Chapter 16

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*sorry if there seems to be too much Nalu, they are my favorite ship tbh*

*Natsu's POV*

"Ugh I feel like I'm going to sick.." I groaned, closing my eyes and leaning back in my seat. We were currently on a train. Lucy wrapped her arms around me and pulled my head onto her shoulder.

"We only have a few more hours," she whispered. That didn't really help my sickness, but it made me feel better. "Try falling asleep or something. Maybe that will help."

"I guess I could try.."

I woke up by being shuck. "Natsu, we are here," Lucy spoke softly. The train had stopped and I didn't feel that sick anymore. "Let's go meet the people," she stood up, pulling me off the train.

We found the village that had posted the request. We had gone back to the original request, the one where they claimed to have demons in the area.

"Welcome to our village," we were greeted by a bunch of happy children.

"Hey, where are your parents?" Lucy kneeled down to one of them.

"They all disappeared two nights ago. We are the only ones left in the village," a kid who didn't look to be more then ten stepped out of the group.

"What? That's horrible! Are any of you hurt?" She asked.

"We are fine. But our leader, the oldest man in our village, hoped someone would come soon to help us. Is that why you guys are here?"

"Yep. Don't worry. We will keep you guys safe. What time do you usually see these demons?"

"They only come out at night."

"Ok, do you mind if we borrow one of the houses to stay in?"

"The leader had us set you up a temporary shack by his house. I'll show you the way."

The huddle of kids raced towards a small house and we followed, holding hands. "I didn't know how bad this had gotten," I said, squeezing her hand.

"We can handle it. We've dealt with worse things before."

"Yeah," I kissed her cheek.

A small gasp. "Are you guys dating?" A little girl looked up in awe.

"Not.. Officially?" I looked over at Lucy.

"Not officially." She confirmed.

"Are you a dragon slayer?" The little girls question caught me off guard.

"Uhh, yeah. How did you know?"

"My mom has always been interested in dragon slayers. She knows a lot about them. A few weeks ago she got really excited because dragon mating season was starting. So she's your mate?"

"Well, yeah. Let's not talk about this now though..." She nodded and moved on.

"Heres where you will be staying," the boy from earlier said, opening the door. "Please, make yourself comfortable. You won't have to start until night, so please enjoy yourselves. Our village is really a nice place."

"Thank you," Lucy said, watching as they left to go back to playing. As soon as she closed the door, I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up. She squealed, being startled, but started giggling.

"What should we do for the rest of the day?" I asked, turning her so she looked down at me.

"We should.." She took her fingers and started tracing lines on my forehead. "Well, I don't know. Those kids are really cute."

"They are," I said, moving my head up so I could kiss her hand. She continued tracing lines. "What are you thinking about?"

"What if we had kids.."

"Well..." I walked over to the bed and laid her down. I crawled on top of her, and propped myself up by putting a hand on either side of her head. "They would be cute and adorable," I leaned down and kissed her, then brought my self back up. "They would be a lot of work to take care of." I kissed her again. "And you would make an amazing mother." I kissed her, but didn't pull away this time.

She broke away first," And you would make a great father." She hugged me whispering "thank you." I flipped us so she was on top and she went back to tracing lines on my forehead. "You have a really big forehead," she noted.

"What?" I was confused, and a little offended, by her point.

"But it's one of the things I love about you," she kissed it, then went back to her line work.

"Well you have warm eyes, and that's one of the things I love about you." She giggled showing off her eyes. "Just like that."

*Sorry these are coming out a little bit slower. Hope you enjoyed!*

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