Chapter 17

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*Mira's POV*

"Laxus, you can't just choose who I can and can't hang out with," I squirmed trying to get out of his grip. "Levy is my friend, and you can't just take me away from her."

"Yeah! Same goes for you, Gajeel." Levy agreed. They had just pulled us apart.

"I don't like you hanging out with other dragon slayers mate's. She could be a bad influence." Laxus said, not loosening his grip.

"We've already bonded. I'm yours forever. So you don't have to worry." I pouted.

"You don't need to be hanging out with someone like her, anyway. She's a tramp."

"Excuse me?" Levy and I said at the same time.

"Watch your mouth," Gajeel yelled, running up and punching Laxus in the side.

Oh no. Laxus dropped me in a booth and turned towards Gajeel.

"Is it a fight you are looking for?" He asked, cracking his knuckles.

"I want you to take back what you said about Levy," he gritted his teeth.

"Not in your wildest dreams."

"Gajeel!" Levy tried to calm him down.

He roared, and threw his iron fist. It shot out, but Laxus dodged just in time.

"AUGH," we heard a scream across the room. Gajeels fist landed centimeters away from Romeo's face. We all looked at Wendy who had a blue aura forming around her.

"SKY DRAGON ROAR!" She screeched, jumping in the air and aiming the attack at Gajeel and Laxus. They easily blocked it, but Levy wasn't as quick.

"NOOO," I screamed getting out of the booth and grabbing onto Levy, trying to get her out of the way. But it was too late, we both got hit.

"Now you are getting it, you little brat!" Laxus yelled. A battle had begun.

"Someone find the master," I screamed in pain from the place I was laying on the ground. "Levy are you ok?"

She was breathing heavily. "I thought they were supposed to protect us," she whispered.

"They are, but right now they are in the aggressive stage, so seeing you hurt pushed him over the edge," I reach out to her and pulled her closer to me, out of the battle field. "Master will know what to do. Erza and Gildarts should come storming in any minute now."

"What's going on?!" Erza screamed.

"Right on cue."

"Separate at once!" They paid no attention to her.

"Please.. Help us," I tried to look up. Usually attacks wouldn't effect me as badly but the past few nights have done me in. Laxus and Gajeel instantly looked over at us, I guess they hadn't realized how injured we were.

"This is all your fault," they screamed at Wendy.

"You started it!"

Both Laxus and Gajeel started attacking her. She attacked back. They are a lot stronger during the season it seems..

Lisaunna and Cana came to our rescue, and brought us to the infirmary. The last thing I saw was Alfman, Gildarts, and Erza trying to pull the three apart.

Lily flew in with us, not wanting to get in the fight and stay by Levy's side.

"So this is what the aggressive stage is like," Levy moaned.

"I guess so.." I replied, even thought it wasn't really a question.

"Good thing Natsu isn't here. Things would be a whole lot worse."

"I hope Lucy and handle him by herself."

"Lucy is pretty good with him. I think she'll be ok."

"I hope you are right."

The fight went on for a while longer, and I could already tell they were locked back up in the basement.

"We have to keep them there until the season ends. They have proven that they can not keep themselves under control," Erza later informed us. "You've already mated with them, correct?"

We both shook our heads yes.

"Then you guys are safe to go down there and visit them, but we don't want them on the loose if something like this happened again."

"Wasn't that the whole point of keeping them down there the first time?" Lisaunna popped in.

"Yes, but master had a change of heart and didn't want them to go through this pain again in another ten years. So if they really did want to mate, he wasn't going to keep them from that. Wendy already marked Romeo so she just has to wait until they are older."

"Well it's good you have them under restraints," I said, knowing everyone will be safer now.

"What about Lucy and Natsu?" Levy brought them up again.

"Where are the two anyway? I haven't heard from them since yesterday morning.."

"They left on a job request this morning."

"I must not have been around when they left. Have even started the mating process?"

"He's only marked her."

"I wouldn't be too worried, but you never know. It is Natsu we are talking about.."

"Hope you enjoyed!!*

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