Biting Down

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Zarah's POV:
Opening my eyes ever so slowly I wipe away the sleep from my eyes. The bright light blinds me and I immediately shield my eyes with the blanket. It's morning at least that's what I think. All I know is that it's still daylight.
Extending my arm I grab the edged of the window sill and pull my body on the direction of the glass window. I grab a pillow and shove it under my head while I wrap the big blanket around my body.
The cool breeze kisses my cheek softly waking up each of my senses one by one.
In the distance I hear the Tain rumble on the train tracks like the waves crashing on the barrier reef. On the field still stands the lonely willow tree. The long leaves swaying from side to side with the wind. Bright colours bring the land to life making me want to be out there.
The smell of cologne lingers in the room like someone had dropped a bomb in here. Knowing that it was either Ken or Thaddeus and not Eric that brought me back relaxes me.
The feeling of being in the comfort if my own environment brings a calming wave over my frightened nerves. My bed beneath my tired body and my pillow is all I need.
"Good morning" a voice says from the other side of the room.
Shocked and confused I turn my head with a sharp turn in order to face the stranger in my apartment. Big bulging arms slick back brownish blonde hair and
beautiful blue eyes. Tattoos along the side of his neck and on his arms. Eric.
Really? Why the fuck do you have to be the first person I see when I wake up?
"What are you doing in my room?!" I yell as I throw my pillow at his face.
"I offered to look after you while you recover" he replies throwing the pillow back at my face.
"Recover? I'm fine. Now get out!"
"Well according to your medical results you're not" he replies as he waves a clip board in front of my face.
"What? I passed out I'm pretty sure you're just overreacting"
"You're just like your brother. Let me explain that also means shut the fuck up! You suffered internal bleeding the nurses put you on 1 week bed rest and since your brother insisted that you don't be put in the infirmary we brought you back here. He also said that you'd insist on going back to training so I volunteered to make sure you don't wander off" he replies with pure evil in his voice.
His evil voice mixed with his evil grin makes me want to throw up in my mouth. The fact that he's within my place of sanctuary makes me feel worse. It's like he's crossed over my threshold without my permission.
Throwing the blanket that covers my body to the side I stare in shock at the clean clothes on my body. Oh god I think I'm gonna puke.
"Did you dress me?" My voice shaking with fear.
If he did god knows what he might have done to me while I was unconscious. Okay Zarah don't over react he hasn't said any cocky comments so he probably didn't see you naked.
"I'm flattered you'd think that. I would've loved to undress you, but  I would've preferred it if you were awake. I got the resting bitch face chick and the stiff to dress you" he replies with a smile on his face.
"Their names are Tyree and Tris. They're not hard names to remember. But then again you probably forget every girls name"  I mumble giving him a dirty look.
"I remembered your name Zarah"
"Of course you did I'm amazing who could possibly forget my name?" I say with such pride in my voice.
"Every single guy that's hit on you" he says with an expressionless face.
"Oh yea? Well you're a whore" I reply like a typical teenage girl that has no good comeback.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed next to me I swallow hard at the vomit travelling up my oesophagus. Grabbing my blanket I pull it over my body and turn my back to him. The feeling of his breath against my skin goosebumps begin to grow along my arms. He wraps his right arm around my waist and presses his chest against my back.
"What am I allowed to do since I can't go training?" I ask wishing that I can be anywhere but here.
"Simple anything but training. We've got an entire week to get better acquainted with each other, ya know since we're supposed to be besties"
Releasing me from his grasp I feel a great weight being lifted. The great weight being him and his huge muscles. With my head still facing the window I listen as he walks around the small room. The sound of my drawers opening captures my attention immediately.
"What do you think you're doing?!" I yell while he rummages through my clothes.
"Who's this?" He asks holding a polaroid photo.
Getting out of the bed I ignore the sudden pain traveling throughout my body and walk in his direction.
"No one that concerns you" I say sounding annoyed.
Snatching the photo out of his hand I hold it tight within my grasp. Looking at the old photo within my sweaty palms I examine it quickly.
Two young kids stand aside each other both wearing a bright shade of red. The young boy is holding a bucket of paint in his left hand while his right arm is rested on the shoulders of the young girl. The two children's body is dirty with maroon and black paint.
A single teardrop falls onto the photo bringing me back to reality.
Cleaning away the tears I shove the picture beneath the mattress.
Silence falls between us as we sit beside each other on the edge of the bed. Any other conversation would be pointless right now.
"Who's Andre?" Eric asks breaking the silence.
My heart breaks and I can feel the tears begin to form in my throat. Anything could trigger the fountain of tears that I'm holding back at any second.
"Excuse me?" I croak.
"You said his name in your sleep"
Taking hold of my hand he use his right hand to wipe away the tears. I don't know why but for some reason I want him to hold me tight and never let go. His blue eyes staring into mine makes me feel safe with him.
My heart begins to crumble as the terrible memories come flooding into my head like a bad nightmare.
It's easy to keep my emotions under control when I'm by myself, but with others around its hard. Andre isn't with me anymore and I've lived my life believing he's still with me. But he's not.
"He's my twin brother" I mumble looking away from him.
Fuck you said too much Zarah. Why couldn't you just keep your mouth shut?
"I'm guessing he's the chicken shit one of the family since he's not here. Where is he back in Candour?" He laughs.
"He's dead" I reply bluntly as I throw his hand to the side.
Giving him the death glare he crosses his arms across his big chest. The mood went from emotional to hostile within seconds. Before I wanted him to hold me and never let go, and now I want to shoot him in the face.
"I need to get dressed" I say breaking the awkward silence. 
Opening the door I hint for him to leave.
"Okay" he says not getting the hint.
"That means I want you to leave"  I say making sure he knows I want him to leave.
"I told your brother I wouldn't leave you alone" he replies giving me an evil smirk.
I give him a dirty look but it has no effect on him. Slamming the door shut I throw up my middle finger which only makes him feel more at home. With no permission of any sort except for his own he throws my blanket over his body and gets comfortable on my bed.
Great now I'm going to smell him when I go to sleep.
As I walk in the direction of the dressing table I let out a loud sigh  hinting that I want him to leave. Before grabbing out my clothes I give him the dirtiest look I can conjure up.
"Humph cute" he says.
Shit it's not working. 
I watch carefully as he walks over to me with a seductive look in his eyes. I have to admit it's a sexy look, but because I really dislike him I'm actually scared for my life right now.
Breathe Zarah breathe.
He snakes his right around around my waist pulling me against his body. Placing his left hand on my cheek a smile forms across his face as he runs his thumb over my bottom lip. I immediately wrap my hands around the back of his neck and pull him down so that I no longer have to tiptoe.
Running my lips over his neck I find my way up to his ears an whisper "You may be able to fuck over the other girls but I'm a different ball game"
Pushing him away from me I charge for the door. I reach for the door handle but his big arms wrap around my waist stopping me from my one shot at freedom. He lifts my off the ground and leads me in the direction of my bed.
"I guess I didn't read you properly little Rebel...... fine I'll play along with your little game" he says before dropping me on my ass.
"What game?" Fighting for each breath.
"You're playing hard to get" he growls his eyes turning a light shade of grey.
Is he serious?!
"What? Humph please Eric I don't want anything that you're willing to offer" I scoff. 
His eyes turn icy cold. The feeling of fear begins to grow within my heart.  The smell of his cologne now smells like the scent of death.
Grabbing my wrists he pulls me with the strong tug and holds me up against his big chest. His chest moves but only slightly. Resting my free hand on his bulging arm for support he stares deep into my eyes.
He the brushes small strands of hair behind my ears creating the feeling of safety within me again.
He releases my wrist from his grasp and with his free hand he snakes it around my waist. He immediately pulls me in close in order to close the gap between us.
"I always get what I want" he says aggressively.
He leans in close puckering his lips for a kiss but I press my fingers against his lips in order to stop him.
"This is one thing you're not going to get" I reply assertively.
Pushing him away from me he responds immediately and releases me from his grasp.
'Knock, knock, knock'
"Come in!" he yells sounding extremely pissed.
"Is she awake?" Four asks peaking his was through the door.
"Yea I'm awake and can I say I'm truly glad to see you" I say hugging him. 
Confused he stations himself in the middle of the room and trying to asses what had just happened. Every once and a while Eric will shoot me a dirty look but I just ignore him. He knows how I play and if he's the kind of person I've thought him out to be which is a hit it and leave kind then he should be over me by the time Four walks out that door.
A part of me feels happy at the fact that I've shut him down. But the other half is slightly concerned on what he might do in order to get back at me.
"How are you feeling?" Four asks as he ales my temperature.
"Better thanks for asking" I reply happily.
Giving Eric a pissed off look he rolls his eyes and exits the room not so quietly. As soon as the door slams shut the feeling of fear immediately disappears.
"Please tell me you're looking after me"
"No. But I've sent for Tris and Tyree though" he replies with a sweet smile on his face.
He makes his way towards the door but before he can leave I pull him back into the room.
His hands are soft and warm the type of hands a caring person would have. The type of hands my father had.
"Why haven't I been cut yet?" I ask pushing for an answer.
"Eric insisted on keeping you. It's weird he's never done that for anyone.... Ever"
Losing the door behind him he leaves me wanting to know more.
Eric wanted me to stay? Okay that's just weird. He must really want me.
So far I had established that Eric was the kind of player that would hit on a girl and once he's had her or she's denied him he'll just drop her. If he likes me in any sort of way this is not how he's going to get me.
I like a guy that actually cares about someone's emotions. Mostly a guy that's actually monogamous. Not full blown lovey dovey I basically want to be able to wake up the next morning not regretting the decision I made the night before.
Also I wouldn't date a guy that I know nothing about. So far all I know is that he sleeps with initiates nothing more nothing less.
What happened to the rest? Are they still here? Heck for all I know he could have 5 illegitimate kids.
I can't help but feel sorry for those poor girls.
Maybe he is that good in bed. What the hell do I know I'm an 18 year old virgin. I don't know shit about sex.
"Zarah it's Ree and Tris we're coming in!" Tyree yells pulling me out of my intense thoughts.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you guys"
"Shut up you're candour you're not allowed to lie" Tris blurts as she takes a huge bite out of her hamburger.
"I was a candor and I'm not lying"  I reply.
Handing her a face towel she wipes away the sauces from her mouth.
"So your saying that Eric the big hotheaded doesn't give a shit about anyone unless his dicks in them hit on you and according to Four gave you mercy and insisted that you stay?" Tyree  yells dropping her burger onto the plate in front of her.
"Pretty much. Watch the sheets okay I just washed them" I reply as I wipe the sauce off of the fresh white bed sheets.
She's never been the most womanly of girls. Ken and I reckon it's because of her strong male influence. She has 7 brothers so when I say strong male influence I mean strong male influence.
But then again that's what makes her so unique she's strong and loving.
"Why would you trust Fours word on it anyways? He's not the kind of person you can actually talk to" Tyree continues her mouth full of food.
"Fours not that bad. He's actually pretty sweet" Tris mumbles playing with the food in her plate her cheeks turn a bright shade of red.
Silence falls in the room. Turning to face Tris, Tyree and I stare at her in confusion. She looks at us with an embarrassed  look and takes bite out of her burger.
"He's alright I guess" I say awkwardly.
"I wouldn't go as far as calling the guy sweet. Unless.....What aren't you telling us?"
"What? Nothing it's just you know Four is just......" She starts but fades out behind a wall of embarrassment.
"Tris?!" Tyree and I scream into her ears.
"We kissed!"

Trust Me, I'm Lying|| Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now