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All time favourite Disney Princess?
Princess Tiana
Song recommendation:
Love The Way You Lie Part II by Eminem ft Rihanna
Zarah's POV:
"You've grown up beautifully" the ghost from my past says.
It's him. His skin has a nice smooth tan and his scary green eyes in which I've inherited are a so light they almost look white. His face has a few wrinkles and hair is lined with a few strands of grey hairs, but it's him.  My dad. The man that I devoted my entire childhood to. The man that taught me how to survive. The man that taught me the truth through lies. 
His smile stabs me in the heart bringing back memories that were once happy. Now when I look back at my memories all I see is the man who abandoned me in order to get his 15 minutes of fame.
It feels as though my mind is playing tricks on me. After all these years I've wanted nothing more than to have my father back. And now that I've got him back, I want to put him in the ground where he belongs. That's why people always say 'be careful what you wish for'.
Get out of there!
I quickly shove past him and power walk my way into the house. The ceilings are high and the house has a modern theme to it. The walls are made of concrete and the floors are layered with wood and painted black. On the far side of the room there's stairs that lead to what I'm assuming is the second story of the house. Past that is another hallway which leads has 3 closed doors along it. The kitchen has a long granite counter top and a huge oven and stove.
In the living roman area where I'm standing there's a huge glass shelf pushed up against the wall polled with trophies. The walls are full of medals, certificates and photos. For some odd reason I feel as though I've been here before. The smell of alpine detergent lingers in my nostrils sparking faint memories. This pale seems so familiar, but so new at the same time. 
Emotionally unstable and confused I continue my search throughout the house trying to find where Eric and I should be sleeping.
"Angel come back" he calls taking my left hand into his grasp.
"Don't call me that!" I snap tearing my hand from his grasp "My father is the only man who can ever call me that. And he died the day he pulled the fucking trigger" my voice is shaking and unbelievable anger is surging through my heart. 
"I'm sorry" he whispers his eyes unable to look into mine.
"10 years" the tears threaten to fall but the strength of my hate overpowers it "Did you know what they did to us in that house?" Waiting for the answer that will define the way I feel towards the man standing in front of me from now to the day I die.
"Yes. I'm so sorry Angel" his voice sounds sincere, but his eyes tell a different story.
His eyes are blank with no options in them. They look like the yes of a dead person. His whole body is relaxed, not tense. Those who are guilty and are begging for forgiveness will be tense everything about them would be uneasy. But not him. He's so relaxed almost as though he had gone through this so many times to the point where he didn't care what the end result was. 
"After all these years that all you can say?" I snap. 
"What can I do to make you forgive me?" His tone of Boyce remind me of Eric.
It's so cocky. He makes it sound as though it's no a big deal and everything can be fixed up with a few words and a bouquet of flowers with some cheesy apology written on it. 
So in stead of giving him a task that would be simple for him, I give him one that he'll never be able to fulfil "Give me back my innocence" I hiss and push past him.
I take the stairs to the second floor to find Ken at the top. His eyes are full of sorrow and pity for me. The fact that he's here startles me, but I figured it's the fact that he's family and the leaders will want us to look like one big happy lie. There's no doubt that they'll bringing the others down to make it look like they're huge supporters of this terrible marriage.
He steps to hug me, but I place my hand out indicating that I don't want his pity.
Walking for a little while longer I find the room with my bags and Eric's. Slamming the door behind me I finally break. I grab whatever mid within grabbing distance and throw it into the ground letting it break on impact.
My blood feels so hot I feel that I may melt. My head is pounding and my jaw is aching.
How can he think that he can just smile and think that everything between is is okay?!
I give myself some time to calm my nerves and  observe my surroundings. The room is lit by the natural sunlight a big window runs along the side and it has a long seat stretching across the wall.
There's a closet door and to the left is a door leading to the bathroom. It's not a big bathroom, but it's good enough.
The walls are painted white with little fairy lights dancing cross the walls. It's a 5 year old room. Everything about it screams little child.
On the walls hangs pictures of my family, the one I knew once before. We're happy. We're alive. We're innocent.
It all comes back to me all in one go. This house. I do know it. This house. Was my house. Yes I remember it now. All of it.
This was the house we lived in up till Andre passed away. Everything makes sense. This room. It's my room, the room that I grew up in for a quarter of my life.
I was much too young to remember my years here, but judging by all the happy family portraits and homemade arts and crafts materials, it was the life I had always wanted.
"How're you feeling?" The deep and hauntingly beautiful voice that I both hate and adore asks both enraging and calming my nerves.
"Like I've been thrown under a train" I sigh sitting on the long seat that runs along the window.
"Come here" he commands in a soft voice as he opens his arms in order to embrace me.
I don't regret his sudden niceness and his offer to help me even though I know it's not entirely try. He's under orders to make me feel comfortable around him. If I'm comfortable then it'll make this lie seem so much more real.
"How long do we have to stay here?" I ask as I bury my face into his shirt.
"The sooner we make the announcement the sooner we can leave" his left hand rests on the small of my back while his other combs through my hair.
The sweet smell of lynx lingers of of his clothes. It's almost as though he washes his clothes in it. I've never once smelt washing power on any of his clothing. But I can't bring myself to complain about it. It's his scent and I'm drawn to it. The very smell of it on his skin makes my body shudder creating a strong sensation between my legs. I get so turned on just by smelling him.
Shaking my head in an attempt to push aside the dirty thoughts that are growing in my mind I force myself to break the connection with him "Let's make it quick I don't want to be here much longer" I sigh.
A silence falls between us, but he has no problem in breaking it "I'm gonna leave you alone for a while" he announces standing to leave.
"No" I command grabbing his hand desperately.
He looks at me with a twinge of annoyance, but concern and relief overtakes his expression. It's almost as though he wanted me to say those words. Like he didn't truly want to leave.
I swallow down all of my pride and force myself to say the very words I prayed I'd never say to Eric"Please can you stay with me?" It was almost like a whisper, but he heeded my request.
He takes his original sitting beside me and pulls me closer to his chest. His heart beats slow making my eyes feel heavy. Truthfully I'm  thankful that  sleep I finally washing over me. I want nothing more than to let this day turn into nothing more than a memory. This day has been a handful, this life is a handful.
Sometimes I wish I could just slip away to a world where no one knows me. A world where I don't need to carry the troubles of others. A world where I have full control of my life, my thoughts and my heart.
It's been 2 days since our arrival into Candour and I've stayed enclosed in this room, refusing to communicate with anyone. The mere thought of speaking of my past or let alone my future makes me feel sick to my stomach.
Majority of the time I am alone. Eric is gone before day break and is back well after sunset. I've had my suspicions on what's kept him out so late, but I've never bothered to bring it up. 
Most nights Id be able to sleep with no trouble at all, but tonight I'm restless. Something about the atmosphere of the room makes me feel uncomfortable. There are so many secrets surrounding me making it feels as though I'm being suffocated with even knowing it.
Sliding out of bed I quietly rife through Eric's things. In his case are many case files, probably regarding our wedding arrangements and plans that would go forward after the ceremony. I make no attempt in reading it knowing that it will his engrave me and send me into a spiralling pit of despair. Tucked away in the corner of the bag is a small not that I had almost missed completely.
The sound of shuffling on the bed creates a mini heart attack to jolt through my chest. I turn to look at the bed only to find Eric still sound asleep.
Ensuring that he's still fast asleep I lock myself in the bathroom and read the note in my hand:
'Eric baby, I miss that big thick cock so much. Fuck it makes me so wet just thinking of you inside of me. I want to suck your cock baby. Ditch that little WIFEEY soon so I can fuck you senseless'
Heartbreak is the only thing I can feel. Although I had lied to myself and said that I don't have feelings for him, my heart is telling another story. My head is telling me to forget him and to put a pillow over his face to silence his screams as I stab his face through the pillow  over and over again, but my heart is telling me to hold onto him and keep digging till I find the good in him. This constant fight within my mind makes me question my own sanity.
I crumble the letter within my shaky grasp and go back into the room. Making no attempt to keep quiet I begin to gather my things. I've decided to come up with my own plan that doesn't involve murder and more heartbreak. I intend to run away and make home with the faction less. Since they're considered redundant and not worth observing no one will think to look for me there. 
"Where are you going?" Eric's deep husky voice startles me but doesn't distract me from my current mission.
"I'm leaving you" I say calmly avoiding eye contact with him.
His big footsteps on the hardwood floors sends my nerves into shock "No you're not" he commands squeezing my left arm he pulls me so that I'm staring right into his piercing cold blue eyes.
"Get your hands off me" I say through gritted teeth tearing myself out from his grasp.
"I'm your fiancé you bitch, show me some more respect" he steps in from if me preventing me from making any further advances to escape. 
"Say that to your special little whore" I snap shoving the letter into his grasp. He's speechless as he stares at the letter within his grasp "What? You think I didn't know?" I state not holding back.
"Shut up" he commands through gritted teeth.
"You may scare all your other little skanks, but you don't scare me" a stinging pain radiates across my left cheek followed by a faint numbing sensation.
I've been hit by Eric a handful of times, but that was in the middle of training we had to hit each other in order to learn our strengths and weaknesses, but this is different. It's abuse. The way he hit me this time, there was no remorse just hate.
The force from the hit is so strong I momentarily lose my balance. Holding my face in shock I step away from him in fear.
"Zarah. I didn't mean it. Please next tim-"
"There won't be a next time" I cut him off.
Grabbing the closet thing possible I hit him across the temple momentarily incapacitating him. He rolls around on the ground in agony and I make my escape.
"Get back here!" He screams but I don't looks back.

Trust Me, I'm Lying|| Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now