Dr Jekyll & Mrs Whore

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Zarah's POV:
"At what point did you think to tell me you only had fucking cold water?!" I yell holding the towel that covers my naked body against my chest.
"I've only got cold water" Eric replies with a cocky tone of voice.
"Why do you only have cold water don't the girls you bring around ever complain about your lack of hospitality?" I complain as I get dressed.
"The girls are usually gone before they have a chance to go near the bathroom so...."
"Well change it because you've got me staying here now and I'm going to be staying here more often than you think"
"Oh really? And who approved of this?" He asks crossing hi arms across his chest.
"Me of course" pulling down the unnecessarily tight shirt I give him a cheeky smile.
"Of course you did" he rolls his eyes and leaves me alone to soak in my pride and happiness.
"When you meet my family can you try and be tolerable please?" I help myself to a cup of coffee while he tightens the laces on his boots.
"You seriously don't think I'll impress your family?" He asks before stealing my delicious coffee.
Fucking asshole. Keep stealing my coffees and I'll kill you myself sweetie.
I let out a loud sigh and put myself a new cup of coffee that is sadly very disappointing, just like my sex life. Sike my sex life is awesome even though it's been 4 years since blah blah blah.
"Eric I've known you for 5 weeks and I know enough to say that my family will kill you"
"Yes your highness" he bows and kisses the back of my left hand like a kind gentleman.
All these small acts of kindness that he does of me makes me wonder why he can't be like this all the time. It also makes me wonder if I'm the only girl he's actually been comfortable with or if it's still just a game to him. Until he actually does something overly compelling I'm going to continue pulling on his strings.
"Thank you" I whisper sweetly.
He leaves the room for what could only have even a second and walks back in with a fresh new shirt and his bed hair has been neatly combed back.
"Oh yea Thaddeus came around earlier looking for you" he says making me choke on my coffee.
That's one way to ruin a good morning. I knew I said I'd be over everything by morning, but I lied. It's going to take years for me to actually fully recover from everything.
Has anyone ever gotten over anything within 24 hours?
We say we're fine, but we are really not. We're tired and angry at the same time. The things that you said would make you happy even when your down don't help.
The only way to ever recover is to lie in the darkness, sleep and listen to the music that will teach you how to move on. Having people tell you what to do won't help because you know you won't listen I them.
And just as my brother I shall let the pain overtake my thoughts until eventually the flames turn to ashes.
"What'd ya say?" I ask not actually caring about what the answer is.
"I told him you weren't here and I don't care where you are"
"That's a lie" I laugh.
"Anyways to make a boring story short he's not coming today"
"Thank god" a sudden weight is lifted from my shoulders knowing that he won't be within punching range.
"He looked really fucked up. He must've pissed someone off" Eric's tone of voice sounds curious like he knows something so don't.
"He has that effect on people" I make not eye contact with him which creates an awkward atmosphere with the apartment.
"Why'd you do it?"
"Do what?" I lie.
"When are you going trust me?"
"You're literally the first girl that actually slept in my bed without having sex with me. I've broken literally all my rules just to be with you" he says trying to convince me that he's trust worthy.
"Literally? You've literally broken all your rules? Wow" I take a sip of coffee and it settles nicely in my belly.
"I would've kicked the girl out by now"
"Fine I'll you my secret if you tell me one of yours"
"I'd rather die"
"Fine. No sex for you"
"I have 3 older sisters Mavis, Robin and Alissa" I blurts sounding like a panicked little kid.
"Awe that's so cute you're the baby boy" I squeeze his cheeks until they turn a bright shade of pink.
"Shut up before I punch you in the face"
"No need for violence Eric"
"I'm getting bored hurry up" he crosses his arm across his chest and begins making noises with his nice like an irritable little kid.
"I found Thaddeus using after he promised he'd never use so I punished him" I sigh.
"What's so terrible about him using?"
"You only bargained for one answer"
"My middle name is Zachary"
"Zachary?! Haha that's worse than my name! Haha Zack!" I laugh giving him a little nudge on the shoulder.
"Forget it! Hurry up we're gonna be late" he storms off like a girl that's PMSing leaving me trailing behind him like a puppy.
From the day we first met too now Eric has changed. I'm still unsure on how he has changed and why he has changed as well. Up to this point I don't even know how to feel around him.
On the one hand I know that there's nothing to be afraid of while the other half is saying I should be afraid of every little move he makes.
I should just kill him while I have the chance so he doesn't have to bother me anymore.
The train ride to Candor is quite. Mostly because Ken is still petrified about what happened yesterday, Eric loved himself to take time out of his heavy schedule of loving himself to mingle and I'm too excited to even from a proper sentence.
It's only been a few months since Ken and I were last home yet it feels like it's been years. The buildings in which I once walked amongst look foreign within my eyes.
This is still my home within my heart, but for some reason I feel like a traitor. Like I don't deserve to walk on this soil. The soil that I once ate when I was a child, but most of all the soil that moulded me.
The people around here are all clean and proper. No scars or bruises dance amongst their bodies. That's the kind of person I would've become I'd stayed.
Compared to all the other girls here I'm slightly chunky thanks to the intense training I've gained some kick ass muscles.
Ken and Eric look like giants next to all the Candor boys. I bet if Eric so much as pumped them they'd break that's how scrawny they are.
"How much further is your house?" Eric asks pulling me out of my deep train of thought.
"Not that far it's ju-" I'm interrupted by a tiny voice calling
Following the tiny voice my eyes lock onto a tiny little girl a few houses down from where we're standing.
Long blondish light brown curly hair falls down the side of her neck down her shoulders and back. Her olive complexion makes her big green eyes stand out to the point where you could find her anywhere. She's wearing a long white flowing singlet and her favourite stripy black and white zebra tights.
"Baby come here" I drop I my knees and pull her into a tight hug.
"I missed you" she cries as she buries her face int the crook of my neck.
The feeling of Lauryn with me once again finally fills the void in my heart. From the day she was born she stole my heart. She's always held the missing piece of the puzzle, but I'd never tell anyone. She has and will always been my happiness. Leaving her that day was the hardest thing I could possibly do. But shes always known that everything I do is for her.
I plant fishy kisses all over her face and cuddle her like a teddy bear never wanting to let her go.
"I miss-" my words are lost as a patch of purple and green catches my attention.
On her left wrist are ligature marks that I've only seen on one other person. Along her chest are faint bruises that make me sick to my stomach.
"Ken come look at this" I say showing the bruises on Lauryn to him.
"What the fuck" he says his voice sounding disgusted and hurt by what he has seen.
He said he'd never hurt her. Fuck Zarah why did you listen.
Once again I've failed to protect my baby. My moon and stars. My heart has been damaged and now I am dying with each second that I waste not trying to repair it.
"Baby stay here I'll be right back okay?" I say calmly making sure not to scare her.
"Eric I need you to watch her for a couple of minutes" I order as I place Lauryn safely on the ground beside him.
"Why?" He asks trying it process everything that's happening at this very moment.
"Just do it. Look whatever you hear don't come inside" with that I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and hold him tightly.
I'm so sorry Eric. I want to tell you, but I can't. This hurts me more than it'll soon hurt you.
"Make it quick" he sighs and plants a kiss on my cheek making sure that Ken doesn't notice it.
Stepping into the house I abandoned years ago all the terrifying memories flood into my mind almost killing me.
As usual he's sitting in the kitchen on the big wooden chair with a toothpick in his mouth as he flips through case files. Slightly long blonde hair covers his face but his black eyes of death still manage to break through.
"Go pack her stuff I'll handle him" I order Ken.
"Please be safe"he gives me a pat on the back before leaving us alone.
"Hello sweetie" he smiled a devilish smile.
Many years ago not long after my mother remarried. The man that she be brought into Thaddeus and my life was John. He was the man that murdered me to the point where no one not even me could find the me that once was.
He sliced my innocence with an axe and chopped up my happiness until it was all a bloody mess. In order for me to need find it again he threw them into sulphuric acid.
John was and is the monster under my bed and in my closet. He's the root almost all of my fears. He's also the reason I tried to kill my mother on multiple occasions.
Every villain has that one particular person that sends them over the edge, and John is that person.
"You touched my baby you disgusting pig" I grit through my teeth.
"That's not a very nice thing to
say to your father"
"Fuck you. My father would never do that to my baby!" Finally I break the wall that I had put up that would stop me from going insane.
I grab the crystal bottle on the table in front of him and smack it across his face. He falls to the ground completely unconscious, but that doesn't stop me. Grabbing out the small dagger I always keep hidden in my boot I rip off his shirt and begin to carve on his chest 'I'm a rapist pedophilloic pig'.
But that's not enough nothing will ever be enough. I than begin punching his face until my knuckles turn white and the adrenaline kicks in. This is the kind of high I never want to come down from.
"Zarah stop!" Ken yells tearing me off of the half dead Johnny
"If you ever go near her ever again I'll kill you!" I scream knowing that he an still hear me.
All that enter I've bottle up all of these years has finally been related. I'm a monster.
How can I live with myself knowing that one day I might hurt the people I love the most?
I left this place in order to learn how to fight my fears, but I'll never be able to fight them if it means possibly getting ore people involved than I would want.
I clean off as much blood as possible and follow Ken outside.
"What happened? You're bleeding" Eric says in panic.
"Eric I need you to make me a promise. Right now" my body's shaking so badly my body temperature suddenly drops and I'm freezing cold.
"Anything just let me help you" he pulls me into a hug in an attempt to calm my nerves.
"Don't bring up what happened today ever again"
"Are you serious?" He sounds pissed.
"Please Eric" I beg as I fight back he tears.
"Fine lets go" he says seeming really agitated.
I scoop Lauryn off of the ground and wrap myself in Eric's embrace as we make our way in the direction of Kens house.
"Baby you're gonna be staying at uncle Kens house from now on okay?"
"But wh-"
"It's for your own good Lauryn" I cut her off scaring her only slightly.
"She can stay in your room. Mum will be fine" Ken chirps in an attempt to lighten the mood.
His soft words an kind smile could only do so much at this moment. I have a concerned and confused Eric that I really wished would stop acting weird and go back to being an asshole, and I have an innocent child that is feeding off the lies I'm telling her.
At this very moment I'm trying to be as selfless as possible, but all I want is for someone to see past my fake smile and help me. I myself am unable to smash this mirror because I don't want anyone to see me at my worst.
As we walk in awkward silence the feeling of Kens arm draping across my shoulder slowly helps the wounds in my soul slowly heal. I turn my head to see Eric's reaction and to my surprise his eyes have turned a haunting grey and the expression of jealously is written across his face.
The robot has feelings? This is awesome.
As we pass our old elementary school I smile thinking back at all the precious memories that were made here. Some of them bad but most them are good. Tyree, Ken and I we're known as The Bastards. It's not hard to try and figure out why we were called that.
There were so many times we'd get kicked out of class for being too rebellious. It happened so often that the dean became accustomed to the sound of our footsteps.
They couldn't expel us because we never did anything too harsh plus we were top in allot of our classes. So we basically owned the school.
Suddenly Ken starts humming a familiar tune and I happily sing along with him.
" And if my true love were gone
I will surely find another
And to her I will sing things that make her know I want her
Would you go lassie go?
And we'll all go together
Where the wild mountain thyme grows around the blooming heather"
(Wild mountain thyme- Ed Sheeran cover)

(Hey guys if I don't update anytime soon I'm either trying to complete my incomplete books, slumped at work, at the hospital, drowning on assessments or I have not data. Anyways leave your comments and if you'd like to part of the book message me. Background story whatever you want. MUCh love xo)

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