Chapter 19

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*Hey I'm thinking of starting another Fairy Tail fan fic when this one is completed. Comment requests!*

*Lucy's POV*

"Welcome back, guys!" We were bombarded by familiar faces.

"Natsu!!" Happy flew at him, almost knocking him to the ground.

"Hey little buddy, long time no see," he patted him with his free hand. Happy's eyes traveled down to see the other hand placed in mine.

"I told you guys you were in loooove," he held out the 'o'.

"Yeah, we really are," I leaned over and kissed Natsu's cheek. Happy gasped and covered his eyes.

"Please don't ever do that in front of me again."

"Get used to it," Natsu laughed.

"So, Lucy.." I felt Mira's presence behind us. I quickly turned around and saw her eyebrows dancing.

"What's up with the eyebrows?" I didn't realize Natsu had also turned around.

"Oh, nothing. Have you.. Finished mating yet?"

I could see Levy, and Romeo poke there heads above the back of a booth. "I see you guys, you don't have to hide." They flinched, but soon joined Mira.

"To answer your question, we did last night," Natsu smiled like a child.

"It took you that long?" Romeo asked.

"Well.." I started.

"We finally were ready, so we did. And I'm glad we didn't rush into because we never would have gotten this experience."

Levy and Mira awed at his response. "Well, we both have some big news too!!"

"What's that?"

"We are pregnant!!" They squealed at the same time.

"What?!" I could tell I wasn't the only one who was now hearing this news, because everyone else went silent.

"Where are the others anyway?" Natsu pointed out that the three dragon slayers were missing.

"They had to be locked up again. But they should be getting out soon, the season is almost over."

"Are you telling me a missed a fight between the dragon slayers?" Natsu face dropped. "Man, I've been waiting for something like that to happen."

"Hey, you'll have your chance later. And if you were here, you would be down in the basement with them," I patted his shoulder. He sighed, but cheered up a little.

"Welcome back," Master greeted us.

"Hey, gramps."

"I heard the people you helped were very pleased with your job, and ask that you go visit them in the future."

"That would be cool."

"You guys should rest. Natsu, you are going to be come very sluggish the next few days, since the season is coming to a close, so go on ahead and head home."

"Thank you," I said and turned to Mira and Levy. "You better come over and tell me about how the babies came around."

"Not sure if I'll find the time, we have to take watch our men too," Mira giggled. I waved goodbye and we started towards home.

"Now it's my turn to take care of you," I smiled up at my tired baby.

"Don't forget, I'm here, too," Happy said from atop Natsu's head.

"How could I forget you," I rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking.

As soon as we walked into my room, Natsu flopped onto the bed. Happy decided to go fly around, he didn't want to be there if we got 'lovey dovey'. I kissed Natsu's forehead.

"Do you want me to make you something to eat?" I asked, now in the habit of tracing lines on his forehead.

"Sure," he kissed my hand like he always does when I do this.

A few hours passed and I lay in bed, Natsu's arm wrapped around me, our legs intertwined. I could hear his soft snores, and I sighed. I couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to have our own child...

*kinda short but eh I didn't want to drag it on and make it boring. Hope you enjoyed!*

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