The Limit

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Zarah's POV:
This so called training is fucking torture!
I've seen  the devil and it takes the form of Eric. I didn't say anything and he fucking punched me in the face. Right in the fucking face! Like I didn't have enough bruises on my body already. I don't mind the bruises anywhere else on my body, but my face people are gonna be seeing this shit.
It's only the fourth day of training but it feels like I've been here for 10 thousand years.
Hell isn't burning hot it's the complete opposite. Hell is normal temperature. You now why? Because it's here on earth. I wouldn't be surprised if hell was empty because all the demons were here on earth.
I would say kill me now but I can't go anywhere. It's a pretty tight situation I've gone and put myself into.
-Don't say I'm better off dead. Cause heavens full and hell won't have me.
I envy those that have a place waiting for them in the after life. Even the ones that have a place in hell waiting for them. I would do anything just to have a place for me in the afterlife. Purgatory doesn't sound as bad either.
I've never done something that would be considered heaven worthy or even he'll worthy.
I've committed murder and I have spoken falsely towards my neighbours on multiple occasions. Also honour thy mother and thy father. This is what I have to say about my parents, fuck my mother and I love my father.
That's not the reason I'm angry. I admit that the training was extreme, but that's what you're supposed to expect in Dauntless. The reason I'm so pissed off is because the devil hit on me! He put his dick on my ass!
Okay it wasn't hanging out for everyone to see nothing like that. At least in my head that's what it felt like.
So I was getting a drink and while I was pressed against the water fountain with my ass out for everyone to see. He comes along wraps his arms around my stomach and presses his fully erected shaft against my junk in the trunk.
The fact that he was pleased to see me was a real confidence booster, but the fact that he full on pushed himself against me is over the top isane!
Then he pulled me up so my back was pressed against his chest. His left hand traced circles on my stomach as he nibbled on my earlobe. Which actually really turned me on. I mean I was wetter than the water fountain.
But before I could say or do anything he whispered into my ear "Don't let your guard down".
And just like that he left. He left me feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. He left me feeling dirty. The kind of dirty feeling I'll never be able to wash off. I could dip myself in lava hot water mixed with the worlds most powerful detergents still wouldn't help me.
"Don't let Eric get under my skin? Sure Addie you can say that since you don't have a fucking psychopath hitting on you! Eric ugh. You pathetic excuse for a human once I get the chance I'll step on your balls and crush whatever bit human you have within you! Better yet I cut your balls off shove it up your ass and when you shit you'll literally be shitting on yours balls! Then I'm going to rip your heart out and eat it for breakfast!" I scream to the top of my lungs.
I don't know where this place is but within the 15 minutes I've been here no one has walked past. It's the perfect place to scream or even sleep.
It's basically stairs outside of the building but it's blocked halfway to prevent people from leaving. Or maybe from entering. Either way you can't leave.
The sound of a faint groan immediately sends anxiety rushing over me. I turn to the left with a sharp force only to find a pair of long legs on the ground. The thought of going to help the stranger crosses my mind, but he stands before anything can escape my lips.
"You know for a tiny thing you sure do have a big voice" his voice immediately shattering all of my confidence.
"F-Four. D-did you hear a-all of that?" I stutter.
"Crushing Eric's balls? Eating his heart? Shoving his balls up his ass? No not at all" he replies sarcastically. 
"I'm sorry about all of that. I sort of thought I was alone" I say trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Do you know how to bake pancakes?"
"Huh?" I respond immediately dumbfounded by his sudden question.
"Pancakes. You know the food?" He replies making me feel dumber than I already am.
I'm not stupid, but lets be honest I was never in the top 10 smartest in my class growing up. When it comes to numbers I suck balls, but anything practical like survival skills or general household stuff like cooking, building and cleaning I'm right up there.
"You mix eggs, sugar, milk and flour" I reply feeling extremely confused.
"Good enough. See you around" he says as he pushes me aside and leaves.
Dude you need to work on your people skills.
I'm not even sure whether that was even a person. Generally when you encounter someone in distress you talk to then about what's bothering them. Not fucking ask for ingredients of a delicious BREAKFAST MEAL!
A bitch is going to kill someone pretty soon.
If that so called leader if a man named Eric thinks he can jump into my panties he's got another thing coming to him. And it's definitely not my cum, but if it ever is then most likely raped me. Or it's just not mine.
Walking down the long hallway I find myself walking in circles. Either that or these hallways look exactly that same. They're so long and creepy I'm half expecting that nun bitch from The Conjuring 2 to turn up at some point.
She can't hurt you though Zarah you know her name.
In the distance I hear faint giggles followed by someone smacking against the concrete wall. Instead of running towards the source of the sound like typical nosey girls I walk in the opposite direction. The sad part about me avoiding the weird sounds is someone might be getting murdered, but I'm not in the mood to be witnessing someone's murder so no thanks.
But after hearing the multiple stories about this place I'm pretty sure it's one of the Dauntless leaders messing around with an initiate.
Why wouldn't you jut sleep with someone in a bedroom like normal people. What if they get caught? I bet they've never thought that far. And don't they have rules about leaders sleeping with initiates?
Turning an immediate left I walk straight into a large rock hard chest. Falling onto the concrete floor my landing is softened by my fat ass. When I say fat literally mean fat. My boobs are filled with fat and so is my ass it's not fun walking around with two huge pillows on the front and back of my body.
Getting hit on every single day just isn't my cup of tea.
"What are you doing here?" The voice which belongs to Eric says as he pulls me up off of the ground half tearing my arm off.
"Hunting wabbits" I reply  attempting to tear my arm from his hulk like hold.
"I need your help" he pleads loosening his grip only slightly.
"Well too bad" I say clenching my jaw still trying my hardest to escape.
"Just relax. You can go as soon as it's over" he whispers as he looks over his shoulder almost as if he's hiding from a serial killer.
"I have a boyfriend" I lie not so sounding convincing in any way possible.
"You don't have a boyfriend. You suck at lying"
"It's a Candour thing" I reply finally escaping from his strong grasp.
As soon as I am free I make a run for any sort of escape route. The wind rushes through my hair freedom has never felt so good. As I  take my second step of freedom the doors of happiness slam shut.
Big huge rock hard arms wrap around my torso pulling me into a crushing hold. His warm breath against my neck sends shivers down my spine. He holds me close making sure not to hurt me.
His big gorilla hands spread themselves over my belly. Without even thinking I rest my hands on top of his.
Somewhere deep down inside an unfamiliar feeling begins to grow inside me making me feel slightly uneasy.
I try to decipher the meaning behind this feeling, but I'm interrupted by the sound of a woman's gasp. I immediately turn my head in an attempt to look at the girl that most likely fucked Eric not too long ago.
I catch a glimpse of her crystal blue eyes as the wind blows through her sunny blonde hair. The black singlet on her torso is slightly ripped and her hair looks like she tried to brush it with a tree branch.
"Eric?" She pauses her voice filled with sadness and regret. "Why are you? I tho-"
"You thought that he loved you? Sweetie he played you. He's nothing but a dick with legs. To dumb it down for you life sized Malibu Barbie all he wanted was that PUSSAY" I cut her off entirely trying to cover up the sea of laughter that's trying to bust it's way out of me.
The one downfall with me roasting people is that I can't keep it together.  Halfway through the best roasts of my life I'll bust out into a sea of laughter.
"And who the fuck are you another one of his skanks?" She replies in one of the bitchyest tone I've ever heard in my life.
She crosses her arms across her chest in an attempt to push up her strawberry sized boobs I let out a little squeak. Seriously if she's trying to make me feel jealous I'm not. She's the size of a skeleton with strawberry sized boobs and a paper thin ass. I don't even think I can call that an ass. It's sorta like a.....yea I got nothing. 
"Skank? Wow that's nice coming from your dick infested mouth"
"Burn she got you!" Eric yells like a drunk teen as he smacks the wall in full hysterics.
"Shut up!" I snap silencing him all together. Turing back at the skeleton in front of me I and prepare myself for the bed of lies I'm about to make for myself. Clearing my throat I finally let it rip "No sweetie I'm not one of his skanks. I'm his......"
"My BestFriend" Eric chips in saving me from falling off the burning bridge of lies.
"Best? Bitch I'm your only friend I have to deal with your bullshit everyday!"
"You know what Rebel there wouldn't be any bullshit if you weren't a control freak!"
"I'm just gonna go" the real life corpse bride says in an awkward tone as she walks off.
"And you know what else?!" I pause in the middle of my sentence as soon as she's out of hearing reach. "I can't believe she bought that" I giggle smacking Eric on the face playfully.
"You're literally a lifesaver" he lets out a deep chuckle as he embraces me with a crushing hug.
"All hail queen Rebel"
"I'm enjoying you more and more little Rebel"
"I'm gonna go now" I say awkwardly suddenly noticing the huge bulge pressing against his pants.
Holy shit that's huge. Fuck his pants looks way too tight now. Poor girls that fuck him they must need one thousand stitches after that nuclear hog tears up their PUSSAY.
"Why are you rushing off so soon?" He asks unaware of the growing monster in his shorts.
"Well you've got a huge bro-ner so.....see ya bestie" I yell back before he has a chance to sexually hart as me in anyway.
I actually feel bad for him. He's probably expecting me to give him head or something.
The sad thing for him is I'm allergic to sausages. As soon as that shit hits my taste palates I throw up more than a hungover teen after her sweet 16 birthday bash. Not only do I throw up, but my throat closes up.
So basically I can't give him head, but hand-jobs are on. But there is no way in hell I'll ever touch that monster in his pants. If I ever hug 'fuck it central' I'll consider it, but while I'm still in the road of sanity I shall fight for my independence as much as I can.
The fact that I've just lied and called him my BestFriend has set off the fire alarms in my head. 
"Goodbye little Rebel" he yells back with a huge grin on his face.
I've just made friends with the devil.  I may actually die one d these days. Eric sees me as someone he can fall onto for help which means I'm going to be his clean up crew. Or perhaps even his slut punching bag. 
As soon as he's done breaking his toys he'll throw them at me and they'll release all the anger they have towards him onto me. I'm good with helping people in emotional distress, but there's only so much tears I can handle before I reach 'fuck your emotions vile'.
The upside is that I think that I've befriended him. And you know what they say 'keep your friends close, and your enemy's closer'.
I don't care what Eric thinks of me. Mission is to pass my initiation with as much pride and dignity as possible. I will fight for whatever I believe is necessary in order to help me pass, but I will not stoop down to the level of the other girls an give the sanctuary of my body to ensure that I will pass.
If I do become faction-less at least I'll leave knowing that I gave it my all.

Trust Me, I'm Lying|| Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now