Chapter 10

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*Mira's POV*

I watched the happy couple skip out of the guild.

"Hey, momma," Laxus came up behind me and planted kisses on my neck.

"Laxus," I giggled, pushing him away.

"What, I can't call you that?" He pouted.

"Don't do it in front of the others," I whispered, going back to wiping the counter.

"Well, I don't care, I'll call you baby momma in front of them and if they don't like it, they can take it up with me." He kissed the top on my head.

"Stop trying to be so cool," I blushed, getting a chuckle out of him.

"Ooh, love birds over here," Master walked up.

"Gah! M-Master," I stuttered, flying away from Laxus, wincing in pain.

"Be careful, babe." He held his arm out pulling me close to him.

"Don't worry, Mira. It isn't awkward for me at all," Master smiled, winking. I gave a sigh of relief and rest my head again Laxus's chest, not feeling jittery for the first time today.

"So did the last two mate yet?" He asked, taking a seat on one of the stools.

"No, Natsu hasn't even marked her yet. He said he didn't want to rushing things. He's so considerate of her." Laxus's arms flew around me, crushing me into a hug. Oh right, the aggressive stage is starting. "Laxus, I love you, not Natsu," I looked up at him.

"I know," he leaned down and kissed my forehead. I blushed again, noticing master was still watching us.

"It's alright, it's common for a dragon and it's mate to be lovey dovey the first few months after the bonding process."

"But everyone is lovey dovey before the process too."

"That's the things, we don't know if it's actually love or if they are still being influenced."

"Oh, well the two just headed to the park. Natsu looks so happy, way happier than I've ever seen him before. Same with Lucy. I hope they bond soon."

"So do I, Natsu deserves a girl like her."

"Hey old man, can Mira take the rest of the day off?" Laxus suddenly asked.

"What?!" I looked up in surprise.

"Sure, you have the whole week off anyway, we'll find someone to fill your spot for the time being."

"Thanks," before I knew what was happening, I was whooshed into Laxus's arms.

"WAUGH," I screamed as he started sprinting out of the hall.

*Levy's POV*

"DON'T YOU DROP MEE," we heard Mira's scream fade in the distance.

"Levy, turn the page," Gajeel whispered, catching up to the spot I was at. I closed the book and set it to the side.

"We should go do something, too," I looked up into his face.

"What did you have in mind?" He grinned, evilly.

I whacked his arm. "Not yet," I said making him chuckle. "Let's go get ice cream."

"What?" He asked.

"Ice cream." I made puppy dog eyes at him.

"Fine," he met his lips with mine. I squealed happily and hooked my arm with his.

"Hey, wait I just realized Lily isn't here."

"Yeah, none of the exceeds are aloud near us until dragon season is over. Master doesn't want them to influence the mates decisions or get harmed, so they've been staying at Cana's place."

"Why Cana's?"

"She was the only one around when master thought of the idea."

"Makes sense."

He rubbed the top of my head, messing up my hair. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Hopefully this will get you into the mood."


"Hey Levy, can we join you?" Romeo ran up, Wendy still latched to his arm.

"Sure, it should be fun," I smiled. Gajeel groaned in annoyance, but I ignored him.

We all left to the ice cream shop down the street.

*Hope you enjoyed.*

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