Chapter 6

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*Natsu's POV*

My stomach pinged with pain. "She's hurt," I roared, running faster. "SOMEONES PUTTING THEIR HANDS ON HER!"

"Calm down, you are transitioning a lot quicker than I would have expected," Laxus whistled. Some how, being us, we got there in about an hour. "Mira is here," Laxus sniffed the air.

"So is Lucy." I could feel my pain lessening.

Laxus had already broken down the door and a collection of screams came. "Where are they?!" He yelled. I spotted Lucy laying on a couch and ran over to her, throwing my arms around her.

"N-Natsu?" She stuttered, snaking her arms around me neck.

"I missed you so much," I felt like all the anger had left my body, just to be next to her again.

"I see stage one has already started for Natsu. Same with Laxus." Erza commented. "I'm going to need you guys to back away from the girls."

My grip around Lucy tightened, making her squeak. "Please don't separate us again," I whispered.

"I have to, Natsu. You could really hurt her."

"No, I would never hurt her. If I did.... I would have killed myself."

"Natsu..." I felt a drop of water slide down my shoulder. "Natsu, make the pain stop, I don't want to go through this."

I quickly turned to her red face, tears streaming down. "It's ok, baby, I'm right here," I wiped away her tears with my thumb and rested my hand on her cheek, which she placed her hand on.

"Natsu, back away from Lucy," Gildarts voice thundered.

"I can't, she needs me right now," I rested my forehead on her.

"Gildarts, Laxus is upstairs with Mira. Grey followed but I don't know what they are doing."

"Don't tell me he's making his mark on her," Gildarts dashed up the stairs.

"Natsu, please. Leave with Gildarts." Erza pleaded.

"I can't leave her, I love her." I heard Lucy gasp, and hug me tighter. "I love you, too," she whispered so only I could hear.

"Natsu, the season is taking an effect on you, you don't actually love her. By being around her, you are influencing her to love you back, she can't control her feelings when you are around. Please leave, and if she still wants to mate with you.. Then I will allow it. But you need to get this under control."

"Can I please just be with her right now?" My voice cracked as she shivered in my arms.

"Come on, Natsu," Gildarts came down with Laxus by the collar.

I sighed, not wanting to get beat up by him. I kissed Lucy's forehead, squeezed her tightly one more time, and got up, walking out with them.

"NATSU, NO!" Lucy screamed my name. My heart broke into a million pieces. "I LOVE YOU." I stopped in my tracks.

"I love you, too. I'll see you soon, baby," I called back to her.

Mira came running out passed me, chasing Laxus. "Don't take him away from me," she cried, trying to grab at him. Grey darted out and stepped in front of her, holding her back.

"Laxus," she tried leaping for him but Grey wouldn't let her. I hurried to catch up with Gildarts and Laxus, not wanting to be tempted to run back.

"You are handling this a lot better than I thought you would, Natsu," Gildarts commented, releasing his grip on Laxus. "So who let you guys free?"

"Fre-" Laxus started but I cut him off.

"They helped us get to see the ones we love, I'm not going to give them up. If anything I owe them for helping me." Laxus stared at me, but then nodded.

"Well, it's back down to the basement for you guys. And you will not be able to break free this time. You will change even more, and that's what we are scared about. Right now is the 'cute and flirty' stage. But next is the clingy and protective stage. And finally, the aggressive stage, which is the reason you are down there in the first place."

I sighed, tuning in and out on what he was saying. "I miss Lucy already."

*so this one is short to balance over the previous long one. Hope you enjoyed a full chapter of Natsu's POV.*

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