Chapter 1

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*Lucy's POV*

"Natsu," I moaned as he shoved a job request in my face. "We just got back like, two days ago. Can't we take a break?"

I was currently sitting at the bar, waiting for Mira to come back with my smoothie, when Natsu and Happy came over, thrashing the paper around.

"Come on, this one will be fun and easy. It also has a good pay," Natsu sat down on a stool next to me. He seemed like a kid, playfully squirming in his seat.

"Here you go, Lucy. Oh, what job request is that?" Mira walked over, sliding me my smoothie.

"A small village claims that they have seen demons lurking around their area. They want someone to come out and scope the area," Happy did a loopy-loop above our heads.

"Seems easy enough, why don't you go, Lucy?"

"Mira don't encourage them," I whined, resting my forehead on the bar.

"I think Lucy is right, you just got back so why not stay a while," Master said, appearing before us.

"Thank you," I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aww, why do you have to ruin the fun," Natsu pouted. "Well, I still think we should hang out." Natsu sent me his well known toothy grin.

"WHAAA?!" Happy gasped, offended.

The two started bickering as I gave Natsu a sideways glance. Why would he want to hang out with me of all people? Wouldn't he want to get into some kind of fight with Grey?

"Lucy," Mira whispered, staring at me and wiggling her eyebrows.

"NOO," I screamed, covering my now reddening face.

"Lucy?! What's wrong??" Natsu instantly questioned, grabbing my shoulder.

"I-I need to go to the, uh, bathroom. YEAH, that!" I got up and bolted.

"They are so in love," I heard Happy in the distance.

"Shut it, cat," I barked, slamming the door behind me. I sighed, going over to the sink and splashing cold water on my face.

What the heck was that? Why am I so flustered, Natsu was just trying to be a nice guy and really did want to hang out with me. I need to go apologize.

I mean, sure I did like Natsu when we first met. He was so cool and kinda like a teacher to me, always taking me with him in jobs and protecting me. But now, it's so different. He can rely on me to have his back and we are now really close friends. So why am I just suddenly getting this tension in my stomach?

*Master's POV*

I watched the two intensely. This isn't good, the time draws nearer and he's already acting out. I can sense his change. I need to watch her, she's in real danger- Wait where is she running off to?

"What happened, I completely spaced," I said, putting on my drunk act.

"Lucy flipped about something and ran off to the bathroom," Natsu's fist clenched the tiniest bit.

"Hmm.." I stared off into the distance. So Lucy is Natsu's mate. I must figure out Gajeel's, and if Laxus is affected by this.. I need to act fast.

"Hey guys," Wendy and Carla approached. Oh, right...

"Carla, my love!" Happy cheered.

"Stay back, Tom cat." Carla snapped.

"Jeez, that was kinda harsh, even for you Carla," Mira joined in.

"Sorry.. It's just.." She looked down, concerned at Wendy. This is all happening so soon.

"Master, is something wrong?" Mira asked.

"No, I'm fine. I must be going now. I have a lot of work to do." I took my leave and went straight to the library.

*Lucy's POV*

'Just go back out there and pretend like you have a headache or something,' I tried motivating myself to go back. 'Ok, I got this.'

I took in a deep breath, nodded, and opened the door.

"Hey, Natsu. So sorry but I have a hea-".

"LUCY!!" Natsu jumped up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Ack," I squeaked, being crushed. ""

He let go instantly. "I'm so sorry, I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Don't worry, probably just some minor breakage, but I'll survive. I think I'm going to go home."

"I'll come with you!"

"What? Why?"

"Oh.. I just thought.." He seemed disappointed.

"Uhh, I guess you could come," I wasn't sure what was happening.

"Really?" He looked like a kid again.

"Sure, Happy are you tagging along?"

"Aye, sir!"

Well, that took a turn. Maybe it will be fun, Happy will be there so it shouldn't be as awkward. I smiled at the two. "Ok, let's go!"

*so yeah that's the first chapter hope you enjoy and that soon I won't just be writing this for myself...*

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