Chapter 25

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*Natsu's POV*

Everyone was so excited to see us, and welcomed us back with a party. I watched as Lucy happily gave out hugs. She looked so happy again, I couldn't help but smile at her. She had noticed my stares, and latched her arms around me.

"Thank you for bringing me," she whispered.

"I told you that everyone missed you," I rubbed her back. She hummed and we both flinched when we heard a glass shatter.

"Grey.." Juvia stood there, frozen. He was instantly by her side.

"What? What's wrong?" He was frantic.

"The baby's coming," she clutched at her stomach.

"Oh my god," he rushed her to the infirmary. Master rushed after them, I guess he was going to be at the other end.

"We should go wait outside," Lucy squeezed my hand. I knew she really wanted to see the child.

"Ok, baby," she took me over to the hallway again.

She leaned against me as I leaned up against the wall. This time, instead of me placing my arms around her, she pulled my arms out and got comfortable.

"You can go back to the mark. It's really comforting for some reason," she whispered. I did as she requested and we waited the eighteen hours Juvia was in labor.

We had taken a seat, and Lucy had since fallen asleep in my lap. My head rested on top of hers when master finally walked out.

"He's arrived," master whispered happily, opening the door a little bit more.

"Hey, Lucy," I rubbed her arm.

"Hmm," she slowly opened her eyes. When she saw master, her eyes lit up and her mouth opened a little. "C-can we see them?"


She got up and looked like a child on Christmas. Once I was up, we grabbed hands and quietly walked in.

Juvia was in the furthest bed from the door, both of them smiling down at a cloth. Juvia was the first to see us walk in and motioned for us to come closer.

"This is our baby boy, Hiroaki," she whispered. We both couldn't stop smiling at the bundle of joy in front of us. "Would you like to hold him?"

"C-can I?" Lucy stuttered. Juvia shook her head yes, and carefully handed him over. She looked like she didn't know how to process this, so she just started crying, holding the baby close to her. I felt like crying, too, and wrapped my arms carefully around her and the baby.

Grey and Juvia smiled, knowing this was a way for us to cope with the realization that we would never be able to hold our own child.

A few minutes later, master came back in with a little bed for Hiroaki. Lucy gently laid him there and we decided it was best to leave. It was the middle of the night, so the dinning area was empty when we left.

"It's good to be back," she whispered as we walked out into the dark.

"It sure is," I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

I guess the next week we could name 'the week everyone gave birth'.

"That's an obvious title," Lucy joked when I told her.

"Well I'm an obvious person," I shot back playfully, kissing her forehead. She giggled as we sat back at the same table with the same group we had sat with not too long ago.

All the happy couples sat with their bubbly babies. Mira and Laxus had a baby girl named Rei. Levy and Gajeel had twins, both boys, one named Ichiro and the other named Izumi.

We liked to play with them, and it was nice to hold them.

"I've been think about this for a while, and I think I have a good idea," Mira said, letting Laxus hold Rei.

"What is it?" We all asked.

"We should have an official wedding ceremony."

*Hope you enjoyed!!*

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