Chapter 22

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*Continuing with the sadness and Natsu's POV. Prepare yourself.*

*Natsu's POV*

I waited outside of the infirmary, waiting for the doctor to come out, taking our child with her.

Lucy and I had been holding onto each other for the last two days, holed up in that room. People would come back and forth, bringing food and water, but we wouldn't touch the food.

I hated Happy so much right now. He could have just talked to me instead of doing this to us. He had moved in with Carla and Wendy a few weeks ago and I had barely seen him since.

I heard the door click, and I looked up. The doctor walked out, giving me one last look of sympathy, before taking my child away from me forever.

I walked into the room and saw Lucy asleep. She looked so sad and heartbroken. I remember the last time I saw that face, when we were separated last year. I never wanted to see that face again, and it killed me.

She woke up a little later and when she saw me, she knew it was all over. It was permanently gone.

"I.. Want to go home," she whispered. I nodded and helped her up.

We walked through the dinning area looking like a mess, my arm over her shoulders and hers around my waist. Everyone watched us with tearful eyes, but knew better than to say anything. She couldn't bring herself to look at the other three women who's stomachs had looked like hers. She buried her head into my side, to hide her tears. We walked out of the guild, one person less with us since the last time we walked out.

I helped her into her bed once we got home. She wanted me to lay with her, but there was a few things I wanted to do first. We had already bought and set up a crib, not expecting this to happen. I took it apart quickly and put it out in the hall that led to the front door, along with all the new toys, chairs, baby supplies we had gotten.

I crawled next to her hugged her close to me. For the first time, we didn't kiss when we were close. Everything had been ripped away from us, we only had each other now.

We fell asleep and didn't get up for the rest of the day.

The next day, I woke up to someone lightly tapping on our door. I got out of bed quietly, not waking Lucy up, and answered the door.

Everyone who we were sitting at the table with just days before stood there.

"We wanted to check on you guys.." Mira mumbled.

I opened the door a little further, motioning for them to come in, and walked over to the bedroom door, closing it. The girls sat on the couch and the guys huddled around them. I sat on the floor across from them all, and rubbed my eyes.

"Carla came to us this morning and said Happy... Killed himself last night," Levy stuttered.

"He felt horrible after finding out what happened to the baby.." Juvia finished.

I let my face fall to my hands, and took all of this in.

"H-how's Lucy taking this?" Grey hiccuped. They were affected by this too.

"She's asleep right now. I really hope we will be able to get past this. I know she's dying inside.." She walked about of the room the same time I said that.

"Happy.. Killed himself?" She was barely audible. I didn't know what to say, so I just got up and held her.

The group thought this was a good time to leave. I helped Lucy onto the couch and followed after them.

"Please take the baby stuff. I don't want to look at it right now," I said, closing the door after them. I went back and sat with Lucy on the couch.

*Please don't hate me..*

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