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Four's POV:
Ever since the new initiates arrived something had changed around here, but it's hard to put my finger on it. Although I've never really payed attention to small changes. A girl could give birth right in front of my eyes and I'd be more concentrated on the boost within the faction less.
Eric and I walk alongside each other in silence. I fight back every single urge to strangle him right now.  Tris denied that she had gotten the bruises from him, but Ive known him long enough to pick out his trademarks.
With any other regular girl I'd brush it off, but Tris is different. For some reason when I think of her I become speechless. Followed by my sudden loss of speech is also deep concern. If word gets out that I'm seeing an initiate I'll be stripped of all of my privileges. 
While I'm having the battle of World War 3 in my head Eric strides alongside me with a gleeful look on his face. Eric had never scared me, but him bring overly tolerable scares me just a little. 
As we walk along the hallways a young initiate Will or Bill or some shit like that shoves Eric slightly making him lose his balance.
"I'm so sorry Eric" Greg or Ben or some common guys name begs dropping down on his knees for forgiveness.
"Don't worry it's fine" Eric replies calmly helping him off of the ground.
This one small act of kindness sets off all the alarms in my head.
"I'll go run 50 suicides" the kid insists.
"You bumped into me it's not the end of the world calm down"
"So?" He asks sounding just as confused as I am.
"Go along with your life initiate" Eric orders half scaring the kid of death.
"Are you sick? Should I call for someone?" I ask.
I dot know why in worried about his well being but I am. Apart of me wishes that he wasn't okay and we can ship his ass off to Erudite right now.
"Sick? No I'm fine. We need to have a meeting right now" he replies with such excitement in his voice.
What in the actual fuck?
I've never been great with al this emotional stuff, never have never will. But I'm pretty sure people like Eric are not supposed to be acting this weird. The last time he ever acted like this was never because he's never happy. But then again we're not boys so I don't really care.
It's just the fact that he wants to go to a meeting is weird. He's always the first be to leave and throughout the entire session he's complaining that we let him leave.
"Meeting? Are you sure you're feeling well? This is scarier than usual"
"The weather is so nice today" he lets out a relaxed sigh as he looks out of the tall glass window.
"Eric there's a storm outside" I reply as it grab a broken piece of wood in case I need to knock him out.
"I know and it's so beautiful" and with that he leaves me in stunned silence. 
As he turns a corner Tris appeared around the same bend isn which he had disappeared from. The smile that was once on her face  turns into a concerned expression. Slowly I fall into a dark secluded area as she follows me like a lost puppy.
"Hey what's wrong?" She asks as she runs her fingers through my hair.
"Eric's just acting weird" I reply still feeling uncomfortable about what just happened.
"Is that even possible?" She laughs.
"I didn't think it was but it is"
"Hes been spending allot of time with Zarah maybe she'll know" all of a sudden everything priced together. He's acting weird because of her he's trying to change his persona for her. Not because he's trying to bed her, but because he's going to throw her into the burning fires of hell.
If I'm wrong and I'm never wrong then Eric likes Zarah.
Zarah's POV:
Wrapping a towel around my soaking wet body I shake off the water from my hair like a dog. The speaker playing 'Daneapoctalyptic' at full blast as I dance around the small bathroom. Steam from the hot water fogs up the mirror I immediately clean away the fog.
I look at the girl in the mirror with confusion. I don't know how to feel towards the person staring back at me. My stomach as black as the night and my eyes look like they've seen better days.
Throwing on a pair of not so appropriate panties I open the door to the bathroom and make my way in the direction of the dressing table.
"Morning" a deep voice startles me causing me to drop my towel.
Thank god I'm wearing my panties.
Turning my back to him I search my drawers for a bra and immediately put it on.
"What the fuck Eric! Have you never heard of knocking?!" I snap walking towards him.
"Calm down you don't have anything I haven't seen before" he says seductively as he runs his hands over my stomach and snakes it around my back.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I plant a small kiss on his cheek before pushing him away from me.
"Is there a reason you're here so early? Besides the fact that I'm amazing of course" I ask as I throw on a V shirt and a pair of short shorts.
Looking at him through the mirror I watch as he chuckles before sitting himself on my bed. The fact that I kissed him hasn't affected him at all astounds me. I thought he'd jump at the chance to have his way with me. Or maybe he just didn't notice it. Ew what if he gets kissed everyday by some other skanks.
"I have to go into the office today to do some work"
"I'm supposed to care why?" Throwing the wet towel at his face I sit myself comfortably on the dressing table.
"I'm in charge of looking after you and as your Dauntless leader I order you to come with me" it's no longer the flirting Eric it's Dauntless leader Eric.
Scrunching my nose he notices and  lets out a small giggle. Rolling my eyes I make a run for the bathroom but he pulls me back. But instead of being rough he's gentle treating me as if I were glass.
Pressing my back against his chest his fingers intertwine with mind and rests on my stomach. Resting his head on my shoulder I can't help but rest my head on his. It feels weirdly perfect it's what I've always wanted from a man. Love and affection.
Suddenly my stomach starts to churn and my heart starts racing. It's a feeling I haven't felt in a very long time. The feeling of love. But in this case maybe it's the idea of love. I must be mistaking lust for love surely.
There is no way in fucking hell I'm falling for Eric.
"Do I have a choice?" I sigh.
"Well you can come with me and if you don't I'll drag you out of here"
"So no?"
Pushing him off me I walk into the bathroom and turn off the speaker. I out a loud sigh before putting my hair into a messy bun. I seriously can't be fucked making myself look pretty it uses up so much energy and I need my energy for eating. I put more effort into what I'm going to eat than what I'm going to wear.
Grabbing his hand I pull him along and he follows without hesitation. We walk along the long gloomy hallways for a good 5 minutes. Confused at the fact the Eric has made no attempts to stop me I come to a halt.
We're lost well actually I'm lost. I've been waking all this time not knowing where the fuck I was going.
"You didn't think to tell me we were going in the wrong direction at any point?" Pushing him to the side he falls onto the wall letting out a small giggle.
"It was cute watching you be the boss"
"You know for an ex Erudite you make some really dumb choices"
Grabbing me by the throat he slams me against the wall. His eyes cold grey full of death. Digging his fingernails into my skin I whimper in pain. Confusion fills my mind.
"How the fuck do you know where I'm from?!" He snaps slamming his free hand into the concrete wall.
"Eric. Let me go" I command with a stern tone in my voice.
My body trembles just thinking of what he may do to me, but I have to stay strong. Instead of loosening his grip he tightens it even more. With great force he lifts me off the ground. His hand still gripped around my throat.
"Eric" I whimper my vision growing blurry.
"Stop!" I scream with all the strength that I have clawing at his arm struggling to escape.
His eyes change back to the light blue that I saw last night. Releasing me I immediately fall to the ground. Holding my throat my arm trembles as I clean away the tears. I don't know what to think or even how to feel. One stupid word and everything just went to hell.
"Zarah I'm s-"
"Don't touch me!" I snap pushing him away from me.
Giving me space He steps away with caution. Gathering all the strength I have I pick myself up off the ground and run. I don't know where I'm going all I know is I need to get away from him.
I can't believe I was actually falling for that! It's a good thing he reminded me why not to fall for him.
The sound of rushing water lifts my spirits and I follow the noise down the hallways until I find myself standing in front of a met bridge. It stretches across a large gap dropping into a pit of darkness onto the otherwise of what I'm guessing is more of Dauntless. Slowly making my way to the middle of the bridge I drop onto my ass and lean against the railing. The sound of water flowing beneath me brings fear to my heart.
At this very moment I want to jump but what's the point? If I do kill myself it won't solve any of my problems. They'll still be here the only difference is that I wouldn't be around to stop them.
Pulling my legs against my chest I finally let my tears fall out. At this very moment I don't care who finds me I'm in too much pain to give a fuck. I'm in pain because I thought for a split second that I could trust Eric.
And that's what feelings get you kids pain and heartbreak. Sure there are the happy ones but you can never really have happiness without pain.
The feeling of big warm arms wrapping around my shoulders startles me. Wiping the tears he threaten to fall from my eyes I find myself resting my head on a complete strangers chest.
"I'm sorry Zarah" his voice broken and full of remorse.
Suddenly all his features come into view. In the corner of my eye the patterns of a maze like tattoo races across his arm. And the smell of men's cologne radiates lingers off his skin.
Instead of pushing him away I hold him close. For some reason I feel as though I'm the one to blame. But I have no idea why. Stroking my hair gently he plants a small kiss on my head. My heart skips a beat as this feeling of intimacy begins to grow between the two of us.
We're either going to end up together or become best friends.
"Do you really think sorry is supposed to fix everything? If it did then we wouldn't need laws"
"Growing up in Erudite was never the best. When I left I decided it was best to stay gone. But when you brought it back up it reminded me that the past will always find some way to come back into my life"
"And so you thought that attempting to kill me was going to solve all your problems?"
"It's a force of habit"
"Killing awesome people? Girls must drop their panties to get a slice of that"
"Allot of girls love it rough. That's why I've managed to bag so many"
Kissing his neck he cocks his eyebrow at me.
"I'm the perfect girl for you then"
Placing his hand beneath my chin he lifts my head so I am staring right at me. Once again my stomach begins to churn and my heart stats beating at a rapid pace. He leans his head down slowly but I immediately place my hand on his lips to stop him. 
"Not yet" I whisper as I run my fingers through his hair.
"You're such a fucking tease" he says seductively.
"It's in the job description you should read it sometime" I joke pulling him to his feet.
I know Eric wants me and I want him but it's for the best of us if we get to know each other better. The good thing is I've got control over him not complete control but enough. After a few more days with him I'll be the dominant and he'll by my submissive.
"Shoot me in the face" I moan sliding into the seat next to Ken.
"That's a new one Tris write that down" Ken commands throwing Tris a pen.
Out of nowhere she pulls out a notepad and starts writing. Confused and hungry I take a bite out of the delicious bacon, beef and cheese burger.
"What happened?" Tyree asks sounding uninterested.
Ignoring the fact that she actually doesn't want to listen I munch on a few french fries before complaining.
"I had to sit through a lecture about something by someone from somewhere. I fell asleep but still. That is all" giving a small bow I await a huge applause but there's nothing.
Rolling my eyes go back to eating my over cooked chips. Looking at Tyree I notice bruises running down the side of her arms and down the front of her chest. Giving Tris a nudge i direct her attention to Tyree.
"If your wondering your boyfriend did this" Tyree speaks up as she stabs her burger furiously.
"No he didn't all he did was make you fight Peter" Ken says elbowing Tyree in the ribs.
I'm more confused than anything. Eric was with me the entire day at least I think. I fell asleep 3 minutes into that boring lecture he must've snuck out while I was sleeping.
"He almost killed me!" She snaps. 
"Confused" I say wanting more information.
"Ty gave up during the fight and as punishment Eric made her hold the railing of the chasm for 5 minutes"
"You deserved it" I mumble hoping she doesn't hear me.
"Dauntless never give up"
"You sound just like him! You're all insane!" Sliding her tray to Ken she storms off.
She's being a real drama queen and that's coming from me. The fact that she's freaking out because Eric true to kill her is odd. She knows he's hot headed plus he does have a habit of scaring people. If she knew she wouldn't be able to handle this place she should've chosen differently.
Grabbing her unearned burger I cut it in half and give one half to Ken.
"Miss Fierce" a familiar voice says from behind.
"I'm gonna take a guess and say it's Four?"
"What did you do to Eric?" He asks sitting down next to Tris causing her face to turn a light shade of pink.
"Well he's asking for you" he says hinting that Eric isn't too far away.
Turning my head I see a pair of blue eyes staring at me from across the room. Rolling my eyes I grab Kens glass of what I can only assume is poison and chug it down.
"Well you can tell Eric to fuck off" I say handing Ken the empty glass.
"Do your kiss your mother with that mouth? " a deep voice from behind sends shivers down my spine.
Diving for Fours bottle of beer he immediately swats my hand away. Giving him a pissed off look he chuckles as he sips on his bottle of beer. Standing up with confidence I turn to face Eric. A hush falls amongst our table as I move closer to him.
"What do you want Eric?" I ask feeling extremely annoyed.
"I want to talk to you" he replies.
"Well I don't" pushing pass him I make for the pit.
The sound of heavy footsteps filled the empty hallway making my heart beat out of my chest. Picking up my pace I hear his footsteps getting closer. Takings sharp turn into an empty room I grab his arm and pull him inside.
"Quit following me!" I snap.
"What the fuck is your problem?!" He yells slamming me into the wall.
"My best friend hates me because of you!"
"It's not my fault she's weak!"
"Look I can take the constant torture that you've given me everyday, but once it comes to my family that's where I draw the line"
"All I'm trying to do is toughen her up you of all people should understand that"
Moving in close to him I snake my arms around his back. Unsure of what to do he holds me close. A feeling of sadness fills my heart.
"Eric we can't see each other......At least for a few days"
"You better have a good excuse as to why"
"I need some time to......I need to  feed my goldfish" pushing him away from me.
"You don't have a goldfish"
"I need to go find a goldfish then feed it"
I can't fall for him. I'm losing my friends and it's because of him. I can't lose my friends. Not again.

Trust Me, I'm Lying|| Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now