Chapter 11

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*Natsu's POV*

Lucy and I walked hand in hand to the park. She looked and felt like a ray of sunshine. She realized that I was staring at her before I did.

"What?" She asked, self consciously.

I leaned over and kissed her temple. "Nothing, beautiful." She blushed and tried to hide her face. I gave her one of my toothy grins and looked forward as we arrived at the park. She instantly made a bee line to the swings, dragging me along with her. She plopped down on one.

"Push meeee," she said is a sing song voice.

I leaned down to her face and kissed her lips. "No."

"Aww, come on. Please?" She gave me puppy dog eyes. I kissed her lips again. "No."

She stood up, almost knocking our heads together, and shoved me onto the swing. "Wha?" I started, but she sat down in my lap. She pulled my arms around her waist and held her hands over mine. I smirked and leaned over her shoulder and started nibbling on her ear.

"Natsu," she giggled. I stopped and decided to wait until later. We sat their peacefully, me gently pushing my legs off the ground swinging us. She leaned her head back so it rested on my shoulder. I planted a kiss on her cheek.

I'm really happy with her. She doesn't make me feel awkward, but there are moments when she does make me blush.

"Hey," she started, turning around in my lap, now kind of straddling.

"W-what's up?" This was one of those blushing moments.

"I want you to mark me tonight." She stared into my eyes.

I didn't break contact. "Are you sure?"

"I want.. To be yours.. But I don't want to bond tonight, I'm too scared." She looked so fragile in this moment.

I quickly wrapped my arms above her shoulders, pulling her closer to me. "We can do it when ever you want. I don't want to rush you."

She sighed. "I'm ready for the mark. But I want to enjoy our time now." She put her hands on my chest and and rested her head there.

"Well, then let's go play around. On the play ground I mean."

She smiled up at me and we got up. She climbed up on the play structures and sat at the top of a slide. I ran over to the bottom of that slide as she was going down and caught her at the bottom, swinging her around. She giggled playfully and raced towards the monkey bars once I put her down.

She jumped up and hooked onto one. I wrapped my arms around her waist putting my head to her side. "Natsu, I can do this on my own." I didn't let go and that didn't stop her. Once she got to the end, I let her go, and she dropped down.

She gasped and looked right up at me. "What..?"

"I had the greatest idea!" She ran behind me and jumped on my back, wrapping her legs around me. I instantly threw my arms back, catching her legs. "On ward! To a restaurant for lunch!" She pointed out over my head. I laughed at her childish behavior and started toward the street.

*Mira's POV*

"Why are we spying on them again?" Laxus asked, crouching next to me.

"We aren't spying. We are merely watching them be cute. UGH THEY ARE PERFECT." I whisper screamed, making my hands into fists and holding them to my chest.

"You know, we could do cute things like that," Laxus smiled.

"Really?" I looked at him, getting excited.

"Well, yeah. What do you want to do?"

I blurted out the first romantic thing that came to mind. "I want to go to the lake and rent a canoe for us to go in!"

"How is that cute?"

"Trust me I can see it now.." My eyes twinkled. Suddenly he grabbed me and kissed me fiercely on the lips. "What was that?" I asked when we broke apart.

"I love you so much," he let his hand linger on my cheek.

"I love you, too," I leaned in and kissed him again, then grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the lake.

*Aye chapter 11 is done. Hope you enjoyed!!*

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