Chapter 5

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*Wendy's POV*

The guys around me had already passed out from the pain, but I was still holding on. Every once in a while I would hear Natsu mumble 'Lucy' and it was kind of sad.

I still don't know who my mate is, or what I'm supposed to do with my mate. But I guess it's scary enough that I have to be locked up in chains. 'Romeo' popped into my head, and the pain worsened. It's him, it's got to be him.

I pulled my legs up to my chest, trying to hold myself since my hands were elsewhere at the moment. Something glinted in the corner of the room. I guess the light from above is hitting whatever is over there.

I tried my best to see what it was, but my stomach hurt too much to do anything but try to keep myself from crying.

'Don't pass out yet, you got this.' I said over and over in my head. The door at the top of the stairs opened and down came Gildarts. He had something hidden behind his back.

"Wendy, please sleep. You are causing your mate a great deal of pain. And the pain will end sooner if you sleep."

"What's behind your back?" I questioned.

"It's what I will use if you do not listen to our request."

I gave him a look of fear, and closed my eyes, instantly passing out.

*Romeo's POV*

I gave a small sigh of relief. "The pain is lessening," I whispered through breaths. Lucy and Levy had already been through the pain and had retreated to their rooms. I was the last one, trying to stay strong.

"Thank you, Gildarts," I saw Erza say into a phone like device.

"What's that? And what did he do?" I looked confused.

"It's a walkie-talkie. Gildarts and Master have one over at the guild. We use it to talk back and update what's happening." She pulled out a small computer thing.

"And what's that?"

"A laptop. I'm using it so I can watch the dragon slayers." She showed me the screen and they were all chained up and asleep.

"Wendy put up a fight, and wouldn't sleep. So I had to call in so your pain would settle."

"Does she know that she's causing me pain?"

"She does now, after Gildarts went and talked to her." I sat their silently, not exactly sure what to say.

"Why don't you go get some sleep, too? You might not get a lot of it, this season already seems bad and it's just started." I sighed and trudged up the stairs, walking past all the girls rooms and stumbling into mine. I flopped on the bed and closed my eyes, images of Wendy popping in and out of my head.

*Natsu's POV*

I woke up to the sound of metal being smashed. There was no more light from the floor boards, so I tried to use my magic go light up the room, but nothing happened. The cuffs snuffed out my fire.

"Freedman?" I heard Laxus whisper. I guess he was awake too.

"I'm here to free you. Master and Gildarts are asleep, so I took this time to rescue you." Freedman said from the darkness.

"Thanks man." His chains fell and he was about to make a break for it.

"Laxus," I whisper screamed. He stopped and turned. "Can you.. Help me out?"

"Yeah, you deserve to be with her." There was something off about him but he quickly snapped the chains. "Now hurry." We bolted out of the basement and outside.

"I can very faintly smell her," I said. "They are pretty far away, let's go." We started running the direction of their smell. Don't worry, Lucy. I am coming.

*Lucy's POV*

I shot up in bed, drenched in sweat and tears. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Natsu is coming.

"ERZA!" I screeched, and jumped out of bed. I felt so sore, and almost ran into Mira who was running towards the stairs also. "Mira??"

"Girls?! What is it?" Erza met us at the bottom of the stairs. She was in her pajamas but instantly requiped into her armor.

"Natsu is coming," I said at the same time Mira said "Laxus is coming."

"How do you know?" She rushed over to her laptop and clicked on a few things. "Someone broke them out, the camera is completely shot." She grunted, almost flipping over the table.

"I can feel him getting closer. The pain is slowly lessening," I whispered.

"Laxus must be with him. What about Gajeel and Wendy?" Mira asked.

"Levy and Romeo didn't coming running down, so I think they are still locked up. Gildarts, Master, do you hear me?" She asked into a little device.

After a few minutes of her doing that, she finally got a grunted answer from Gildarts.

"YOU FELL ASLEEP?!" Erza screeched. "The camera it broken and Lucy and Mira say they can sense Natsu and Laxus."

We couldn't hear his reply, but Erza sighed in annoyance and put the device down.

"Prepare yourselves for the worst. Wake up Grey and Juvia, Gidarts is on his way."

"What about the other two?" I was shaking.

"Master is going to stay at the guild and is calling in a few of the members for back up, but wake up Levy and Romeo just in case." We nodded and dashed up the stairs. I ran to Levy's room and Grey's while Mira took Romeo's and Juvia's.

"LEVY," I screamed, flinging her door open.

"AUGH," she screamed back, almost flying out of her bed. "Lucy?!"

"NO TIME, DOWN STAIRS." I almost ran into Mira again as she left Romeo's room.

"GREY," I screamed, pounding on his locked door. The door swished open, almost letting me face plant to the ground.

"What?! What's going on?!" He was shirtless and only in his boxers.

"GREY MY DARLING!" Juvia threw herself at him, but he reacted just in time and pulled me I front of him, so I got tackled. I clutched my stomach which hurt from the impact.

"Stupid," I cried, as Grey started getting red in the face. "Why would you do that?" Juvia got off me, but I was so sore it felt like I couldn't get up. "Looks like you are carrying me now," I glared at him.

He sighed, and picked me up bridal style. The pain worsened as soon as he touched me, and I cried out in agony. Juvia was fuming so I just murmured," just get me downstairs quickly."

*eh five chapters... Hope you enjoy! Sorry this one is a little longer than the others, I lost track of how many words there were.."

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