Chapter 4

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*Laxus POV*

I looked out over the crowd of the fairy tail guild, thinking 'man, why are there so many of us?' Wait, someone's missing. Like, I know them and they don't go out on job requests.

"Laxus," I heard my name called. I looked for the source and spotted Gildarts, Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel at the hall entrance.

"What do you guys want?" I met up with them.

"Please, follow me," Gildarts beckoned us towards the basement. Gajeel didn't look to happy, but Natsu and Wendy on the other hand look unfazed. Elfman and Lisanna were standing at the door, allowing us in.

"Oh no," Gajeel sighed. He was in the front and was already down the stairs, so I hadn't seen what was in store yet. When I made it to the flat ground, Gajeel was already chained to the wall and Elfman was in the middle of doing the same to Natsu.

"Laxus, you've gone through this once before, correct? Thankfully we kept you locked up," Gildarts watched as Lisanna started with Wendy.

"It's that time again?" I groaned.

"Afraid so." I walked over and sat down where the last set of chains were. "Same girl this year?"

"Yep, watch over her please," was my final request before they all left.

"This sucks," Gajeel yelled. "Why do we have to be chained up like this?!"

"It's for their sake," I mumbled, trying to find something to look at the dark room. The only source of light was from the cracks of the floor, and that wasn't much.

"Why are you all so calm about this?" Nothing came from the other two. They were probably in serious pain.

"If you guys are in pain now, the season has barely started," I grinned. Even in the darkness, I could see both their expressions. Poor kids.

I hope this season ends quicker than the last. I felt a strong pain in my stomach, but made no noise so I wouldn't look weak. I could feel myself losing consciousness.

"Be safe, Mira."

*Mira POV*

I gasped, thinking I had heard Laxus voice, but he wasn't there. My stomach suddenly felt like
it was being crushed. "Hnn," I groaned, doubling over in pain.

"Mira," Lucy and Erza were instantly by my side.

"What happened?" Grey freaked.

"It's one of the symptoms. He hasn't gone into full mating mode yet, so that's good. He's feeling the pain from the transition. What ever pain the dragon feels, their mate feels but three times worse." Erza informed us.

"But I've had this pain before, how come I am just now hearing about this though?" I gasped, remembering the last time this happened.

"Laxus was around Wendy's age when his first came, so you were too young to know what was going on."

"This is his second time?" I asked innocently. He would go through pain for me? Maybe it wouldn't be bad if I bonded with him, I've known him since we were young..

"Yeah, a dragon slayer goes through it every ten years they don't get a mate."

The pain wouldn't stop, "Lucy can you help me to my room?"

"Yeah, sure thing," she helped me up the stairs and to my bed. "Do you want me to go get you some water?"

"Yes please," I tried to cuddle up under the blankets. Why am I the only one who feels this pain?

"You are getting the worst of the pain out of all the others. Since Laxus has gone through this once, the transition will become more painful," Erza said from the door frame, some how reading my mind. "You also are getting it a little earlier than the others. They soon, too, will fall like flies."

I nodded and she left. Lucy walked in with cup in hand. I sat up to take a drink. She was about to leave when I stopped her.

"Lucy?" My voice quivered a little.

"Yes?" She asked, turning around.

"Is it bad that I may be thinking of mating with Laxus..?" She looked taken back, then sighed.

"No, because I'm doing the same with Natsu. I don't know, I don't want him heartbroken but I'm also not sure I want to be with him forever."

"Yeah.." Be with Laxus forever? I wonder what it would be like..

*please help me I can't sleep and I'm slowly dying.. Enjoy!*

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