Chapter 20

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*Mira's POV*

I'm glad Lucy and Natsu made it home, I know how much Happy missed them. I'm also really excited, because this is the first time since the fight that they are letting Laxus free.

Sure, I've tried to see him at least once everyday, but I still had to work the bar and keep the place clean. Levy was having a hard time too, she had to continue going on job requests too pay rent. Romeo's father limited the amount of time he got to see Wendy, he was watching out for him. So I know I am not the only one excited to see them again.

"Laxus!" I squealed, jumping into his arms. It felt good to be hugged again.

"It feels like it's been an eternity since I've gotten to touch you," he whispered into my ear.

"It's a relief that the season is finally over."

"You're telling me. Have the other two returned yet?" He asked, referring to Natsu and Lucy.

"Yep, and they finished mating!"

"Good for them." He put me down and rubbed my still flat stomach. "How's my baby doing?"

"It's better than ever."

I flinched for a moment, something piecing together in my head. "What's wrong?" Laxus had noticed.

"I just thought, since Lucy and Natsu mated, she should take the test. But I won't be seeing her for a few days.."

"She'll be ok. It's just a few days."

"Yeah, I'm probably just over reacting. Now let me take you to your room before you collapse."


"Let's hurry. I'll tell you once we are there."

"Levy's POV*

"Mira's also pregnant?" Gajeel had been listening in on their conversation.

"Yeah. I'm not surprised though."

"What do you want to do now that I'm free?"

"I want to go home and make up for the time we lost together."

"Fine by me," he carefully picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "I missed you, Shrimp," he kissed my thigh.

"I know how to walk.."

"But I haven't carried you in forever."

"Do you have to carry me like this?"

"Yep, makes it more fun."

"Maybe for you, but not for me," I groaned as he chuckled.

"I'm coming toooooo," Lily landed on top of Gajeel's head.

"Can you tell him not to carry me like this?" I looked to the cat for help.



"I tried, Levy."

"That's what you call trying?!"

People are going to think he's kidnapping me or something if we go out in the street. I dug my face into his back so I couldn't see anyone around me.

It seemed like forever until we finally got home. Gajeel put me down and pulled me into the bedroom.

*Romeo's POV*

I anxiously wait for Wendy to walk up the stairs. When she finally does, I race over to her. She does the same and it's like a slow, dramatic run. The scene ends with her flinging herself into my arms.

"I don't know why, but I missed you so much," I said.

"Me too."

"Isn't that so cute," my dad walks over and grins.

"Daaaad," I got a little embarrassed.

"What? Can you blame me? My son's got a girlfriend!"

"It isn't.. Official yet or anything. And we are kinda young."

"Nonsense. You've been together for like, what? Four weeks now? I think you should make it official."

I blushed and turned to Wendy, who was blushing too.

"Well?" She looked into my eyes.

"Uhh.. Wendy, will you be.. My girlfriend?" It was more of a question to see if I said the right thing.

"Yes," she giggled, kissing my cheek.

"Awwwww," came my dad again.

"Why me.."

*Really short this time, but it's getting harder to write in their POV's. It's pretty much the same thing over again, and I don't want to write the same thing four times. Hope you enjoyed!*

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