Chapter 2

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*Levy's POV*

"Lu-" I called out her name, but it was too late. She had already ran out with Natsu. I shook my head, smiling, and took her seat at the bar, finishing her smoothie. "Hey Mira, Wendy."

"Hey Levy, you missed it. They were so close, it could have been a thing if Natsu would just admit his feelings already," Mira gossiped.

"Aww. They just need to get together already, it's long over due."

"What about you and a certain OTHER dragon slayer," Mira looked as if she had a small aura around her.

"Uhh, Gajeel isn't in to me. We are just awkward friends.. I guess.." I stopped myself from revealing anything else by slurping up the milkshake.

"Are you kidding? Of course he's into you. It's so obvious, you just need to put yourself out there."

"You should be talking, what about Laaaaxus," I held out the 'a' sound, smirking.

"We don't talk about that," she fumed.

"Settle down," I put my hands up.

"Man, everyone is in love with the male dragon slayers," Wendy pointed out.

"IM NOT IN LOVE," Mira and I screeched at the same time.

"Uh, ok." Someone out in the dinning area called Wendy's name and she left, saying her goodbyes.

"You know, she would be cute with Romeo. Aren't they like the same age?" Mira asked, washing the empty smoothie glass.

"Now that you point it out, they would be perfect." I said, realizing she had taken the glass.

"Grey my love," was heard in the background.

"Don't look now, but I think you prince charming is here." Mira giggled.

"Hmm?" I turned around to see Gajeel walking in with Lily close by his side. They took a booth not too far from the door.

"Don't let him catch you staring," Mira whispered.

"You are so creepy sometimes."

"Juvia, cut it out," was yelled over us.

"Mira, Levy, may I see you?" Master came over to us. "Where is Lucy?"

"She left with Natsu not too long ago." Mira answered, wiping off the counter and coming out from behind it.

"What's up?" I asked as we followed him down to the library.

He closed and locked the door behind us, which scared me a little.

"Ladies, we have something big on our hands. We need to get you into safety." He walked down the steps to a desk where an open book was placed.

"What is this..?" I looked down at the book.

*Mira's POV*

"Master?" I questioned, skimming a little of the text. I pulled out 'Dragon Mating Season, affects dragon slayers, and mates'. "What does this have to do with us?"

"Dragon Mating Season is approaching, and quickly. I'm not certain, but after a little bit of eavesdropping, I think I've found out who the dragons slayers will choose to mate with."

"We are two of the girls?" Levy asked.

"Yes. I've already noticed some changes in Natsu, so we must get to Lucy quickly. She could be in danger. Also, we need to find Romeo."

"Aren't you going to fill us in on everything else?" I was confused.

"No time, I will explain once we get you all safe."

"Natsu wouldn't hurt, Lucy. We don't have to worry." Levy tried to brush this off, but failed to hide her fear.

"I'm afraid I can't agree with you. Ezra is waiting for you out back. We must get you far away until the season is over."

"How long does it last?"

"It happens in stages and each stage could range from days to months." I felt like I was going to pass out. "Now go, hurry." We all left hurriedly, Levy and I escaping outside. Romeo soon caught up with us, more confused than we were.

"Get in," Erza instructed, pointing to a magic powered car. We all did as asked and sped off.

"What's happening?" Romeo freaked.

"Dragon mating season," was all I said.

*Lucy's POV*

I unlocked my door and opened it, letting Natsu, who wasn't climbing through the window for once, and Happy in.

"Man, I love your place," Natsu admired, taking in a breath. "Smells so much like you."

I flinched, the comment catching me off guard. Smells like me?

"Yeah, it does. It smells fishy," Happy smiled.

"Watch it," I said, collapsing on my bed. Natsu collapsed on top of me. "Uhh, hello to you too??"

"Can we just lay like this for a while?" Natsu whispered in my ear. I didn't say anything, so he didn't move. It's not like he was heavy, he wasn't fully laying on top of me either, though.

"You guys are weird," Happy shook his head, digging through my pantry. I didn't reply and just took in Natsu's scent, realizing he smelt pretty good, too.

*I kinda like this so idk how quickly this is going to come out. Welp I think I'm still alone but eh.*

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