Chapter 9

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*Lucy's POV*

I was ecstatic when Erza announced to us that the Master was allowing us to spend a week with our mate. He said that since everyone was either in the second or third stage, it would be a good idea to see if we really did want to have a chance and mate with them. If we didn't, they would be locked back up until the season ended and everyone was back to normal.

Erza dropped us all off at our homes. As soon as I walked in, I jumped into the shower and put on a nice pair of clothes. I had just finished drying my hair when I heard a tap on my window. I turned and almost broke down at the sight of him.

"Natsu," I cried, opening the window and engulfing him in a hug. He came in, and hugged me back tighter. "I-I missed you so much," I cried into his vest.

About a month had passed since the season had started, and I've cried almost everyday since I last saw him.

He picked me up and turned us around, flopping back on my bed, me landing on top of him. "I missed you too," he stroked my hair. "I don't ever want you to leave my side again."

"I won't, I promise," I whispered.

We stayed like that for the rest of the day, every once and a while I would lean up and kiss his cheek or he would kiss my forehead.

He shifted a little, to pull the covers over us as the sun sets behind the buildings. I slid off of him so I was lying next to him and we were face to face. He gave me a small smile. I giggled and pecked his lips. His face turned a bright red and I giggled more, snuggling closer to him. He rests his chin on top of my head, and we fell asleep like that.

I knew I was no longer under his influence, I really did love him. This past month has showed me how I would be if he weren't here. I wanted to stay like this forever, to just fall asleep in his arms.

The warmth of Natsu's lips pressing against mine woke me up the next morning. My eyes slowly fluttered open and was greeted by his amazing smile.

"Good morning, beautiful," he had a cute, raspy, morning voice.

I hummed and touched our noses together. He took that as his chance to kiss me again.

"What do you want to do today, baby?" He asked.

"Anything you want," I squeezed my arms around him. He smiled and jumped up out of bed, spinning me around in the air. I giggled uncontrollably, feeling like a little girl. "Natsu, put me down I'm going to pee my pants," I said between laughs. He let me down and I ran towards the bathroom.

"Wait, are you leaving?" He asked, his voice sounding like it was dropping its excitement.

"Don't worry, I will only be in here for two minutes. Then we can go out and do whatever you want," I reassured him. He nodded and I closed the door. I hurried so he wouldn't freak out, and was out in no time. I grabbed his hand and let him lead me out the door.

I balanced on the curb next to the water, Natsu having his arm around me to help keep balance. Our first stop was the guild hall, to see if anyone had bonded yet.

As soon as we walked in, we had already spotted Laxus and Mira. Laxus couldn't seem to keep his hands off her, but she didn't seem to mind. A faint mark could be seen on her shoulder. She looked a little in pain as she walked around behind the bar.

"I think they bonded already," Natsu whispered, squeezing my side.

The next couple we spotted was Gajeel and Levy. Levy was seated in Gajeel's lap, reading and Gajeel looked extremely happy, reading over her shoulder.

"No marks that I can see," I noted.

"Oh my god," Natsu muttered.

"What is it?"

He point to a pillar that hid the two pretty well, but not well enough. It was Grey and Juvia fiercely making out, Juvia had Grey's button up shirt hanging around her shoulders. I gasped and tried to contain my excitement, they are long over due.

"Hey Natsu," Romeo walked up to us with Wendy clutching on to his arm. She looked like an angel now, I guess she had marked him.

"Did you guys.. Bond yet?" He slowly asked, making it a little awkward.

"Nope, haven't marked her yet either." His grip on my waist tightened.

"Told you Levy," he called over to the happy couple.

"You haven't marked her yet?" Gajeel questioned.


"Man, we've all marked out mate, and Mira and Laxus already bonded. Catch up man."

"We are taking our time, I don't want to rush it," he took his hand and pushed my head onto his shoulder. Was he starting to get a little aggressive?

I looked up at him from the position I was at and kissed his ear, whispering," Don't let them get to you." He nodded and we headed over to the bar.

"Hey.. Guys," Mira waddled over.

"So are you a baby momma?" I asked, smirking.

"Not sure yet. Can I get you something to drink?"

I looked over at Natsu, who shook his head no. "No thanks, we just came over to talk. We were on our way to the park." Natsu's eyes brightened up as I took his hand in mine.

"Have fun you guys," Mira waved us off.

*this chapter was really fun to write, hope you enjoyed!*

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