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Zarahs POV:
Week 3 not much longer now. Are you ready for mental Zarah? You have to be ready their going to be in your head do you really want them to see what happened to you?
We've got 3 more weeks of physical training until we move onto mental. So far 15 people have left thank the Lord it's none of my friends. Although Ken almost got cut he's saved himself from death so many times. He's sort of like a cat with 9 lives.
Thaddeus and I are getting along. We've got a normal brother and sister relationship he beats me up and I knock him out that sort of stuff. Every odd day he'll train with me after hours. Although he insists on going easy on me I don't allow it.
If there's one thing I don't like is people going easy on me. And thanks to my grand decision to let him beat me like any normal initiate I have suffered 1 broken rib, a dislocated shoulder and also what I think is a fractured wrist. At least I hope it's a fractured wrist or just severe bruising.
Fighting off the pain in my right arm I position my stance for knife throwing. With each toss the the shining blade of death whistles in my ear before finding its place in the target.
I've always been very gifted when it comes to knives. If they got a person to stand in front of it I'd be able to trace around their body with knives.
Okay maybe I over exaggerated that one a bit, but yea.
People ask what I think about when I throw the knives it's quite simple really I imagine every person that's ever hurt me. With every toss of a knife I imagine their heads erupting with blood.
I always aim for the head. I feel as though a head shot is always the quickest way to kill someone.
Wow I really am crazy. Well on the bright side no one will ever have to know how crazy I really am.
"You're really good" a voice says frightening me.
With the knife in my hand I shove it against the throat of the stranger. His light brown eyes send my heart into shock almost instantly. Four.
I immediately drop the knife onto the table. Wiping the sweat of fear on my forehead I pace nervously back and fourth trying to take control of my nerves.
I almost killed Four.
"Four shit wait I mean shit no shoot! I can't believe I said shit three times. Oh my god I'm so sorry" I blurt my face burning hot from embarrassment.
"The good news is you've got reflexes" he jokes as he starts throwing the knives at the target.
Before I spoke to him I thought he was someone to fear. Maybe he is, but what happened yesterday has changed my perspective towards him. Like they say don't judge a book by its cover.
"Do you try to kill people often?" He asks his eyes glued on the target.
"Whenever I get the chance" I laugh.
"Are you sure you gave me the right ingredients for the pancakes?" He asks sounding disappointed.
"Uh...yea" I reply sill not sure why he wants to know how to cook pancakes.
"Because I followed your steps yesterday and it didn't rise"
"Did you add baking power?"
"Nope....I guess I'll have to try it again today" He sighs.
He drops the knife on the table before siting himself comfortably on the edge of the table.
His sweet caring light brown eyes melting my heart. A feeling of safety begins to grow within me. A feeling that I have when I'm with Ken and Thaddeus. I don't know why but I feel as though we are going to be the best of friends someday.
"Last jumper in the ring! And...Little Rebel" he gives me a evil grin making choke in my own breath.
Swallowing all confidence I slowly walk myself in the direction of the fighting mat. With each step I feel my heart pounding faster and faster. If I were to die right now it would be the cause of a heart attack.
As I step onto the mat I swallow down all of my pride. Out of nowhere a big hand grabs my arm and pulls me to the sidelines.
"Listen to me he wants you to be scared. I want you to ignore Eric. All that anger you've buried take it all out on him. Can you do that for me?" Thaddeus whispers into my ear before releasing me from his grasp.
Basically pushing me back onto the mat I trip only slightly before finally finding my proper footing.
Giving him a nod of approval I immediately wipe away the sweat that's trickling down my face like a waterfall.
This little fuck has no idea what's coming to him. I won't let you down Addie I promise.
All the fear that once was is now gone in the blink of an eye the only thing I feel is hate. It's hate I have not felt I a very long time and it feels so good. The feeling of anger creates a whole new high for me.
Looking at the scrawny boy in front of me his beautiful hazel eyes sink into my soul. But it is not happiness that I feel when looking in his eyes. It is pity and disgust.
What a pretty face too bad I'll have to ruin it.
His olive completion shines in the light like an angel would. His tight shirt squeezes his body revealing his pecks. How I would love to have my way with him right now.
"Don't worry gorgeous I'll go easy" he says with a cocky tone in his voice.
"I like it rough" I reply before getting into a fighting stance.
Signalling that I'm ready he charges right for me.
Squatting so that I have better access to his abdomen I use all the strength I have in my left had an punch him in the stomach. Rolling over like a soccer ball I take the opportunity to kick him in the face. Blood splatters across the mat as my foot sweeps across his nose.
As he holds his face in agony I circle his body admiring my fine work.
Sweeping his legs beneath mine I fall to the floor with impenetrable force. Cradling like a child I hold my rib which is now sending a burning sort of sensation throughout my body.
"You hit like a bitch" I mutter through the pain.
Grabbing me by the collar of my shirt with his right hand he pulls the upper half of my body off of the ground. Hovering over me he crouches down so that his lips are close to mine.
"Tell me if this hurts" he whispers softly as he wraps his left hand around my throat.
"Nope" before he can lay his hands on me I punch him as hard as I can in between his legs.
Cradling his groin I kick him in the face once again. A dark shade of red takes over the left side of his face as I kick his cheek.
Revenge time you dirty fuck.
Pulling him by the collar of his shirt I lean down do the my lips are hovering over his ear.
"Tell me if this hurts" I whisper.
Punching him in the face as hard as I can I watch as my fists cut his face with every blow. Blood spatters over my face like fresh water in the morning. The adrenaline rushes through my bloodstream like an energy booster.
"Next time don't get cocky asshole" I whisper into his ear before dropping his limp body to the ground.
Wow beating people up really does drain your energy who would've thought. Nap time.
Stepping off the mat I'm welcomed by Kens smelly armpits. The feeling of his sweat against my sweaty body makes me feel gross.
Ugh body odour. Eww and Ken sweat. This is disgusting I think I'm gonna vomit.
"What was that?!" Tyree yells with excitement as she wipes the blood off my face with a damp towel.
"What was what?" I ask grabbing the towel from her grasp.
"You just beat that guy like it was nothing" Tris pipes up as she hands me a bottle of water.
"I don't know it just sorta happened" I reply.
Before I can take a sip the feeling of something stuck in my throat causes me to choke. Covering my mouth I look at my hands that are now covered with blood. My head grows heavy and I find myself feeling queasy.
What that fuck?
"Zarah are you okay?" Tris asks.
Catching me in her arms she stands me up straight.Breathless and stunned I nod my head with approval. I rest my head on her chest as I struggle to figure out what the hell hell is going on. Looking down at my bloody hand I finally manage to make up a lane excuse to get out of the room.
"I need to clean this up. Don't worry about me just take care of yourselves" I say before giving them a reassuring smile. 
What the fuck just happened? I bit my  tongue while I was fighting? Should I tell Thaddeus? Nah he'll try and get me to go to the infirmary and there's no way in hell I'm going anywhere near any medical centre. 
Holding my ribs for dear life I force myself to power walk. Finally stepping out of the training room I feel a great weight lift off of my shoulders. The cool wind hits my skin allowing my mind to slip away from the piercing pain circulating throughout my body.
This pain is unbearable I need to find somewhere private. No one can see me like this.
"Rebel!" A voice rings out throughout the hallway.
Fuck spoke too soon.
Turning to face the person my heart stops. His blue eyes full of concern. His bulging biceps tightens with every niece move. Eric. I position myself against the cool concrete wall for support before I let out a loud sigh. I watch carefully as he examines me from head to toe with amusement written on his face. At least that's what it looks like to me.
Why does he insist on stalking me? I swear every time we meet I'm always at my worst. Maybe that's what gets him off. Seeing me in pain.
"Where do you think you're going?" He says placing his huge hands on either side of my head so that there is no way for me to escape.
"I was going to get some water so if you don't mind" I reply hinting that I really don't want to be here.
He doesn't take the hint but instead moves closer. I attempt to dip under his arms but he grabs me by the waist and pushes me up against the wall.
With any other hot guy I would be turned on right now. But at as perusal I'm not. I'm pretty sure by now you know why.
He presses his left hand against my ribcage sending a piercing pain to travel throughout my body. I try to speak but all I can muster is a small squeak. Instead of backing off once again he moves in closer. Without thinking I grab his hand and throw it to the side like a doll.
I immediately grab my ribcage attempting to ease the pain any way possible.
Thank you lord that's about as far as you go for touching me Eric.
He then grabs me by my waist and this time he presses me against the wall gently. His left hand grabs the hem of my shirt then slowly begins to slide it up.
Fuck spoke too soon again!!!
A shiver travels down my spine as he rests his big hand gently on the bruising around my ribcage.
"Your rib's broken" he says sounding concerned.
"Would you like a prize for stating the obvious?" I joke.
"Go to the infirmary now" he commands as he steps away from me as a signal leave.
"Yea....no thank you" I reply walking in the other direction.
"What?!" He yells astounded by my sudden response.
"I'm not going it's a broken rib not a brain aneurism. I'll be fine" I reply feeling like a queen.
Walking past him like a boss his big hand grabs my wrist and pulls me back. Throwing me over his shoulder like a dead deer he walks in the direction of the infirmary.
"You've got a mouth it's annoying" he mumbles.
"Put me down!!" I scream.
I kick and punch as hard as I possibly can but it makes no difference. He's like the Incredible Hulk but he's just not.
5 minutes go by but nothing changes. He walks in silence and I try to escape but don't succeed ya know that old chestnut.
Oh well might as well get comfortable.
Positioning myself on his big broad shoulder I start drawing little swirls on his back.
I wonder if he's ticklish? Meh who cares I have the chance to annoy the fuck out of him.
"Remind me why we're best friends again?" I joke.
You see I turn to humour or sarcasm to get out of emotional situations. Sort of like a robot. But I don't power down I just annoy people.
Oh now  understand why nobody likes me.
The sound of beeping machines in the distance sends me into panic mode in an instance. Kicking and punching as hard as possible he drops me without hesitation.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!!" He yells.
At this moment I have no fear towards him. He could kiss me and I wouldn't care.
Walking in the opposite direction of the infirmary he follows behind me like a lost child. Tears of fear begin to cloud my vision but still I continue walking away from the infirmary. Once I'm certain I'm as far away as possible from danger Eric grabs my arm and slams me against the concrete wall.
"What the fuck was that?!!" He snaps.
Squeezing my wrist as tightly as he possibly I let out a cry of pain. He notices that he's hurting me and immediately releases my hand from his grasp.
Oh my god I think he broke my wrist! Am I overacting? Of course not or am I? I don't know!
"Rebel!!" Thaddeus yells pushing Eric off of me.
"Thaddeus!" I scream.
I immediately run into his open arms and bury my head into his chest. I have never felt so safe before in my life. We take a few steps but legs are much too weak. My head begins to grow dizzy and my vision begins to blur.
"Addie" I whisper weakly as I struggle to stay up right.
"I'm gonna pass out"
"What right now?!"
All noise becomes faint and the feeling of my body hitting the concrete sends pain throughout my body. The feeling of strong arms holding me makes me feel both safe and scared.
I hear my brother call my name but In unable to respond. Fighting to keep conscious I finally surrender to the wave of sleep. Before my eyes flutter shut a pair of blue eyes look straight into mine.
(Hiding in fear. Sorry for the crap chapter I don't know what's going on with me today. I guess I just lost all of my great ideas. Anyways it gets better I promise. Love y'all xox)

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