Chapter 3

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*Natsu's POV*

"Mmm," I hummed into Lucy's hair. My arm was draped over her stomach, the other under her pillow. Every once in a while I would touch her hand, which was also under her pillow. Happy was taking a nap on the sofa in the other room, thankfully giving us some space.

"Mm," Lucy hummed back, looking up at the ceiling.

"This is nice," I whispered. She didn't reply, so I couldn't be sure how she felt about this. I don't even really know what 'this' is, honestly. I just kinda have this need to be with her.

"Natsu, is this at all weird to you?" She asked.

"Yeah, but it feels good at the same time."

"Can we talk?" I propped my self up on my hands, one on either side of her head. She looked a little, scared. I sat up instantly.

"Sorry, if I'm scaring you, I can leave."

"No, it's not that," she sat up too, putting her hand over mine.

"Lucy," I heard a voice in the entry room.

"Who's that?" I asked, getting up. I walked over to the door and opened it, looking out. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. "Gildarts? (Did I spell that right?) Master?"

"Natsu. We need Lucy."

"Ok. Lucy, I'm heading out, Master is here to see you."

"You're coming with me, Natsu," Gildarts stepped in.


"Lucy, we need to go," Master ran past me, grabbed Lucy by the wrist, and ran out.

"Where are you taking me?" She squealed.

"What's going on?" I suddenly felt this small pain in my stomach. It grew, becoming unbearable. "What's happening.. To me," I clutched my body.

"Let's hurry to the guild hall," Gildarts threw me over her shoulder.

"Lucy," was all I remember groaning before I fell asleep.

*Lucy's POV*

"Where are we going?" I asked as Master pushed me into a vehicle.

"I'll fill everyone in once we get to shelter."

I sat in the back quietly. I had this empty feeling in my gut. Why is everything so different now? Everything was normal before we went on our last mission, what happened while we were gone? And what's up with Natsu??

A few hours passed and we turned onto a gravel road. I sat up, as I had just woken up from a nap.

"Where are we?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. We stopped in front of a small, two story house. Erza was waiting outside and ran over to my side, opening the door.

"Please, hurry," Erza led me inside.

We quickly went into the house and into the living room. Mira, Levy, and Romeo sat on the sofa.

"Lucy, you're safe," Mira and Levy got up, hugging me. They pulled me over to the sofa and we all sat there. Master walked in with Grey and Juvia behind him.

"Can you please explain what's going on please," Romeo asked, next to Mira.

Master walked over to a chair and took a seat across from all of us.

"Dragon Mating Season is starting. It only happens every ten years, and this is the tenth year. And, it not only effects dragons, but dragon slayers also." Master looked at us seriously.

"Well, what happens exactly during this time?" Mira questioned.

"It's when a dragon looks for his mate, whom which they will be bonded with forever. Once they choose their mate, they go after them, hoping that they will be able to bond with them. Once they make a mark on their mate, they have to 'bond' with them, but they can wait as long as they want. They will just be extremely protective and clingy."

"What if you don't want to bond with them?" I jumped in.

"They.. Will die of heartbreak.."

We all gasped. "So we are pretty much forced to be with them for the rest of our lives."


"What does it mean to bond?" Romeo asked.

"You -ahem- have to sleep with them, as a childish way to put it." We all turned bright red. "Romeo, you are a little to young so Wendy won't really try to force herself on you, but she will be clingy."

"Why do these things always happen to me," I whined.

"You said something about stages," Levy ignored me.

"Ah, yes. There are three stages. One is they become very open, like Natsu was with Lucy. They will want to spend time with you. Stage two is when they become clingy and protective. They will try to be with you at all times, and keep you away from anyone they think will take you away. Stage three is when they get aggressive. They won't let anyone or anything stand in their way to be with you. They will also be a little more rough around you, loosing patients."

"So you brought us into hiding if things get out of control?" Mira asked.

"Exactly," Master finished. "Erza, Grey, and Juvia will be here to protect you if any of them were able to find you. We have already set up rooms for the time being. This may last a few weeks or a few months, I'm not certain. So get comfy. I must go back to the guild and keep them occupied."

He got up and Erza showed him out. Romeo looked too shocked to speak, Mira was almost in tears and Levy just looked like a ghost. I looked over at Grey who just sent sympathy. This is going to be a long season.

*eh three chapters. Hope you enjoy!*

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