The Watch

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Zarah's POV:
"Say the word and I'll kill you right now. And I promise you it will be painless" I say looking down at my bloody faced brother.
"I'll clean my act up........I'm sorry Rebel for everything" he mutters as he rolls along the floor in pain.
"Save your apologies I don't want to hear it. I don't want to see your face for the rest of the night. If you so much as touch me before first light tomorrow morning I will kill you" taking one last look at him I grab the bottle of whiskey from his grasp and smash on his head knocking him unconscious .
Never in my life have I ever been so angry. I've suppressed all of my emotions and kept them bottled up for the safety of the people around me. I'm a grenade and when I explode I will take everyone within my wake.
I never knew my brother was a heroine addict until the night of May 25th. The dosage he had taken was high and he began to hallucinate. I had never been so afraid for my life.
I had failed both Thaddeus and Lauryn that night.
I had promised to keep Lauryn from harm but I couldn't even do that. I had promised that Thaddeus would never need to be in pain because I would fight off his demons. And that night his demons won and he suffered something neither him or I will ever forget.
Pushing the door of my apartment open the smell of dust and Eric's cologne fills my nostrils. I grab a small bag and throw whatever clothes I have along with a small necklace with the Dauntless emblem on the silver chain.
I found it in my drawer a few days ago. Me sure who it belongs to, but it's mine now.
Looking at the alarm clock on the wall it reads 06:00pm. 
Time flies. What time did I leave Eric? How long have I been out for? Shit what time is he coming to get me again?
Sliding down to the floor I rest my head against the wall. The sound of  movement from next door tells me that Ken is home. I feel a thumping of the wall and for some reason it feels as though he is leaning against my back. The walls are so thin I can feel the heat from his body agains my back.
And I an feel his emotions.Almost like he knows exactly how I'm feeling. We've always had this mental connection no matter how far apart we are we'd always feel each other emotions. 
"Tris told me what happened"  he says from the other side I the wall.
The walls are so paper thin it feels as though he's in the room with me.
"You know why I did it Ken"  I reply with bluntness in my voice.
"Are you okay?" He asks already knowing why my answer will lost likely be.
"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself just worry about Ree" I say as I start picking at the fabric of the floor mat.
"Stop picking at the mat!" he snaps.
The feeling of his anger through the walls makes my head spin. It's actually really scary. The wall seems so thin I could fall straight through. If we smashed down the walls I don't think anyone would care.
"I'm staying at Eric's house tonight by the way"
The nerves in my body cause me to shake like crazy. The fear of him getting mad at me scares me. I immediately move myself away from the wall in order to dodge his fist. But instead of anger I hear a loud sigh of what I can only guess is disappointment.
"You're really moving fast with this relationship huh?" He chuckles.
"He's not my boyfriend. I asked him to sleep with me" I snap becoming overly defensive.
"Earth to Rebel I always sleep with you" he says sounding extremely jealous.
"I figured you'd be busy taking care of Ty so I didn't want to interfere. It's just for tonight then we can spoon whenever you want" I laugh.
I want to hug him so badly, but this stupid wall separates us. I love human contact it's the only thing that will calm me down. It's the only thing that can temporarily fill this void in my heart. I have this constant need to have someone for someone to hold me and care for my every need.
But the thing is I don't like people paying attention to me. I am in charge of looking after everyone. I am the one that has to set a good example.
"If he touches you beat the shit out him. And if you don't I'll kill him" he says bluntly.
The very words scared me. I've never heard him make a death threat before but I know what he's capable of. The things he's done to protect his family are terrifying. Ken is the definition of a family man. If somebody so much as pinched his family he would punish them. He's a very understanding boy and he's very respected. But when his father passed away he became the man of the house and that job is different to any other job.
As his sister he is very protective of me. Maybe a little too protective. But he knows that there are times when each of us need to decide things for ourselves.
"Don't worry Ken I've faced worse people than Eric"
Have I really? Seriously Zarah who are you kidding? Eric's the scariest fucking person ever. Plus Ken knows everyone that's ever crossed your path.
The door swings open and slams against the wall. Jumping to my feet I watch as Eric circles the room. His eyes cold and grey with anger and fury. Pressing my back against the wall he stares at me in silence and his eyes turn to his calming beautiful blue eyes.
"Is that him?" Ken asks through the wall breaking the silence.
"Yea he's here" I say mentally wishing he wasn't here right now.
"Hi Eric I wish I could see you but I don't want to" he says bursting out into laughter randomly.
Looking at Eric who seems pretty close to walking next door and eating the shit out of Ken I press my back up against the wall again hoping that Ken can feel my frustration. But he doesn't.
Tapping the wall lightly to indicate that he needs to stop laughing I have no success. Now fearing for my friends life I slam my fist into the wall. My hand goes right through the wall and slices from the bottom of my wrist to my elbow wide open. 
There's no pain which means that I've sliced past the nervous tissue. Looking at my bloody carpet my body begins to tremble. I tear my arm out of the new hole in the wall and fall into Eric's arms. Kens terrified eyes stares into mine almost like it was his fault.
Wrapping my good arm around Eric's neck he picks me up bridal style. Keeping the wounded arm elevated he grabs a shirt from my drawer and wraps it around the wound to slow down the bleeding.
"Ken don't worry it's not your fault.....I guess I don't know my own strength" I giggle.
Eric grabs my overnight bag and without any sort of warning he races me down the halls. The entire journey is silent. The only thing I can think about right now is where he's taking me.  My eyes grow heavy but I force myself to stay awake.
I momentarily black out and once I open my eyes I find myself laying on a huge bed. The room is lit by the natural sunlight and it's painted light grey. On the left side of the room stands two big glass doors that lead out to a balcony. To the right is a walk-in close and next to it is what I can only assume is the bathroom.
Where am I?
My eyes are so sore I can feel my heart beating out of it. My head is dizy but I ignore it. A strange thumping sound comes from outside. Looking down at my now clean hand so almost through up at the sigh of flesh and white meat.
"You didn't cut through to the bone. You cut into the fat. Which proves my theory that you are in fact fat" Eric says sitting on the edge of the bed beside me.
"Thanks for boosting my self esteem" I say sarcastically rolling my eyes at him.
"You're welcome"
"The thanks wasn't supposed to be sincere" I reply throwing a pillow at his face.
He grabs the pillow before it hits his face, and before anything can escape my lips a cotton covered pillow kisses them. And believe me it wasn't a soft peck this motherfucker was hard. It hits my face so hard that I end up biting my tongue until blood fills my mouth. My head smacks down onto the bed and I find myself temporarily blind.
" you're welcome was" he whispers into my ear.
Once my vision is back I help myself sit up straight in order to examine myself. 
Oh shit I bled allot. Wait where the fuck are my pants?!
Looking down at my bare legs I realise that I'm not wearing my clothes. Instead I've been covered with a huge black shirt. It's his for sure but I'm more scared about what he's seen.
"I took off your bra as well......there was allot of blood I had no choice" he says.
Grabbing my wounded hand he gently dresses it. The feeling of safety overcomes me and I can't help but lay my body across his lap. Making myself comfortable on him I rest my head on his brawny chest.
"Do you usually take unconscious girls back to your apartment and undress them?" I joke.
"Usually I won't have to do anything" he replies jokingly.
"Just remember seeing me naked doesn't mean you're getting any of this" I say.
"After seeing you naked. I know I don't want anything you have to offer"
"Are you sure you didn't like anything at all?" I ask tracing patterns on his arm with my uninjured arm.
Packing away the leftover dressing into the the first aid kit he places it on the ground.
He immediately pulls me around so that I'm straddled on his waist. Pulling me closer to his chest I snake my arms around the back of his neck. Running his hands up and down my spine my heart begins to race.
"Answer me soldier" I order tugging the collar of his shirt.
"No comment" he says seductively before biting my earlobe.
Letting out an unexpected moan he lets out a deep chuckle. Looking deep into my eyes I feel the butterflies start to churn within my stomach. Placing his right hand on my cheek he pulls my face close so that our lips are only inches apart.
The strong aftershave lingers from his skin making me want him more.
I've tried so hard to push him away from me, but the universe is saying something different. Placing my injured hand on his abdomen I feel what I can only assume is his 6 pack my face burns hot. He brings his face closer to me that sends an immediate tingling sensation surging in between my legs.
"I'm gonna go find something to drink I'll be back" before he can pull me back I charge out of the room.
Oh thank the Lord. Your a smart little girl Zarah. Do you realise how awesome you are? It's almost like driving a truck on top of a plane while on fire. You deserve a cookie go get yourself a cookie.
Looking through the fully stocked cub boards I search for any sort of cookie. Just kidding I want chocolate chip cookies or Oreos or Tim Tams I'm not fussed. But if a bitch doesn't get chocolate chips, Oreo or Tim Tam cookie IMMA be pissed the fuck off.
"You healthy son of a bitch" I mutter to myself. Slamming the cub board door shut I angrily search the rest of the lounge for something to subsidise the hunger for cookies.
In the corner of my eye I spot a crystal bottle what I can only assume is whiskey. I charge for the bottle and instead of my glass halfway like any typical lightweight girl I fill that mofo all the way to the top.
"Aren't you a little too young to be drinking?" His deep husky voice sends shivers down my spine.
"Aren't you a little ugly to be taking to me?"
"Insulting me isn't going to make your stay here any better Rebel" he laughs as he fills a glass for himself.
Instead of replying to him I walk in the direction of his record player. For a young guy he's got some really old people stuff. Exhibit A the record player. The first song to play once I figure out how to work the blasted machine is 'Cry to me'.  
"Catchy song. Eric dance with me" I order as I throw my hands in the air.
My blood begins to boil as the remainder of whiskey dries my throat and settles in my stomach.
"No" he replies with complete disinterest in his voice.
"No as in you can't dance or you don't want to?"
"Too bad" I say before smacking his left cheek as hard as possible.
"You want to get hit don't you?" He rubs his cheek trying t subsidise the pain.
"So you don't want to dance but you do want to wrestle?"
"I didn't say that"
I don't let him finish his sentence. Charging for his abdomen I tackle him to the ground. Well not exactly the ground throughout the fall his small coffee table is unable to withstand our weight and it broke.
He goes to throw a punch but I quickly head butt him.
It looks so much better when others do it. Dizzy and disorientated Eric takes the opportunity to punch me in the face.  He goes to throw another bunch but I grab a cushion from the couch and hit him as hard as I can.
I watch in enjoyment as he falls onto the ground causing the floor to tremble beneath him. Letting out a loud laugh I straddle on his waist and begin to kiss his neck, jaw line and cheek but I stop myself from kissing his beautiful pink kissable lips.
"Bed time Sexy" I whisper staring into his blue eyes. 
"Ya know if you remove the Y it's just Sex" he places his hands only waist and holds me in place.
I plant a kiss on hisself cheek, and let my lips linger over his for a little while longer.
"I'm not ready Eric" I say knowing that I've most likely killed the mood.
He lets out a disappointed sigh and places his left hand on my cheek "Well they do say the longer you wait the better the sex is" he jokes.
We make our way into his room and I get comfortably in it. 
Throwing off his pants so that he's only in his boxer briefs my face burns at the very sight of his beautifully toned legs and abs. I immediately get comfortable beneath the covers indicating that all I want to do is sleep. He lets out a loud chuckle as he dives into the bed next to me. Finding his place beneath the blankets I drape my right leg over his and run my right hand over his abdomen.
"This is actually a really uncomfortable position" I laugh.
"Turn around then"
Heeding his command I immediately turn onto my side. He snakes his hand around my waist and traces little circles on my stomach. The feeling of his chest pressed against my back gives me some sense of security. Slowly the sleep begins to wash over me.
"Goodnight Rebel it's been on hell of a day" he whispers into my ear before planting a kiss on my cheek.
Intertwining my fingers with his I say "I'm sleeping".
Almost immediately sleep washes over me and everything that happened today turns into a distant memory.

Trust Me, I'm Lying|| Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now