Chapter 7

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*the time has come for Gale.*

*Levy's POV*

My eyes shot open. It had sounded like Gajeel was calling for me, but I knew he wasn't here. I miss the big guy, I wonder if I could see him soon.

"LEVY," Lucy barged in, screaming my name.

I screamed and almost tumbled out of my bed, saying her name before she told me to go down stairs. I quickly got up and found Erza furiously clicking buttons on her laptop, before sliding it away from her and getting up angrily. Romeo and Mira joined us down stairs, and we waited for Juvia, Grey, and Lucy to follow. Grey was carrying Lucy down the stairs followed by a fuming Juvia.

"What happened?" Erza exclaimed.

"Juvia happened," she coughed. "He's here," Mira said looking towards the door.

Before anyone could question what she was talking about, the front door broke down. A bunch of us screamed and backed away. Laxus ran in going straight to Mira and they slipped past everyone up stairs. Natsu ran to Lucy's side.

I suddenly had a good idea. Gildarts walked in and ran up the stairs, Erza's attention was focused on Natsu, so it was the perfect time to slip out. I stealthily made my way to the door and made a run for the guild, not looking back or stopping.

I couldn't hear the dragon slayers behind me, so I assumed they were walking back. I made it to the guild hall before them, and snuck into the basement. The pain in my stomach lessened as I got closer to Gajeel. I don't know why I wanted to see him, but something just forced me to him.

"Gajeel?" I whispered.

"Levy?" He whispered back in surprise. I followed his voice and fell to my knees, wrapping my arms around his body. I put my head in the middle of his chest, and he laid his head on top of mine.

"I've missed you so much these past few hours." He chuckled. "Shrimp."

"I'll let you get away with calling me that for now, but later you will get it," I smiled, enjoying the warmth of his body.

"Who left the basement door open?" I heard Gildarts voice.

"Levy, hide."

"They are going to catch me sometime, so I just want to live this moment." I leaned up and kissed his cheek, hearing footsteps coming down.

"Levy?" I heard the trio.

"I gotta go, I hope to see you soon," I whispered to Gajeel. He leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I will see you soon," he confirmed.

"Ok, take me back, Gildarts," I stood up and walked past the two gawking slayers.

"I have to go back again?!" He seemed a little annoyed. "Let me chain these two up first."

"I'll take her," Cana appeared at the top of the stairs.

"I couldn't let you go out alone," Gildarts instantly turned into over protective dad.

"I'll be fine, you deal with these guys." I peacefully followed her out and we began the long walk.

"Why did you sneak out here? Don't you want to stay away?" Cana asked once we were a good distance away from the hall.

"I don't know, I just feel attracted to him. And everyone keeps saying that mating with a dragon slayer could be dangerous, but I know he would never hurt me."

"I think you guys would be really cute, but you should wait to decide if you want to mate with him. Wait until the stage passes so he's not a big influence on your choice."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm really scared to go back now."

"To the shelter? Why?"

"Erza will be pissed. But it was totally worth it,"
I smiled holding my arms straight up. "I really love him."

"Influence," Cana reminded me.

"Right, but still. Influence or not, I know I love him."

For a second I thought I could hear Gajeel saying "I love you, too." It was nice to think he feels the same way.

*Another short one because I didn't want to start the next POV and have the chapter really long. Hope you are enjoying!*

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