Chapter 21

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*Six months into the future.*

*Natsu's POV*

It had been six amazing months since I found out Lucy was pregnant. I remember finding out like it was yesterday. I had just woken up, since the sluggishness was still taking effect, when Lucy burst into the room.

"Whoa, what's going on?"

She didn't answer and locked herself in the bathroom. I instantly got up, as best as I could, thinking something was wrong.

"Lucy are you ok?" I banged on the door. A few minutes passed before I heard her gasp. She opened the door, hiding something behind her back. "What is it?"

"I'm pregnant," she whispered, showing me the test. I stood there, shocked.

"That's.." I could barely speak, and just flung my arms around her. "We are going to be parents," I felt tears pouring down my face.

"Yeah," she looked up at me, wiping them away. "Yeah we are."

Six months ago, I was so scared for what was going to happen next, but now everything is falling into place. We really are going to have a baby. I will be a father, a good father. I couldn't wait to hold my child in my arms, and to care for it just as much as I care for its mother.

We were all sitting at a table, happily chatting. By all, I mean Gajeel, Laxus, Mira, Levy, Grey, and Juvia. Happy was flying around by himself. Grey and Juvia had finally come out that they were dating and that Juvia was a month pregnant just those short six months ago.

All the women at the table had big tummies, Lucy was the only one who was six months while the other three were seven. Everything was great.

Until I heard Lucy scream. I hadn't really been paying attention to her since I was talking to the other guys about what they were planing to name their children.

I turn to her and see that Happy had head butted her and shoved her forward into the table. She grabbed her stomach and screamed in pain.

"HAPPY YOU IDIOT," I yelled. "Lucy, are you ok??" I was frantic.

"Maybe if you hadn't mated with her this wouldn't have happened," Happy yelled back.

"What are you talking about?!"

"As soon as you found out she was pregnant you started ignoring me. I hate the baby and her." He flew out of the guild angrily.

I shook my head as Lily and Carla followed him out. I brought my eyes back to Lucy who looked horrified.

"Lucy?!" She slowly turned her head to me.

"I can't feel the baby moving."

"Oh my god, someone call in a Doctor! Lisaunna grab me a wheelchair," I yelled.

She was back instantly and I carefully picked Lucy up and placed her in the chair. Mira was stuttering into the phone, watching us speed past.

"Natsu, it's dead.." She whispered, tears streaming down her expressionless face.

"No it's not, baby. It's probably just asleep," I tried to convince myself at the same time.

Once we were in the infirmary, I lifted Lucy to a bed. "No, Natsu. I know it." She squeezed my hand and started sobbing. I knelt down beside her bed, placing my forehead to hers and held her hands to my lips.

"We will just have to wait," I said, through my own tears.

The others left us alone and only came up when the doctor finally came. He put a blanket over Lucy's legs and pulled her dress up, revealing her stomach. Another doctor walked in with a monitor and with this stick thing connected to it.

The first doctor took out this gel and rubbed it all over her stomach while the other one plugged the monitor in to the wall and turned it on. She handed the stick thing to the guy putting the gel on.

We waited in silence as he moved it over her stomach. The female doctor pointed the baby out to us and we watched the monitor intently.

The male doctor looked up, a look of sympathy on his face. "I'm so sorry.. We can't find a heart beat.."

Lucy threw her hands on her face, starting to sob again, and I pulled her head to my chest. The guy wiped the gel off and they left a while later, after talking to the guys outside.

We didn't move, though. It was as if the world had just stopped and shattered our dreams. We didn't even know if it was a boy or girl yet.

"W-why did this have to h-happen to us," she hiccuped.

"I don't know, honey."

*Sorry for the sad chapter, hope you enjoyed anyway."

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