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(Note: I don't know much about the rules of Divergent and stuff. Also there are no Divergents on here, but all of the characters are still on here. Praying that you'll enjoy it much love xo)
Zarah's POV:
They said it would hurt when you slice yourself with a knife.
Why didn't I feel anything then?
Others flinched as soon as their blade hit their flesh and sliced through the nervous system. But for me it felt like rain on a typical Spring evening.
I can't feel anything no pain. Nothing. Maybe after all of these years of trying to kill any sort of emotions I've finally succeeded. Now I'm just a empty vessel. I'm dead inside.
No fears, no pain and no emotions and that's what business is.
I guess that goes to show that your results were correct. Time to join Dauntless sweetie.
Allowing a small giggle to pass through I squeeze my hand tightly in order to surface the excess blood surrounding my wound. I close my eyes in order to concentrate on the small amount of pain that has been generated by the pressure being places on my wound.
For some reason that small amount of pain doesn't hurt me, but instead it does the opposite it brings me pleasure. What can I say I'm just a sucker for pain.
"DAUNTLESS!" The middle aged man that's standing on the other side of the stage yells pulling me out of my deep trance.
Searching my room for the Dauntless section of the room I use my superior hearing skills and listen out for the loudest group within the room.
I think now would be a good time for an introduction yes?
My names Zarah Rebel Fierce. Not a name you hear everyday huh? Well I'm not the kind of person you meet everyday either.
I like long walks on the beach and hot skinny dudes with pretty and hair. I'm also a pathological liar. 
I did belong to Candour, the home of self righteous assholes that have a god like complex and are beaten out of telling no lies. Home to the most truthful boys any girl has ever wanted.
Funny thing is every single girl hates them. But according to every girl they want a guy that never lies. What they don't understand is that a relationship can only function properly with a bit of lies and truth.
But that was my life, but as of 1 minute ago I belong to Dauntless. Home of the fearless and reckless protectors of our great city.
I know for sure this isn't going to be rainbows and butterflies, but I've got to do this. Why? Because I have someone back in Candour that needs me to pull through than eventually find my way back again.
"Your dad would be proud" my best friend Kendrick whispers into my ear as he embraces me with a congratulatory hug.
My father was a Dauntless before he transferred.  Everyday before he passes away he'd talk about how he's always wanted his kids to finish the years in Dauntless that he never got to complete. He wanted us to become leaders and give him plenty of grand babies.
He left all his dreams of becoming a leader when he saw my mother. He first saw her during their choosing day. After that day he followed her like a lost puppy until the day that she accepted his heart.
"Thaddeus chose Dauntless right? Maybe we'll see him there" Tyree my sister from another mister says her voice filled with happiness.
He was put in the same situation as me 2 years ago and he chose Dauntless too. Apart of me thinks he's the reason I chose Dauntless, but I terminate the thought because I know it's not true.
My brother being in Dauntless is what almost stopped me from joining Dauntless.
Once he left home he was never the same. Short tempered and just like a drill Sargent. Every time he'd see me he'd beat me to no end. I could always rely on my brother to give me nightmare inducing scars.
One time I ignored one of his orders so branded me with a hot knife.
The thought of what my brother will do when he sees me scares me but I'm Dauntless now which means I have to kill my fears before my fears kill me.
Rule number one. If you ever plan on joining Dauntless don't wear a black leather jacket. No matter how sentimental or kickass it looks you don't want to wear up a storm while climbing buildings and jumping into moving trains.
I'm not gonna lie I almost shit myself twice. The first when I lost my footing while climbing up the side of the pillars. Ken saved me that time.
And the second when I almost fell out of a high speed moving train. Thankfully I was saved by an Abmnigation girl.
Oh shit where'd she go. Fuck what does she even look like. You forgot what the person who saved you looks like? Nice one Zarah.
"You're welcome" a small voice says slightly frightening me.
Grabbing on to one of the handle bars for moral support I let out a pound chuckle to cover up the embarrassment.
"Thank you so much for saving me" I praise her as I drop down onto my knees just to show how grateful I am for her.
"No problem" she giggles offering me a hand to pull me off of my feet.
"Hey I'm Zarah by the way" I keep hold of her hand but change it into a handshake.
"I'm Bea........Tris just Tris" she replies shaking my hand with approval.
"Nice to meet you just Tris"
"You too Zarah"
An awkward silence begins to grow between us I catch glimpse of Kendrick in my peripheral vision. Quickly excusing myself I makes way in the direction of the beautiful angel sent from heaven to make a the pretty girls cry out of lust and jealousy.
Kendrick is truly beautiful. When I stand next to him I look like shit. He has every single fucking thing that any girl would ever want.
Light brown skin, light chocolate brown eyes, pitch black hair, practically no body hair, soft pink kissable lips and he's as toned as a motherfucker.
Behaviour wise he's a little slow, honest, respectful and very protective and caring when it comes to the people he loves. But on some days he can be another typical annoying boy that's forever making jokes.
He's always been slightly different to the other boys. Growing up we thought he was gay, because he was clean, really in love with hygiene and also he had a slight feminine kick when he talked.
But he helped me change my mind. Why?
He fucked each of the hottest girls in school. And one drunken night we got into a heated make out session. Nothing about the way he touched me that night seemed gay in the slightest. Plus the dude dry humped me like a dog.
"Hey real shot in the dark, but if I asked to fuck you until you come twice would you take the offer?" I ask trailing my hands up and down his bulging biceps.
"That sounds fun. But I've got a girl already. Her names Zarah Rebel Fierce" he responds letting his hands explore my body like a boy that's inspecting a brand new toy car.
"Lucky girl" I whisper letting my lips linger for the extra affect.
"But I'd gladly pop that cherry if you give me the honours" he responds his deep voice makes my body tremble.
Leaning in close to my lips I go on a tiptoe in order to boost my lips closer to his. Ken lets his arm snake around my waist and pulls me in closer in order to close the gap between us. His body heat warms my body making the feeling of safety and security stronger.
I look at his dreamy eyes only to see that he's looking back at mine. The look in his eyes is the look of confirmation almost as though he's waiting for me to make the move. Nodding my head in approval he slowly lowers his lips making me want him more and more.
"Quit it!" Tyree scolds the both of us breaking our intimate bond.
You can always depend on Tyree to keep us in order. She acts like the oldest sibling out of the 3 of us even though she's the youngest.
She's another one that makes me feel like I'm just a fuggly little potato.
With her toned body and sexy curves. She's the kind of girl that every guy has wet dreams about. Long curly light brown hair, light brown chocolate eyes, a thick ass and double Ds on her chest. And did I mention she's got a fully toned body? And that bitch can eat a whole buffet and it won't show!
When we got out literally and I mean literally every dude will hit on her. But I'm an emotional was bitch so it doesn't bother me.
But her behaviours a completely different ball game. She's a very independent girl who hates being babied. She also insanely smart although she does have her dumb days, but don't we all?
She has an acute case of nymphomania, but she knows how to keep it under control. Not to forget the fact that she has a slight flair of the dramatics. Basically a dude like girl.
"Is that your boyfriend?" Asks a confused Tris.
"Boyfriend? Oh god no. He's my brother. But we have no blood relation more like a brother from another mother" I laugh.
He is basically like a brother to me. When I turned 16 his mother was kind enough to let me live with them. I was basically one of her own. Kens younger twin sisters were my sisters, hell when they were born him and I named them. But I've known Ken and Tyree my entire life. Our dad's worked in the same department back in Candour, and that's how our insane relationship all began.
And when I say best I mean best. I've seen both of them naked on multiple occasions. Some nights Ken sleeps with me completely ass naked. And I play Tyrees ass and boobs whenever I'm bored. It's the best friendship anyone could possibly imagine.
"Get ready to jump!" A young Dauntless boy with a green mow hack and facial piercings yells still concentrating on a nearby ledge. 
"Hey. If I don't make this. You saving me made my day" I say to Tris giving her sweet smile.
"See you on the flip side" she jokes.
Without thinking I grab her hand and lunge towards the nearby ledge. Beneath me is a deep drop which makes my stomach cringe. One wrong move and I can die. One break in gravity will turn me into a terribly flipped pancake.
I try to let out any sort of sound, but the air chokes back the oxygen or anything from escaping my lips.
Finally what feels like forever over a sea of death The Angel of Death releases me from its grasp allowing me to go on living my life in hell. While Tris lands gracefully onto the gravel platform I slide across the ground on my belly letting my face and basically entire body get grazed.
"Have I ever told you I have a thing for girls that fall on their face?" Ken giggles helping me up off of the ground.
"Keep it up skid marks I dare you" I reply as I pull out the gravel from my fresh wounds.
The smell of strong metallic blood linger in my nostrils making me feel sick inside. I can handle the sight of gross stuff, but I have a very sensitive nose basically weird smells means a one way ticket to Vomit City.
"You promised not to bring that up again" Ken whispers squeezing my arm tightly as we walk in the direction of the rest of the new recruits.
"And my fathers raised me to never lie" Breaking free from his grasp I run into Tyrees arms.
We cuddle for 2 long minutes taking in the fact that we're both still alone in one piece besides the cuts and grazes. Once the shock has faced she releases me from her warm embrace.
I let my eyes scan the crowd until a guy catches my eyes. His big bulging biceps and back muscles tensing beneath his shirt makes my body tremble. The way his hair is slick back like a bad boy makes me want to pounce on him like a puma.
"Ree who's that?" I whisper into Tyrees ear.
"His names Eric. Apparently he sleeps around with the initiates" She replies with pure disgust in her voice.
And now I'm turned off.
If there's one type of guy I can't stand it's playboys, jigalos, man whores or what they're more widely known as fuckboys.
Wanna know why?
Because they never think about how damaged or dishevelled they leave the girl. Sure it's our fault that we let them sleep with us, but the fact that they forget us once the sun rises kills us inside. By doing that it makes us close off the opportunity of ever being able to love again.
I've been in love once. His name was Blake Lively, but I lost my true love to leukaemia. Once I lost him I lost my ability to love and my happiness.
"Okay everyone listen up my names Eric. Huh. My speech use to be full of so much youthfulness, but I honestly can't be fucked anymore. This your first step to the life of Dauntless" his deep husky voice and blue eyes making me mentally curse at myself inside.
Damn baby boy I wanna fuck you so bad. Why must you be a fuckboy?! Yea right you don't have a chance anyways Zarah.
"What's down there?!" Someone at the back of the crowd yells.
"Don't know don't care. Can someone just hurry up? I'm losing my patients" he says sounds like an arrogant son of a bitch.
"Oh for fucks sake I'll do it!" I yell out of annoyance silencing the crowd.
Eric looks with me his calm blue eyes turing into a terrifying pale blue.  If looks could kill everyone and especially me would be dead right now.
Climbing onto the ledge beside him the strong smell of cinnamon burns my nostrils.  He brushes his arm against mine making me kill myself inside.
"I'll see you around gorgeous" he whispers into my ear trying to not make it obvious.
"The next time you see me I'll finally get the chance to bear the shit out of you" and with that I shove myself over the edge.
I've never experienced falling to my own death physically, but now that it's happening I can say with absolute certainty that I never want to do it again. That is if survive this fall.
The wind cuts through my wounds sending a burning sensation throughout my body.
They say when you're close to death you only see the people that you love the most, but they're wrong you also the people that damaged you to the core.
Please angel of death just take me now! I don't ever want to experience this ever again.

Trust Me, I'm Lying|| Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now