Chapter 15

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*If anyone is confused the last few chapters have only been one day. This is the start of a new day.*

*Gajeels POV*

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. I leaned over Levy, and shut the half open curtain. I felt her moving a little bit, and quietly laid back, trying not to wake her. It was too late.

"Mm.. Good morning Gajeel," she hummed.

"Good morning, Levy." She moved a little, but squeaked in paint. "What's wrong??"

"Just a little sore.." She reassured me. I chuckled evilly, and met her lips. She softly kissed back and moved her head to my chest. I played with her hair until she was ready to get up.

"Are you excited to see Lily again today?" I asked. I just assumed he was coming back since we finished mating.

"Yeah, let's head to the guild hall." I pulled her up on my back and grabbed her legs. "I can walk you know."

"Not if you are sore," I teased her. She smacked my shoulder, but didn't protest.

We walked down the street towards the hall and everyone was desperately waiting to hear news once we walked in.

"Did you do it?" Cana asked once she saw us.

"You bet," I looked up Levy and she cupped her hands over my cheeks, kissing me.

"Good, because we have someone who's been dying to see you again."

"GAJEEL," Lily cried, flying into my chest.

"Whoa, whoa," I chuckled as Levy reached down and grabbed him, wrapping him in a hug.

"He wouldn't stop freaking out when ever there was a storm. He's really cute when he doesn't put on that tough guy act," Cana joked.

"Yeah, that sounds like him."

"Hey, Levy?" Mira walked over to us.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Do you mind... Coming to the store with me.." She blushed and looked down at the ground.

"What about Laxus? I questioned.

"She won't let me go," he called from across the room.

"Sure, let's go." She put Lily on top of my head and jumped down. I heard her quietly hiss, but put on a happy face. She wasn't in that much pain, was she? They both walked out together, saying their goodbyes.

*Levy's POV*

"So what did you need?" I asked when we walked into a drug store.

She looked at me, her face flushed red. "Pregnancy.. Test.." She whispered.


"Since Laxus and I mated, I'm just really curious to see. And now that you and Gajeel have mated, I feel like you should do the same."

"Oh, that makes sense. You don't have to be embarrassed about it. I think you guys would make cute babies."

"So does Laxus," she sighed and we each bought a box of the tests.

She hid hers in her bag when we came close to the guild. She offered to hold onto mine, but I said I didn't mind carrying it around.

As we were about to turn into the guild, Lucy ran into me, knocking me to the ground.

"Oh my god, Levy are you ok?!" She asked, getting up quickly.

"I'll be fine," I felt like I was on fire, I was so sore. She helped me up and Natsu ran around the corner after her.

"Hey where are you two rushing off to?" Mira questioned.

"We are going on a job request," Natsu gave a toothy grin.

"Wait, have you marked her yet?" She moved her hair behind her ear and there was a bite mark at the top. "Oh! Did you bond?"

"Not yet. We are going to wait until we are both ready. We got to get moving. See you later." They ran passed us.

"They are goals," I said to Mira.

"Agreed." We walked into the guild hall and Gajeel and Laxus were instantly by our sides.

"Where did you go?" Gajeel asked, sounding a little annoyed, yanking me away from Mira.

"Uhh, to the store? You were there when Mira said that."

"What was so important that I couldn't come," Laxus took his turn in pulling Mira away.

I held up my box. "Mira wanted to see if I was pregnant. She was just looking out for me."

The entire hall went quiet. "Pregnant?!" Gajeel yelled.

"I'm not certain yet. I just want to take the test to check." He looked like he was going to explode.

"Laxus, keep your chic away from mine," he grunted.

"You do the same," he pick Mira up and walked away.

*Hope you enjoyed!!*

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