Chapter 13

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*Lucy's POV*

"Ah, man. It's already five," I said, swishing my bare feet through the water that ran outside my house.

"Yeah, but today was really fun," Natsu tried to cheer me up. But nothing could really make me happy right now. I was so scared for what we were going to be doing soon.

"Lucy," Natsu grabbed my hand. "If you don't want to do this yet we don't have to. It's only the second day of the week. We still have five more days."

"No. I want to do this," I tried to cover my fear. "I want to be marked before you get aggressive."

"Is that why you want this? I wouldn't force myself on you."

"I just want to be prepared for the worst."

He put his hand on my cheek and turned my face towards him. "There won't be a worst. I won't let that happen." I reached my hand and placed it over his.

"I know you won't," I whispered. "I want to do this now."

"No, I know you aren't ready. We should wait-"

"Natsu, please. I really do want to do this."

"Are you completely certain?"

"No, but 85% of me says I am." I stood up and grabbed his hands. He got up too and followed me inside. I sat down on the bed once we got inside.

"I don't know how we are supposed to do this," I admitted. He sat next to me and took my hands into his.

"Don't worry, it's not hard." I gulped and nodded. He started.

"Lucy Heartfilia, may I mark you and claim you as mine?"


"Where do you want me to mark you?"

I thought for a minute. "The top of my left ear."

He nodded and I turned around. He moved my hair to the side. "Lucy, are you ready?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded and he slowly bit my ear. I tried not to scream, it actually did hurt, it felt like my ear was on fire. But it only lasted for a few moments, and he moved away from my face. I turned back around and felt the spot. It felt like a small indent, and it didn't hurt anymore.

I couldn't help but smile and lunged myself at Natsu, who wasn't expecting it. I attacked him with kisses, planting them all over his face.

"Whoa, calm down," he joked, shielding his face with his hands. I moved them out of the way and continued kissing him and finally stopped on his lips. I slowly let go of his hands and he let them wrap around my waist.

"Why do I love you so much," I questioned myself, breaking away and staring at his blushing face. I started blushing a little, too. He raised his arms up to my neck and pulled me back down into the kiss. We broke apart again moments later.

"I suddenly have all this energy," I whispered. "We should go on a job request."

"Now? It's the middle of the season!"

"So? I think I can handle you if you become aggressive," my fears from before vanishing.

"If you are set on this, than sure I'm up for it. Just you and me, baby."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "This is going to be so fun. Let's go!" I was about to jump up but his arms held me down.

"Why don't we leave tomorrow? Travel will be a lot easier."

"Ok," I settled back down with him. Hopefully the master will let us go, he might be opposed to it since we haven't fully mated yet...

"Stop staring off into space," Natsu caught me. "Watcha thinking about?"

I sighed. "I'm starting to think about the second part of mating."

"Don't worry, with that part we can wait as long as we want. I just had to mark you, so I won't be going back to the basement any time soon." He rubbed my back, bringing me closer to his side at the same time.

"Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be worrying about it right now. I just need to focus on kissing you," I started attacking him again with kisses.

"Oh no, not again," he laughed jumping up and running to the other side of the room.

"No you don't!" I got up and chased after him.

*Aye, I hope you guys are liking the constant update. I'm not sure if I'm done for the day or not. Hope you enjoyed!!*

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