Chapter 14

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*So glad people do enjoy my story thank you so much for the comments!*

*Mira's POV*

I showed Laxus to our first stop. We walked up to a restaurant and I looked up to see Laxus's face.

"Isn't this a three star restaurant?"

"Yeah, I made reservations this afternoon. It's supposed to be really good."

"Oh, well then, shall we?" he held his arm out and I linked mine.

A waiter brought us to our table and left us to look over the menu. We spent about an hour there, chatting happily and flirting.

"Excuse me for a minute," I smiled, getting up and walking to the bathroom. I went over to a mirror and started reapplying my make up. I freshened up and was about to leave when I heard a scream coming from outside.

I dash out and back to our table. Laxus has trashed the table and was in the middle of beating up the waiter.

"LAXUS!" I screamed at him. He flinched and put the waiter down. "I am sorry, sir. Here," I pulled a few hundreds of jewel out of my purse and handed them to him. I also left enough for our food with him. "We will be going now."

I grabbed Laxus's hand and ran out of the restaurant, all eyes on us. Once we got outside and a little ways away from the building I turned to him.

"What was that??"

"I don't know, just the way he looked at you.. It got under my skin. When you left, he came back to the table and asked about you.. I completely lost it." He looked so guilty and wouldn't meet my eyes.

I got on my tip toes and placed my hands on his shoulders, he looked down at me. "Well, I don't love anyone other than you. So don't worry." I tried to reach his lips, but I couldn't, I could just barely reach his cheek. Laxus met me, instead and we stood like that for a few moments. "Now come on, let's go get our canoe."

At least he looked happy again, and I could forgive him for what happened. He can't really control himself, he's starting the aggressive stage. And it's nice to know he cares about me that much.

We arrived at the lake right on time and grabbed our canoe. Laxus pushed it into the water. I climbed in first and then he did, using the paddles to push us off shore.

We had rented a smaller canoe, and there were only two seats, so I sat at the front and turned forward looking out over the lake. Everything was so peaceful. The sun had already set, so only torches around the water gave us light. I dipped my hand into the water and watched the ripples form around.

It had taken at least thirty minutes to get to the center of the lake. As soon as we stopped I felt his arms pull me off the seat and into his lap. I carefully turned around, as we were on the floor of the canoe and I didn't want it to tip.

"I have a surprise," I whispered giddily. "Close your eyes." He did as told and I giggled, opening my bag. I pulled out two flower crowns, it has taken me all afternoon to make these. I carefully placed one on my head and put one on Laxus's. I then leaned in and kissed his lips, whispering "you can open them," into the kiss.

He did and his eyes landed on mine. "Looks cute on you," he smiled.

"So does yours."

"Mine?" He felt the top of his head and gasped. "Wait, why do I have to wear one??"

"No one is around. I'm the only one who can see you, and I like what I'm seeing."

He stopped and then chuckled, turning me back around and brining my head to his shoulder. I was back and his lap and everything felt nice.

"The lake is so beautiful," I said.

"Not as beautiful as you," he mumbled, nibbling on my ear. I giggled and shooed his face away. I looked up at him and he smiled. "What if.. I started rocking the canoe?"

"What? No!" But he had already started. I clung on to him and giggled uncontrollably as he tried to pretend he had lost balanced and we were flipping over.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe," he said in a manly, heroic voice, and flung his arms around me. I continued laughing and he joined in.

"We should start heading back soon," I said, not sure what time it was.

"Mm," he hummed. About ten minutes later, we started back towards shore, and made it back at eight twenty. After returning the canoe, we started walking toward the street. But then something passed in front of me.

"Oh my god!" I squealed, chasing after it, and seeing many more of them in a field. I slipped off my shoes and started running around.

"What? What are you doing?" Laxus called out to me.

"Catching fireflies," I called back. I heard him chuckle and my sights had landed on one particular firefly.

I started chasing after it, but I could not catch it. Finally, it flew up a little and I knew I wouldn't be able to catch it, but was going to give it one more go. I jumped up and felt something lift me up higher. My hands cupped around the firefly and I gave a "ha", as I had caught it.

I looks down and saw that Laxus has wrapped his arms around my legs and was holding me up. He let me down and I showed him the bug. It flew away seconds later and Laxus wrapped his arms around me.

Being in a playful mood, I tried to run away, but got my foot caught on a rock, which really hurt, and started falling down. Laxus grabbed me, but it was too late. We started rolling down the side of a hill.

When we stopped, Laxus looked down at me. "Are you ok?" He asked, me being squished in between his arms.

"When did that hill get there?" I giggle softly. He laughed with me and laid there for a minute.

"What now?" He questioned.

"Kiss me." He smiled and met my request. While he was busy doing that, I unwrapped his arms from around me with out him noticing. I pulled away and smiled up at him. Then quickly jumped up from the ground.

"If you want to kiss me again, you are going to have to catch me," I squealed, feeling like a kid and running away.

"Hey, no fair! You got a head start," he got up after me. "I'm going to get you," he called out.

"Can't catch me!"

*so this one was fun I really like writing out cute stuff. Sorry if this one is a little longer. Hope you enjoyed!*

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