Chapter 18

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*Lucy's POV*

I took in quick gasps of air as the last demon finally fell to the ground. I was kneeling on the ground, currently trying not to puke. Capricorn had just finished putting the demon down.

"Good day, Lucy," he said, going back to the celestial world.

"Lucy!!" Natsu ran over to me. He looked tired and tattered. "Are you ok?" He fell to my side.

"Yeah. It was a lot harder than I thought to take on the last demons. I used up all my magic summoning different spirits," I put my hands on his shoulders to keep balance. "Did you save the people?"

"Mhmm. The demons' "lord" had kept them underground this whole time. Too bad he's no longer their lord and is just ash." He gave me a toothy grin.

"That's good," I tried to balance on my own, but almost fell on my face.

"I got you," he picked me up and brought me back to the village. "The people want to hold a feast, as thanks for being reunited with their children."

"Sounds like a plan," I leaned my head against his shoulder.

We had been here for three weeks now. I never would have guess it would take this long, but we had to find where the people were and the demons didn't come out for the longest time.

But every time I had the chance I thought about us mating and what we would be like as parents. Natsu kept saying we could take our time, and not to rush.

"There they are," someone said and cheers followed. I didn't look at the people, but at Natsu instead, who was beaming, and that made me smile.

We were seated at a long table that was put together by many little tables. I assumed they were brought out of the houses.

Platers were being brought out and dishes placed in front of everyone. We all dug in.

They all seemed so happy to be with their families again. It just made me think about Natsu's and my future together.

Once the dinner was over they thanked us and allowed us to stay one more night. We took up their offer.

"Hey Natsu?" I said, stopping outside of our shelter.

He was about to walk in. "Hmm?"

"I'm ready," I said pushing him into the room and locking the door behind us.

I woke up the next morning, happy and recharged. Natsu was still asleep, so I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed really tight. He yawned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey, baby," he pushed the hair in my face aside.

"Last night was magical," I kissed his cheek.

"Mm," he hummed.

"We should head home. I miss everyone." He didn't answer, so I looked up at him. "What are you thinking about?"

"I've been taking the thing you said about kids seriously."

"And what are your thoughts?"

"I would love to have a baby, but I don't know how we are supposed to take care of it and work at the guild at the same time."

"Well, let's think about it a little more and see what we can do."


We got out of bed and started packing. We waved goodbye to the villagers and their families. One women ran up to us, carrying the girl who knew about dragon slayers.

"Thank you so much for taking care of our children. It's an honor to meet you."

I smiled at Natsu. "You're welcome," he said, giving the little girl a high five. We walked away and toward the train station. Once we got on the train, something dawned on me.

"Hey, how come your aggressive stage hasn't started yet?"

"It did, I've just been taking it out on the demons. I did my best to control it so you wouldn't get hurt."

"Oh, well you did really good."

"I told you I wouldn't hurt you," he swung his arm around me and pulled me close.

"Yeah. Now can you promise not to throw up on me?"

"I'll try," he laughed before the train started. He fell asleep on my shoulder again, which was good, for both of us.

I looked out the window and watched the world pass by us. Everything was so beautiful now. I feel like the dragon season was the best thing that's ever happened to me.

*I think next chapter is also going to be in Lucy's POV because there is more I want to write, but it don't want this chapter to be extremely long. Hope you enjoyed!!*

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