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So I went to go update this chapter and fricking Wattpad had deleted it and I uploaded the wrong one. So this one is after the chapter called 'Nap Queen'
Unicorns or Mermaids?
Unicorns Rule!
Song recommendation:
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Zarah's POV:
Uriah wasn't wrong, this party is over the top fancy. People from all the factions are here. It's like I've stepped into the queens palace.
Since when did we have a crystal chandelier?
At any moment that chandelier could fall and crush whoever is standing beneath it. It's so shiny it's almost like the light people see when they cross over onto to the spirit plain.
Looking down at my tight black turtle neck dress I realise that I'm way over dressed for this. But then again I'm not a fancy party kind of girl. Heck I don't even like dresses, let alone skirts. I find them to be restricting at times.
That kid may be young damn does he have style.
The dress that Uriah bought for me fit me like a glove and hugged all the right places. It stops just above my knees with a slit that runs up my right thigh, and stops just before it gets to my butt. My eyes are wing tipped with eyeliner and my long lashes are painted with mascara making them look longer and thicker.
My lips are coated with a watermelon flavoured Chapstick which taste so good.
At my feet I'm wearing painful slightly thick 5 inch black heels. Around my neck hanging by a gold chain is a black pearl.
And my hair is still damp from the water causing it to turn into curly ringlets that bounce while I walk.
This whole outfit is probably the price of my house.
Where'd he get all the money from?
"Out of curiosity. How does a kid like you manage to buy something so expensive like this?"
"I didn't buy it" the tone in his voice makes it sound like I should've known who purchased this outfit.
"Who did?" My mind now racing with all the possible people that would like me and also be rich enough to buy this.
So far my list is empty.
"He did" his eyes are full off terror almost like he's looking at death in the flesh.
Without a goodbye he runs off.
That was weird.
"Rebel" the deep husky voice says causing my blood to boil out of anger.
It's him the devil himself. The fact that I'm wearing his hand picked clothes makes me feel sick. It makes me feel like I'm one of his whores.  If I wasn't surrounded by all these people I'd tear all these clothes off of my body right now.
"Drop dead" I snap not even turning to acknowledge him.
"Miss Fierce" Max smiles.
Why don't I believe that stupid smile is genuine. Oh yea that's right, because everyone in here are fucking SNAKE!
"Max. What is the purpose of all of this?" I ask not making any attempt to cover up the bitchyness in my voice.
Instead of lashing out he laughs an simply says "Spoilers" and with that he walks to a huge able surrounded by old people.
The room smells of champagne and a mixture of dirt, expensive perfume, musky kens cologne and patchouli oil. The smell of all the factions put together smells like death.
People that I don't even know approach me and talk to me as if were the best of buds. For some reason my gut feels uneasy with this whole set up. It feels as thought something is coming up around the corner that everyone is aware of except for me.
Feeling a slight tap on the shoulder I turn to find a pair of green eyes staring back at me. Thaddeus.
The last time I saw him he was bloody and badly bruised, now he's got a few scars on his face and a weak smile. His face is skinny and he looks sick. His whole body is pale and his hands are shaking like crazy. On his neck are scratch marks and on his arms are nicotine patches.
"You're getting clean" I state still scanning his now sick looking body.
"Yup. It's all thanks to you Bunny"
Bunny?It's been years since I've ever heard him call me by that name.
When I was little I'd always have dreams of bunnies, and he always said because of my big teeth I looked like a bunny rabbit. Once I  grew into my teeth he stopped calling me Bunny.
Why is he calling me Bunny again?
Every part of me wants to know, but it's not the best time to talk about stuff that will cause tears. Instead I hug him tightly. He gladly responds and squeezes me with all the strength he has. The smell of Lynx engulfs my nose making me sink into his arms. If he didn't have a strong hold on me I'd be face down on the floor. 
"Get a load of this party huh?" I laugh breaking the hug.
"Yea. This Uriah kid came and got me. Don't know why" he laughs.
"Same here"
"What are we doing here?" He asks now completely confused.  
Questions start racing through my mind. Why are we here? Are we gonna die? Is someone dead? What does the fox actually say?
"Excuse me everyone" Max announces clinking on his tiny champagne glass for attention.
Slowly everyone takes their pales around the able to await his long, and possibly boring speech. I go to follow Thaddeus to other side of the table, but I'm held back by big strong hands. Instead of pushing the person off me I make myself civil and sit.
Turing my head I lock eyes with the devil. He just stared at me with fires blazing in his eyes. It takes me all my strength to not grab a fork and stab him in the face.
Fucking prick.
"We have gathered everyone here today to celebrate the settlement of Dauntless and Candour. I have been corresponding with the head of Candour, and we have both decided that the best way to bring both factions together is through the most unbreakable bond. Marriage"  the very word makes my body shudder.
Marriage is hell. When I was a little girl I thought marriage was the most beautiful thing ever. But now it seems so dull and depressing. The fact that someone's getting married makes me feel sad. Whoever agreed to put on a ring on her finger is going to regret ever saying yes.
This still doesn't explain why Thaddeus and I are here. Max is great at building  up suspense that's for sure. Everything just seems off. The room feels off. Even the smell is off.
It's almost like there's something supernatural in the room, almost like there's a ghost standing behind me. The eyes in the room suddenly feel like they're on me. Silence falls amongst the crowd. And not the good kind, oh no sweetheart. It's the bad kind.
"Everyone raise your glasses for Miss Zarah Fierce and Mr Eric Coulter" the last words become a blur and I wrack my brains trying to figure out what he had just said.
Wait what? Max say it again! Damn Zarah you've got to learn how to concentrate.
"Get up" Eric hisses into my ear squeezing tightly at my left arm.
I try my best to weigh my body down but he tears me from my chair and holds me close so I have no means to escape.
The old people stand and cheer with big smiles on their faces. Their eyes are on us. Suddenly everything starts to piece together.  The old people, the reason why Thaddeus and I are here, what the Fox actually says. Everything.
I want to scream, but I can't. The control that I once had over my own body is lost. At this very moment it feels as though I have left my body and I'm hovering over everyone like a spirit.
Max whispers something in Eric's ear and before I know it he's pulling me out of the room.
"Thaddeus?!" I finally scream trying to pry my way out of Eric's grasp.
"Rebel I didn't know" he says trying to run after us, but a flood of old people block his exit.
"No, I'm not-" I scream but his hand comes around my mouth preventing me from permitting any sound.
"Shut your mouth" he hisses into my ear.
He slams me against the wall and tightens his hand around my throat. My eyes feel like they've inflated to the point where they can no longer fit in my eye sockets. The blood the once circulated to my brain is cut off and I slowly lose control of my body.
Conjuring all the strength that I possibly can I lift my left hand and scrape my nails across his face cutting him on the left cheek.
"Get your fucking hands off me!"  I scream.
He immediately drops me and holds his face in pain. Small droplets of crimson red blood fall to the ground from his face. I grab the wall for support and slowly make my way to freedom.
For a moment my world seemed peaceful. I had gotten over that cunt and now look me. He's like a rock tying me down from being free.
Alcohol that's what I need. Fuck this bullshit, it's time. It's time to die.
I've never been afraid to die. There have been days when I'd be on the brink, but then my family would jump into my head and change my mind. But now I'm gonna drink myself to death.
Slowly the ethanol in the alcohol will kill my brain cells followed by killing me altogether. If Eric wants me dead then that's what he's gonna get.
Four's POV:
After all that's happened I can't help but feel sorry for her. I don't know what it is about her, but he makes me feel human. The smile on her face and the way she acts makes me feel like she's my baby sister. And like every brother I must protect my baby sister.
These past few days have been difficult on everyone.  Thanks to the fear landscape the anger and depression of the others is starting to rub off on me. I'm starting to feel, feelings.
At first all of Rebels problems just sounded so annoying, I'd just brush it off as soon as anyone mentioned the name Rebel. Now whenever I hear her name I want to know every single thing about her.
Coming to a halt I look down at the broken little girl crying her eyes out on the floor.
Her knuckles are bloody and bruised. Surrounding her are bits of fabric that possibly once belonged to  her outfit. Pieces of glass are trailed across the floor around her. And her feet are bleeding from cuts caused by the shards of glass.  
"Little bird stop crying" I kneeling down next to her as I brush the hair out of her face.
"I can't marry him Four. I'm too young and....I just can't marry Eric, he'll kill me"  she sobs making no attempt to look at me.
Her body is a trembling mess and she's as cold as ice. I want to hold
her, but something's holds me back. Something inside my gut.
"You're over exaggerating" I laugh pushing the weird feelings out of my head.
I loop my left arm beneath her legs and place my right hand at the small of her back for support. Slowly I lift her off of the ground bridal style and take her away from anywhere but here.
The silence drags on for a very long time, for a second I feel like she's fallen asleep.
"Did you know about it?" She whispers just loud enough for only me to hear her.
"No. I swear if I knew I would've put a stop to it"
At this point I can't lie to her.  I would've done anything to stop her from suffering. Even marry her. Since the times that I've monitored her fear I've felt a stronger connection with her. She's just like me. The desperation of her parents, the constant abuse from her step father. No one else knew how it felt to be like me until she came along. 
She been through so much in her life the fact that she's pulled  through with her fists held high makes me feel closer to her.  She's an amazing girl and I'm so luck to call her my friend.
Finding a private place for us to relax I place her gently on the ground. I go to pull away from her but she grabs the bottom of my shirt and pulls me back.   
"Can you hold me? Just for a while" she looks at me with her big green eyes as she clenches my shirt till her knuckles turn white.
Instead of pushing away I sit down next to her and pull her closer to my chest. Her breathing is slow and her touch is soft.
Holding her tightly the feeling of peace and love begins to overtake my body. It's the kind of love that a big brother would have for their younger sister. Being an only child this feeling is foreign and extremely overwhelming. It feels as though a parasite has found its way into my veins and is slowly eating me.
She's the parasite. And I can choose either to cut her out of my veins or let her terminate my blood cells until I'm weak, but deeply loved.
Just for this moment Four, show emotions. It'll be good for you my.
Letting out a sigh I gently press a kiss on her forehead "For as long as you need little bird".
It's official I have fallen for this sweet child. I'll love her, protect her and raise her like she's my baby sister. When she falls I'll  catch her, and teach her how to walk on her own two feet. When she cries I'll be there to stop the tears from falling, and help her smile once more.
She's my sister and I'm her brother. She's my family, and that means no one gets left behind.
Pieces of hair fall over her closed eyes as she sleeps like a child. Small snores escape her lips making her sound so much more peaceful and calm. Her face is relaxed making her look so weak and defenceless.
Making sure that she's secure in my arms I carry her bridal style in the direction of her room. People exchange curious look as I pass them through the halls, I just give them evil looks and continue. 
Turing a sharp left I bump into a rock hard chest.
"Four?" The stranger says in confusion.
Looking up to see the owner of the voice I quickly know who it is. Ken. His eyes go from confused to shocked as so as he sees an unconscious Zarah in my arms.  "Oh god what di-"
"She's fine. I guess with everything that's happened her body couldn't comprehend with it and she fell asleep" I cut him off.
His expression softens and he strokes her hair gently. The way he looks at her makes me envy him. He's no afraid to show how he feels. The fact that he's aware of his emotions and can show then without caring about what others think makes me jealous. I don't know why, but when I try to show my emotions I block myself from ever expressing them .
"Yea. When she gets over stressed she ends up draining her energy at a rapid pace" he lets out a slight chuckle as he strokes her hair lovingly.
"Have you heard?"
"Yea. Eric came looking for her" he replies, his voice full of disgust and anger.
"What did he want?"
"She can't see him. Not until she's fully recovered I mean" I reply.
I place her tiny body in his arms and quickly try to leave before I do something stupid. Or wake her up and end up getting my ass beat by her. 
"Four" Ken says stopping me in my tracks "Thank you for looking after my baby sister. The fact that she's coming to you or help means that she really trusts you" he says with a smile full of happiness.
"Sleep little bird" I whisper and press a kiss on Zarah's temple.
You'll need all the strength for this war.
-Next Morning-
"Four wake up!" Ken screams as he slams on the bedroom door.
The room practically shakes as he pounds on the wooden door furiously.
What is with this kid?
"What do you want?!" I snap at him as I open the door.
"She's gone!"

Hey my butterflies how have you guys been?
Thoughts on the chapter?
Poor Zarah. It's almost like once she's gotten over Eric she ends up getting tied down to him. We should sue the writer.
OMG I feel like Steven Moffat! Have you guys got any book recommendations? Really need some news books, because I don't have a life *laughing on the outside, dying a little on the inside*
Anyways my butterflies keep flying, and don't stop being AWESOME!
Much love ex oh mwah ❤️

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