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Locked Away, Adam Levine ft Rock Citya
Ken's POV:
-Weeks later
"Why didn't you tell me?!" Zarah screams the top of her lung shoving me onto the coffee table.
"Rebel please" I beg trying to reason with her in some sort of way.
"No! You're a freak that's what you are a disgusting freak!" She screams punching me over and over again.
Each blow stronger than the last.
It's almost like she's dropping a rock on my face over and over again.
I've been too afraid to tell her. I've been afraid to tell everyone else. I've been afraid to even admit it to myself. The fear of what people will do to me if they found about what I am terrifies me.
Whenever I get even the slightest thought I punish myself. This is not how men should be. This is not how I should be. Fuck my life. Fuck everything.
I've been raised to be a proper man. And a proper man does not have any of these desires. When I was younger and I showed the first signs of my condition my father threw me in the trash can. Because that's what I am a mistake that deserves to be thrown out.
"P-please" I beg her.
My mouth is full of blood which is slowly chocking me to death.
So this is how I die? By the hands of the person that I love more than myself and my family?
I struggle to flip my body onto the side so the blood can escape my lungs, but she places her foot on my shoulder pinning me down to the ground. My legs begin to tremble and my brain feels like it's close to exploding. A smile crosses her face as she watches as my life is slowly coming to an end.
There's nothing but happiness in her eyes. No remorse. Just happiness that she has succeeded in killing this freak of nature. Bringing an end to the FreakShow. Bringing an end to me.
I struggle to cough up the blood that has now rested in my lungs. My eyes feel as though it can barley fit my head.
"Nighty night Ken" she laughs.
At this point I gladly welcome the angle of death. But she does not appear. Perhaps it's not my time or she cannot hear my song. Either way I leave this earth I can say with absolute certainty that the pearly gates of heaven won't be opening for me any time soon.
My vision turns a blur and darkness is the only thing I see. Her voice is still in my head repeating my name over and over again. 'Ken, Ken'
"Ken!" Four yells shaking me out of my simulation.
The back of my head slams against the headrest of the seat sending a wave of pain to circulate throughout my body.
It's not real. None of it's real.
Opening my eyes in panic I lunge towards Fours throat in self defence. Quickly analysing the situation he grabs my arms and slams me against the wall. He grabs my left arm and twists it around my back until I cry out in pain.
"I'm good. I'm good!" I scream out in pain forcing him to stop.
A sudden wave of release rushes through my body once he releases me from his hulk like hold.
Holy crap this dude is strong.
"What was that all about?" He asks fixing up his overly short hair.
"I don't know what your talking about. Piss off!" I snap and storm out of the room.
He makes no attempt to stop me. Most likely because he really doesn't care. Why would he? The guys a robot which means his software is unable to feel any sympathy or any other type of emotions.
He didn't deserve any of that anyways. If I wasn't so afraid then I wouldn't have snapped at him. Once my conciseness has been cleared then I can finally be free and be myself, but until them I'm a walking time bomb ready to explode at any second.
I turn corners trying to find some sort of escape from this mad house, but I'll never truly be free when I'm prisoner to my own mind.
I've never met another person like me, and if they do exist they'll never show themselves. People like me are an abomination to the human race. For many years before the Great War and before the faction system, people like me could walk around freely. There were shootings here and there, but we came, we saw and we conquered.
So close to jumping out of a nearby widow the sound of a familiar high pitches laugh pulls me back down to earth. It's Rebel, after all this time it's always been Rebel. I've always loved her, not because she danced with the angels, but because she knew how to silence my demons. Being with her was like putting water on the flames the ignite my body.
The love for her is indescribable. I love her more than a friend and more than life itself. The day I'm the cause of her pain I shall take a bullet to the heart, because I have hurt the one person I vowed never to hurt. She is my heart and without her there is no me.
Grabbing her by the hand I pull her along, and she lets me without hesitation. By the time we come to the brightest section of the Dauntless headquarters that I see it.
Her emerald green eyes are blood shot and her face is white almost as if she's seen a ghost. Her hands are as cold as ice, and she's shaking so hard it looks as though she might shatter into 1 million pieces. I've been so selfish about my problems that I've neglected to even tend to her very needs.
I reach out to touch her face and she flinched in fear. My heart breaks a little thinking that I could be the source of her pain.
Backing away slowly she grabs my hand and places it on her waist.
"What's the matter sweetie?" She whispers her left hands rests on my shoulder, and her right one runs across my jawline.
Grabbing her wrists I hold her hands in front of my lips and bury my face into them.
"Rebel I need to tell you something" I whisper into her hands.
My heart starts pounding like a kick drum and the words that once roamed my mind has disappeared. The only word that I can think of is 'freak'. The thought of what I am frightens me to the core.
"What's wrong?" Her eyes turn a dark shade of green as she forces me to look at her.
Tears fill my eyes and my breathing instantly shortens. The feeling that I had experienced in the fear landscape comes to reality.
"Rebel.....I'm...I'm...G" I choke on my words feeling sick to my stomach. My body begins to tremble at any moment I could fall to the ground and shatter like glass.
Take a deep breath and try again. You can't back down now."I have...Fuck it. I'm gay" the words roll off my tongue like candy. Suddenly it feels like world the once weighed me down lifts up and floats away.
A silence begins to grow within the space and my heart sinks once again. Looking up at Rebel who's face is expressionless my blood runs cold out of fear. "Rebel please say something" I whisper placing my right hand on her cheek.
She looks at me with her nigh green eyes with no expression to help me calm my nerves. Taking in a breath of fear I close my eyes and await the pain the will soon overtake my entire body.
But instead of punching my face she grabs my face and crashes her lips onto mine. I've kissed many girls in my years and I can safely say no girls lips will ever taste as good as Zarah Rebel Fierce. I run my hands along her back before smacking her thigh that makes her squeal.
Her right hand finds it's way beneath my shirt and stops at my nipple.
Fuck she knows how to press the right buttons.
Caressing my hardened nipple she pinches it sending a electric sensation throughout my body and down into my pants.
"I know" she mumbles running her fingers through my hair.
I feel my member harden within my pants so I break the steamy contact between us. Her hair's a scary mess, but somehow she still looks as beautiful as the day I met her.
I must be bisexual.
"What? How?" I ask confused by her sudden confession.
"I've had my suspicions. It's fine sweetie I still love you the same" she smiles pressing a light kiss on my cheek.
"I thought you were gonna let me go"
"Hey. Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind"
"Bitch you got that from Lilo and Stitch" I laugh shoving her playfully.
"Because it's true" she giggles pulling me along with her.
The first time I had desires for another man would have to be when I saw Thaddeus shirtless. I've seen him shirtless many times, but on this day his whole body glistened with sweat making him look like a Calvin Klein model. He just looked so beautiful with his thick black hair that is forever blowing in the wind. And his green eyes that hold so much pain and sorrow always manage to trap me like a bug in a spiders web.
I've had a crush on him for a while, but the feelings I have towards him aren't as strong as the feelings I have for his sister.
It must be a family thing. All of them seen to naturally attract people and they're always surrounded by people that adore them. Every guy that meets Zarah falls deeply for her the same with Thaddeus.
The first time we met in my eyes it was like love at first sight. And like every average boy who has just been introduced to puberty I gave her hell. The first time we ever kisser was the day I gave my heart and soul to her.
It was only mean to distract me, but it did so much more on the inside. From that day onwards we've been inseparable. We can never not be within 100ft of each other. It's almost like I'm married to her.
Some would call the spell that he has on me black magic, but I feel that it's the opposite. She's got a spell of pure white magic on me and I give her my full allowance to let her do whatever she wants with me.
Stepping into the very big apartment I struggle to keep myself on my own two feet. A tingling sensation travels through my chest heightening my very senses.
Should've stopped drinking those tequila shots when Tris told me to.
The cool wind coming through the slightly opened window wakes me up but only slightly. Just as I thought I had some stability in my footing Zarah tackles me from behind causing me to stumble onto the tidy bed.
Since the big reveal we have been on each other like a pair of bunny rabbits. Every second we get alone with each other we're making out. Everything she's done is making me confused about my sexuality.
Laying on my back she straddles my waist getting herself comfortable before sticking her tongue down my throat. My hands travel along the sides of her torso furiously looking for a place to rest them. Her body is a wonderland, and like a little kid I want to explore every inch of it.
"Four don't let them on the bed together" Tris growls.
Finally my hands find the hidden treasure. Pulling my hands back I find all the strength I can and smack her ass before yelling "Slap ass!" .
Instead of punching me in the face Zarah just giggles and traces small fishy kisses up and down my neck. Her hands get lost in my hair, but they're stopped by another pair of hands.
Four wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her to the other side of the room. The room is filled with and awkward silence making me regret the actions I had made earlier.
"You two need to get married" Zarah slurs finally breaking the silence.
"No" Four replies in an instance.
"Bitch fuck! You two are married now!" She yells shoving the together.
"I guess we're married" Tris giggles running her hands along Fours biceps.
The silence builds up again. Silently I pray that Zarah will say something just to save us all from the silence.
"You guys wanna make this fun?" Zarah smiles with and evil smile chugging down on a can of Woodstock.
Where the fuck did she even get that from?
Breaking the long eye staring contest that Tris and Four are having he clears his throat out of embarrassment before replying to Zarahs offer "What do you have in mind?".
She circles the room making small noises with her mouth as she thinks of a worthy enough game that we could play. Knowing her she'll go over the top. Suddenly she stops in her tracks jumping up and down out of excitement.
"First one to steal any of Eric's clothing gets two days off of training" she squeals.
I knew it. She' wants us to die.
"You can't do that. Four?" I ask Four in panic praying that we're on the same wave lengths.
"I'll allow it" he smiles giving Rebel a challenging look.
They're both insane. He's just like Andre.
Andre and Rebel were always challenging each other. Because Rebel is the youngest by 12 minutes she was always trying to prove herself. From the day they learnt how to crawl they were forever challenging each other.
And they weren't your everyday challenges, no they were overture top to the extreme kind of challenges. They've been sent to the hospital so many times the nurses can sniff when they're coming.
We both need this.
Sucking in as much oxygen I can I finally exhale and make up my mind.
"Fine game on" I sigh.
"Every man for them self" Zarah giggles giving me a kiss on the cheek before leaving me in the dust.
I give Four and Tris a blank smile before pushing them aside and following behind Zarah. For a while I feel like I'm running in circles, but the sound of slight pitter patter on the concrete floor makes me pick up my pace.
We shove each other for a whole minute before realising that the door is locked. She counts down to 3 and we kick the door with all the strength we can conjure.
On our 3rd attempt the door finally gave in and swung open with an incredible amount of force.
I go to run through the door but she's tackles me to the ground. Reaching to grab whatever I can on the way down I grab a thick book and smack it on her head.
Laying on the ground we laugh in hysterics reliving the previous fall. While we were in a world of laughter neither of noticed the pair of red 6 inch heels and big black army boots standing 10 feet away from us.
"What the fuck?!" Eric yells shoving the random blonde chick he has in his hands to the ground.
He storms in our direction and comes to a halt once he's closer to us. I quickly scan his body to find 2,4,6 yep he's got an 8 pack.
Is that even medically possible?
In all honesty he's not my type. My type is any Fierce offspring either that or any brown skinned dude with coloured eyes.
An awkward silence grows in the room once more making me regret being here.
"Ken this isn't the fucking bar" Zarah slurs punching me in the shoulder.
"Don't blame me I was just following your sweet ass" I laugh pushing the fact that Eric's with us out of my head.
"I think they're down here!" Four yells no so stealthy.
"Shit!" Tris yells tripping over our legs and adding herself and Four to the pile up.
"We don't want any trouble" Four raises his hands in surrender as we all slowly back ourselves out of the apartment.
The entire time Eric just stares at us like we're a bunch of crazy people. Jokes on his he's the crazy one.
"Don't show fear he can sniff it out" Tris whispers her voice sounding more drunk than anything.
Suddenly Zarah drops to the ground and reaches for something "I got his shirt!" She screams.
He finally clicks and charges towards our pack.
"RUN!" Four yells.
On his command we all make for the door.
"He's gaining on us!"
"Every man for them self!" Zarah screams.
"Quickly split up!" Four yells.
On his command we break up. May the odds be ever in your favour motherfuckers.
Eric's POV:
Thanks to this stupid bitch I've sobered up completely and I've got an acute case of blue balls.
I turn a corner and catch the demon from hell. God how Id love to smack her face into the brick wall and beat her till she's lifeless.
Slamming her against the wall she giggles like a little kid.
"You're drunk" I snap fighting back every urge to strangle her right now.
"No. Well maybe just a little-"
"Shut your goddamn mouth!" Cutting her off her smile fades, but it doesn't take her long to find it again.
"You're so mean" she mumbles.
"You have no idea" I hiss into her ear as I drag her along with me.
The walk back go my now trashed apartment was short. Stepping through the frame of what was once a door my eyes lock onto the blonde sitting at the counter. Her hair was a mess & and her make up made her look like a cheap prostitute. All the features that I thought were so sexy before now look disgusting. No joke, I felt my dick deflate after seeng her. She's like a termite, ya know she kills wood.
"There you are Eric baby" she's says with a smile I her face as she rubs her body against me.
I try to push aside the fact that she's revolting, but the mere thought of her makes me suck.
"Get out" I command not making any eye contact with her.
"What?"she gasps feeling hurt.
Argh this fucking bitch can't take a hint can she?
"Bitch did he stutter? Get out!" Zarah yells.
In all honesty I actually forgot she was here. Actually I forgot she existed, that's how worthless she is to me. On the plus side she'll probably be the only one that can get this slut outta here.
"Who are you? His side chick?" The Sasquatch asks.
"Bitch you are the side!" Zarah yells charging towards her, but I hold her back.
"Fuck you" the bitch snaps smacking Zarah in the face.
Instead of lashing out she laughs and wraps her arms around my waist.
"That sounds like a good idea. Eric. Fuck me" she slurs staring up at me with her big green eyes.
Am I having a stroke?
"What?" I ask not 100% sure wether what she just said was real or not.
"You've got a 60 second gap either you take me now or your chance closes forever"
"Get out" I snap grabbing the under paid AIDS infested prostitute I try my best to shove her out of the door.
"What? No!" She screams.
It takes me a good 55 seconds to get her out if my apartment successfully. I basically just grabbed her and threw her on her ass.
I turn to find a lifeless like Rebel on the floor.
"You can't be sleeping" I chuckle. "Fuck!"
(Note: So Ken is played by the very scrumptious and pretty Marcus Perez. And Thaddeus is played by the delicious eye candy and my future husband Toni Mahfud)

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