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Song Recommendation:
Bust You Windows, Jazmine Sullivan
Fours POV:
She's gonna hate you. Why are you doing this?
I pace back and fourth swinging a newly sharpened knife within my grasp. There's other ways for me to approach this situation. There's so many other things that I can do but, at this moment I've let the darker side of me control my actions and I'm prepared to clean up the mess regardless of the end result.
"Four? I was told there was a business meeting" Eric's smug smile makes my insides boil.
Scanning his body I see fresh bruises and cuts, defensive wounds that Zarah would given him throughout the multiple beatings. And his knuckles have fresh wounds indicating that he's hit something.
Shaking my thoughts away I clear my throat "There is" I approach him slowly trying my best to be civil "Tell me, how many times a week have you hit Zarah?" I question trying to keep my cool. If Zarah learnt that I touched him she'd never trusts me again.
"Never" he replies with no emotion at all.
"You fucking bastard" I mutter taking a quick swing in his direction my fist glides gracefully across his jaw.
Zarah is allot of things but a great make up artist and a liar is not one of those things. She had been avoiding me and Tris these past few days. She locked herself away in her room complaining of a stomach ache or the flu. The other day she claimed that she had a headache due to her wisdom tooth that following evening her excuse had changed from a toothache to period pains.
The one time that I did see her, her eyes were sunken and there were dark rings under her eyes. Something that someone so young shouldn't have. She had become a walking skeleton and the the color of her skin was multiple shades of brown, and indication that she has attempted to cover something up.
The other night I could hear screaming. Her screaming. Last night was the final straw. The moment I heard her scream "No please, Eric stop!" Followed by the sound of bone hitting bone and the breaking of glass I finally broke. I tried to get into the bedroom but he had blocked the door with a desk. I could hear her screaming but I couldn't save her.
In that moment I felt truly and utterly useless. Now if my time to protect her, now it's time to do the one thing that I was put to do. If I must kill Eric in order to protect Zarah, then that's what I'll do. Without question.
Eric raises his head, his steely blue eyes drowning in pure insanity "Is that what this is all about? A pathetic piece of meat?" He laughs holding his now bruised jaw.
His bottom lip is bloody from the impact and his chin is slightly swollen.
"Shut the hell up" I say through gritted teeth placing a gun to his temple.
His piercing blue eyes turn an icy blue as he lets our an evil laugh "You're gonna walk in here and pull a gun on me?" Grabbing the tip of the gun he pulls it firmly against his temple staring at me with nothing but pure anger in his eyes "Well go ahead and pull the fucking trigger" he commands through gritted teeth.
I'm not deaf. I'm not an idiot either. I know I battered and abused woman when I see her. And Zarah has been beaten to the point of insanity.
I steady my hand on the trigger. My mind is working overtime trying to decide what to do. My jaw clenches and I can feel a headache brewing due to the amount of stress I've been put under. My finger tightens itself around the trigger. My heart at ease with the decision I've decided to make.
But, before I can pull the trigger Eric winces and screams in pain. His arms fly behind his back to pull out a small syringe that had been inserted into the back of his neck. Weakness over comes him and he falls to the floor "What the-" he mumbles his eyes now blood shot and full of confusion. 
It's obvious that he's been drugged, but I make no attempt to help him. The jugular vein running along the left side of his neck pulses as he struggles to get some sort of self control. His face turn a shade of red as his struggles to breath.
He goes to charge for me but a familiar voice calls out pulling him to a halt.
"Move and I'll shoot" her voice echoes throughout the room.
Looking beyond the huge figure in front of me I see a tiny and fragile little girl. She walks into the light revealing all of the bruises and wounds she has sustained. My heart drops into my stomach finally seeing what he had done to her.
The girl standing before me is not Zarah but merely the shell of her. The spirit of the young girl has disappeared.  I know she's still in there somewhere but for now I am in the presences of a broken little girl in search for blood.
I fear at this point that she may do something worse than what I had planned in my head.
You disgusting fucking pig.
She raises a shaky hand and presses the pistol firmly against his temple "You're smart enough to know what happens if you try to lie while the truth serum is in you, am I correct?" She swallows thickly, hate drenched in her voice.
He looks into her eyes, for a split second a hint of remorse flashes in his eyes but it's gone before you know it. "Yes" he replies without hesitation.
She looks him deep in the eyes, the tears burning the rim of her eyes "First question, do you love me?" The very words sound foreign coming from her mouth.
The way she said it makes it sound like she's never said it once in her life. By the look on her face it seems as though she has scared herself by her own choice of words too.
A silence falls across the room as we await his answer. He doesn't.
"Answer me!" She screams pushing his head with the gun threatening to pull the trigger at any given moment.
"Yes" he says immediately.
A pregnant silence falls amongst us all. He isn't lying. A million questions begin to run through my mind. But the one that repeats over and over again is, "Why? Why did you hurt her?". A question that only he can answer. A question that I'm much too afraid to hear the answer too. If you truly love a woman, then you must never hurt her. For that is not true love. If you truly love a woman then you wouldn't go out every odd night and sleep with any pair of boobs.
If you really love her then you would never had hurt her in the first place. Then you never would have lied.
"Why?" She cries. The tears flowing like a river now.
Hearing her cry makes my heart shatter into a million pieces. Is killing me that I can't hold her right now, but I know that if I were to hug her right now she'll truly shatter. At this point she needs to stay strong and see this through to the end.
Eric licks his dry lips "Because" he pauses "I'm afraid to show affection, I'm afraid to be seen as a weak man" he whispers in sadness, feeling ashamed of all of his flaws. Afraid to be seen as human.
She immediately drops the gun and drops on her knees so that they can see eyes to eye "Listen to me" she whispers, holding his head in her hands forcing him to look into her eyes "Showing how you truly feel doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong because you're not afraid to be who you truly are" she smiles a sad smile as she skins her thumb over his bottom lip in a soft and loving manner.
"Please, forgive me" he whispers just loud enough for the both of us to hear and he looks down at the ground, too ashamed to look into the eyes of his lover.
"I'll forgive you on one condition" she picks up the gun off of the ground and presses it to his heart in a threatening manner "If you ever put your hands on me again Eric Zachary Coulter, I will slit your throat and bury you where no one will ever find you, do you hear that?" She says forcefully.
"Yes" he replies immediately.
"Good" she exhales "Now get out"
"Yes mam" and with that he was gone. The film is full of emotions. None of them are positive.
"You should've beaten him up Rebel" I speak up after a long moment of silence.
"Mental pain is worse than physical pain my sweetness, with physical pain it will heal as for mental it will stay with you till the day you die"

Hey guys! I feel bad for not finishing this story properly so, I'll update it slowly so y'all can have some proper closure❤️

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