knew was going to be shit because the universe decided, for no specific reason at all, to just be like, 'hey you know what Hope? Fuck you!'. And ever since then, I just keep getting one fuck you after another," I said.

"Aw Hope I know you don't mean that. Somewhere deep in there you like me, I know you do, because I love you already," Billie said, looking at me with hopeful puppy eyes.

"I think I'm just going to go and kill myself now," I said and brought a hand to my eyes.

"HOPE!" my mom hollered from the other room.

"Ugh what!"

"Be nice to Billie!" she yelled.

"I am! I was just letting everyone know what I'm thinking of doing at this moment," I muttered.

"It's okay, I still love you," Billie said and threw his arms around me, hugging me close.

"Yay," I said, trying to shrug his hands off.

He was relentless, and somehow I ended up crushed in his embrace. "I suggest you let me go before you lose both of your arms," I seethed at him.

"Okayyyy," he said, and let me go. With a wave he ran off to the dining room, where my mom was.

Oh what has my life come to?

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