Chapter 12

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*Laxus's POV*

I follows Mira around the store. We had already stopped by the lake and found a vendor renting out canoes. We had one waiting for us between seven and eight thirty. I wasn't paying attention to what she was putting in the cart, but listening to her hum.

We walked through the check out and headed back towards the guild.

"What all did you buy anyway?" I asked as she unlocked her room.

"It's a surprise. Now we have about five hours until we are going to leave."

"That will be at five o'clock. We don't have the canoe until 7.."

"I have everything planned out. Just come pick me up from the dinning area at five." She smiled, and got on her tip toes, kissing my cheek.

"Wait what? I'm not going to see you until then?"

"It'll be ok, and dress nice." She walked into her room and closed the door behind her.

'Dress nice?' I shrugged and headed towards my own room.

A few hours passed and it was four thirty. I pulled on a black button up shirt and black pants. I topped it off with a purple vest and black shoes. I looked in the mirror, spiking my hair up a little more, then headed down to the dining area.

I walked in and waited at the bar. "Wow, Laxus, going all out for her, huh?" My old man commented when he saw me.

"She planned out this whole thing for us tonight. I have no idea what is in store for me."

"I bet you'll have a lot of fun."

"With her, anything is fun." I looked up at the clock. It dinged five o'clock and I stood up, looking towards the girls rooms. Their stood the most beautiful women I've ever seen.

She slowly walked over to us, smiling brightly at me. She had on a long dress the same color purple as my vest. She had a silver ribbon around her waist that tied into a bow in the front. She had a small bag hanging from her shoulder. Her hair hung loosely around her face.

"Hey, Laxus," she greeted me. All I could do was stare in awe at her. She kissed my cheek and took my hand.

"Don't do anything stupid, Laxus," gramps called after us.

"You.. Look.. So beautiful," I stuttered as we walked out.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself."

I scooped her up in my arms, catching her off guard and started kissing her lips. She kissed back almost instantly. But after a moment she broke away. "Save it for later," she whispered. I nodded and set her back down.

*Romeo's POV*

"That was really good, thanks for letting us come along," I said as we left the ice cream shop.

"No problem. See you tomorrow at the hall," Levy waved goodbye and walked away with Gajeel.

"Well, what do you want to do now?" I looked down at the ever clingy Wendy.

"I just want to snuggle with you," she murmured the same thing she had the last time I asked her.

"Ok, let's go snuggle then," I kissed her forehead. She gasped and touched the spot I had placed my lips. "What?"

"That's the first time you kissed me," she beamed up at me. I smiled at her, leading her back towards the guild hall.

We went to the far side of the dinning area and took a corner booth in the back. I crawled into the middle, and she climbed in next to me, laying her head on my shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me and I did the same to her, laying my head on top of hers. Not too long later, we dozed of happily in each other's arms.

*another short one. I need help this story hasn't been on wattpad for twenty four hours and the twelfth chapter is already done... Hope you enjoyed!!*

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