Cover Up

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Song recommendation:
Big Girls Cry, Sia
Tris's POV:
It's been half an hour since my arrival and neither of us have managed to hold onto a concrete conversation. It's almost like the topic is gone as soon as it's started. In all honesty I am the one that decided to drop in, and being that I'm the one that's bombarding her everyday life I should be the one making an attempt to make the most of the time that I have with her.
Since we've arrived in Candour I've only seen Zarah 3 times in total. The times that I saw her weren't really that awesome either. So being the great friend that I am I kidnapped we from her house and brought her back to the Lancaster house for a nice girls day out.
"It's been so long since we last saw you" I smile taking a sip of the warm tea in my cup.
She bites her bottom lip and nods her head softly not making any eye contact. She's lost so much weight since the whole engagement fiasco and her eyes have gotten darker and her skin is so pale you can almost see her veins.
"Eric's taken you away from us" I whisper in a joking manner.
She bites her bottom lip so hard that she managed to draw blood. She taps her finger on the table furiously confirming that I've touched a nerve.
"Yea" she replies her voice shaking uncontrollably.
"You've got something on your face" reaching out to wipe away the black smudge of eye shadow beneath her lower eyelid.
"No don't!" She screams but she too late.
I look at my thumb only to find cream coating from her eye shadow. I didn't manage to get rid of the black shade beneath her eyes because it's printed into her skin. Her eyes begin to swell from the tears and as I continue wipe away the make up on her face the shades of purple and black become much more evident.
She looks like a deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming car. Seeing her so weak and feeble makes me sick to my stomach. 
It's hard to believe that Zarah Rebel Fierce is actually afraid. Fear was the last emotion I ever thought she would ever show me. She's the strongest, most independent and courageous woman I've ever known, and now she's just a weak and fragile little girl. 
I swallow hard trying my best to keep my anger under control "Sweetness is he hitting you?" I ask through gritted teeth.
She looks away, ashamed by what's become of her.
Her entire body language shows it all. I saw the signs earlier, but chose not to read into it. Souly because Eric and Zarah's relationship is so fucked up to the point where they beat each other for pleasure. That's why when I saw the signs of abuse on Zarah I just automatically pinned it as some sort of foreplay. 
I always knew Eric had a temper and was known for punishing people when they got on his nerves or when they needed to learn a lesson while training, but actual physical abuse, that's a different story.
I didn't think rant he'd actually touch Zarah in that way. She was the only one that knew how to calm him down. And the way he looked at her was the kind of way every girl wanted to be looked at. There's so much love and care in his eyes, even though he says he has no feelings towards her, his eyes tell a different story. He always brightens up when she walks into the room.
The fact that he's hitting her is so confusing I fear I may go insane trying to figure out his reason behind everything.
"Four!" I yell.
"Tris don't!" Zarah begs, but it's too late.
Four comes running into the room still struggling to pull the muscle tee over his head. His body is covered in sweat and his face is a. Bright shade of read telling me that I've just caught him in the middle of his work out session. The smell of body odour and men's Rexona deodorant fills the room making me fell slightly nauseous.
It smells like a gross scented Yankee candle. If they ever did make that kind of scent it would be called 'The scent of poor hygiene'.
I love Four, I really do, but that boy does not know the first rule of personal hygiene. He can go 2 days without a shower, all he does is wake up in the morning and French his clothes in men's spray and deodorants. Our room smells like a lynx bomb went off in it.
The only good thing he does is brush his teeth. At least he's nice enough to not shove his morning breath in my face. 
What am I ever gonna do with this boy?
"What's wrong?" He asks as he sprays on yet another layer of lynx on his body.
Don't ask me where the spray came from, I'm still trying to figure that one out. 
I look at Zarah, her eyes begging me not to tell him.
This ones for you my sweetness.
"A person we know is getting beaten by her boyfriend and she doesn't know what to do" I've never liked lying, but if I told Four the truth she'd never trust me again.
He lets out a disappointed sigh and angles his focus onto Zarah "Does she love him?" His eyes full of concern.
He knows it's a lie, but still he plays along with it.
"She doesn't know" she sighs.
"She needs to send him to me first thing tomorrow morning. Send him to the run down warehouse I'll speak to him" he says calmly placing a hand on her left cheek.
She flinches as first, but then she melts into his touch. For a long time they look at each other. It's almost as though they're speaking to each other, it's such a beautiful thing to witness. 
"Thank you" she whispers placing her hand onto his.
With no words he places a gentle kiss on her temple and hesitantly releases we from his grasp.
Four has always looked at her as his own sister that he lost in Abnegation. She fell off a tree when she was 9 and died instantly. He said that when he looks at Rebel he sees the same hunger for adventure burning like flames in her eyes, the same hunger that his sister had.
Zarah has always been an older sister to me, if I were to lose her I'd be lost. She's left her mark on my heart and that's a mark I may never be able to get rid of, and it's a mark that I meet want to get rid of. 
I embrace her in the tightest hug and kiss the bruise on her cheek softly "We'll be right here my sweetness" I whisper.
Zarah's POV:
Fuck fuck fuck
I've fucked up so badly. Eric told not to leave the house today, but instead of heading his orders I went with Tris. If I said no to her offer for yea she would've gotten suspicious.
Once Eric finds out, if Eric finds out he may never let me see the light of day ever again. I told my father that Eric was hitting me and you know what that sick of a bitch said to me "Stop doing what you're doing to piss him off". Instead of taking care of me like a father should he threw me back into the arms of the person who will eventually murder me in cold blood.
My hands shake like crazy as I reach out for the door knob. My hearts beating so fast out if my chest I fear it may rip out I my chest soon. My palms  are so sweaty I can barely twist the handle.
As soon as the door swings open two big hands grab me. His left hand tugs the back of my hair while his right hand rests under my chin forcing me  to look up I not his deadly blue eyes.
"You went out with Tris today?" He asks thorough gritted teeth.
"S-s-s wanted to hang out" I struggle to breath as his grip around my throat tightens.
"I told you not to go out looking like that"
"I covered it up, no one noticed" with that he lifts me by the neck and throws me onto the wall across from him.
Pain radiates throughout my Lowe back and my head is spinning like crazy. Pieces of broken glass from the photographs that I hit on impact cut in my hands and knees as I struggle to pull myself up onto my feet.
Eric's boots come into view for a split second before blinding me by swiping across my left cheek "You love making me angry don't you? Do you realise how easy your life would be I you just listened to me?" He crouches down and shoves a dirty shirt in my face hurting my already bruised eyes "Clean yourself up you making me feel sick"
"You did this to me you bastard" I say through gritted teeth.
He grabs my hair and pulls me so close to his face that I can see the small pours in his face "You know what's wrong with you Rebel?" He whispers sadistically "You're too fucking lippy".
I manage to grab one of his shoes on the floor and hit him across the temple. Temporarily incapacitated I take the opportunity to grab my cherished belongings and make a run for the door.
"Baby please, I'm sorry" he cries.
"I can't do this anymore Eric" I snap gripping the handle of the door tightly within my grasp.
"I just said I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry isn't going to make everything just go away"
"Where're you going?"
"I'm staying with Tris tonight"
"Are you leaving me?"
"Yes" as soon as I take my first step to freedom a clear placating bag is thrown over my head pulling me back into the room.
"The only way you're getting out of here is by this"  he hisses into my ear as he tightens his grip around the back pulling it closer to my nostrils suffocating me more and more.
I try my best to tear the bag apart, but the lack of oxygen weakens me. 
My eyes bulge out of my skull and my mouth is so dry not even a sea of water could bring moisture back to my once wet mouth. All the blood from my brain rushes down into my fingers numbing them completely.
The world around me grows blurrier and blurrier until theirs nothing, but darkness.
I want to die. Someone please just let me die. I don't want to be here anymore.
The bright light shines through the cracks of the curtains and a cool breeze brushes against my tender flesh.
Instead of feeling happy my heart sinks to my stomach, because I want to be dead. I prayed to the angle of death to come and take me from this world, but instead she ignored my cries and left me to live in this land of hell.
"Morning honey" the voice of the devil sends a dagger stabbing into my heart. He gives me a disgusting smile and brushes a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
Still in deep pain and too afraid to speak he picks me up bridal style and walks me into the bathroom. He places me gently onto the ground and slowly undresses me making sure that he doesn't hurt me "I gotta go to work, but this should help relieve the pain" he presses a gentle kiss on my temple and leaves me in at stunned silence.
Why didn't you let me die? I'm not strong  to take my own life, please angel of death just take me away.

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