It's Saturday

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What makes you smile when you're feeling down?
Sour lollies
Song Recommendation:
Sermon, James Arthur ft Shotty Horroh
Thaddeus's POV:
She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. It almost scares me to see how calm she is, a part of me wants her to wake up and be full of pain just so she knows what he put us all through.
But she won't be waking up anytime soon. Shes been put on so much morphine she can barely breathe properly while she sleeps. Every once and a while I block her air ways just to check that she's still alive.
Since she's been out we've been able to fully examine her, and after what everyone has seen they're astonished that she isn't dying from internal bleeding. She has the type of injuries that a person a crash victim crossed with a suicide jumper would have.
Her head moves slightly and she lets out a tired yawn. I quickly remove the cuffs from her writs before she fully regains consciousness. 
"Where am I?" She mutters trying to open her eyes.
Her eyes are swollen and red. The once evil and emotionless expression that she once held a few days ago is replaced with a terrified expression that Ive seen countless times.
The way she holds her shaking body as tries her best to get control of herself makes my heart melt. I remember nights when I'd come home to visit and she'd hiding in the corner of the room hugging herself trying her best to stop herself from crying.
She told me everything. How John would beat her and rape her at night.  And how our mother wouldn't do anything to save her. She begged me to take me with her, but all I did was beat her and tell her to stop being such an attention seeker. She has every single right to hate me.
I wanted to believe her, but the thought of  my mother doing this stuff to Zarah made me feel sick to my stomach. The day Andre died something had changed between my mother and sister, but I could never figure out what it was. And now I know.
"You're in my apartment" I whisper stroking her head gently
"What day is it?" I ask her hoping she'll give me an answer that I'll like.
"It's Saturday" she moans making it sound as though I'm stupid.
She's wrong. I want to tell her, but I can't. It's Tuesday she's been in a psychotic state for 3 days. She probably didn't know she was awake for those past 3 days.
There have been cases in which people that suffer from bipolar disorder black out when their personalities changes. As time goes on they have major break downs and are unaware what their true personality is real.
That's exactly what happened with Tyree. She went insane and ended up killing herself. Her other personality named Roman was a angry and unstable soul. She begged for the nurses to end her suffering, and when they wouldn't do as she asked, she'd attack them. Every time Roman would show herself she'd try to take her own life.
One night Roman managed to take down the people watching over her and broke out. Security chased her down but by the time they got to her she threw herself out of the top floor window.
After seeing my baby sisters other half scares me. That other half of her is not afraid to kill herself for pure fun. She's a cold blooded monster that will kill anyone in her wake, men, women even children. 
I grab her right hand and clasp it within my grasp "What was the last thing you remember?" looking into her scared green eyes.
"That bullshit party. Then.. I think I hung out with Four"  her voice startled by the weird questions.
"What do you know about The 4 Horsemen?"
"What the gods of disaster? Nothing, I never paid attention in history class" she falls silent. For a long time she examines me almost like she knows what's going on "What's with the interrogation?" She squints her eyes at me.
"It's nothing. Rest up Bunny I'll be back with breakfast" lying to her makes my heart sink to my stomach.
I gently press a kiss on her forehead and pull myself away before she can question why I'm acting weird.
I'll be brutally honest it's hard to lie to the persons you love. It's like trying to eat stale bread or trying to figure out why humans are such greedy creatures of nature. Or even trying to forgive out why Donald Trump even made it through the first podium.  
As I close the door a wave of sadness overcomes me making it feel as thou I'm drowning. It's like every single time I manage to get to the surface another wave washes over me taking me down deeper and deeper each time.
Turing the knob of the surveillance room I walk in the direction of Four, Peter, Tris and a slightly handicapped Ken. The bullet that hit him didn't go deep enough to penetrate the femoral artery in his leg. Thanks to Fours advanced medical degree we were able to stitch him up and avoid any on lookers that could've ratted us out to Eric or Max. 
"She wasn't lying" Four sighs scanning the screen that is connected to the hidden surveillance camera in my apartment.
Peter looks at me with a sympathetic look and drops a thick clipboard in my hand "Results back from the lab found traces of an unknown substance in her system" he sighs looking back at the screen.
He's right. No traces of heroin, cocaine, acid, meth, PCP, LSD, nothing it's almost like she's huffing kryptonite. Everything that could possibly explain what happened last night has been ruled out. Bipolar disorder, Münchausen syndrome, Alzheimers, Hypochondria, Schizophrenia, all of the possible psychological disorders, and they all came back negative.
"How are we going to break this to her?" Tris asks squeezing Fours hand tightly.
"We don't" Ken speaks up taking us all by surprise "What happened last night was an eye opener. Until we figure out what's making her do these things. She can't know" 
He's not wrong. But this means more lying on all of our ends. Zarah loves all of us and trusts us so much. Lying to her is like stabbing her in the back. Take it back it's exactly like stabbing her in the back.
Growing up my father always told us it's best to say something then say nothing at all. He also said that it's better to be a good friend and tell the truth to their face than to stab them in the back and lie.
Lying is like being a snake. The more you bite them and fill their veins with lies the more you kill them. Eventually all you do is murder them and put yourself in a state of 'Why did I do it?' 
"Bunny. What have you gotten yourself into?" I whisper staring at the broken girl in the screen.
I need to save my baby sister, before the world that she carries on her shoulders collapses and kills her. 
Zarahs POV:
It's been a day since that stupid party and I'm ready to burn this place to the ground. I'm like a dragon if you piss me off I'll burn your meaty flesh  on you bones and eat you for dinner.
Everyone's been extremely sympathetic towards me which doesn't help. I help people, it's not the other way around. It makes it feel like this is the end of the world.  I'll slit Eric's pretty little throat before he gets chance to slip a ring on my finger.
I must be awake and ready at anytime of day. Knowing Eric he'll be out to kill me too, the main question is, who will kill who first. Yes I know that Eric is big, strong and smart, but I'm smaller and faster which means I'll have the advantage of getting him onto the floor faster.
I follow Thaddeus at a fast pace as we  dodge hallways and people passing us by. Once we come to a huge door big enough to fit a giant I shove past Thaddeus and charge through the door.
"Ah Miss Fierce" Max smiles as he sips on his cup of freshly brewed coffee.
"Cut the bullshit Max. I want to know who you've been corresponding with" I demand slamming my hands onto the fresh mahogany table. 
Eric stands from his seat and puts his face right up in mine making me want to throw up right now.  "Where the do you get off?" His voice is mixed with amusement and disgust.
His blue eyes look into mine making my entire body tremble. His very presences makes me feel uneasy, I know he wants to kill me, but what's worse is the suspense. The mind numbing feeling knowing that I will eventually die, but the not knowing when it will happen scares me more.
That's why humans are afraid of death, not because he will eventually come and take them, but because they are unsure of when he will take them within his grasp. People are afraid of leaving the world  unexpectedly. But as a great writer once said "This world is not a wish granting factory".
Instead of backing away like any sane person I move up so close to
Him that the tips of my nips are touching his chest "Eric I swear to god with how I'm feeling right now I won't hesitate to kill you. So back the fuck away from me!"
"Stand down Eric" Max commands with a very controlled tone of voice.
"Who is it?" I demand staring deep into his emotionless black eyes.
He doesn't answer me right away though. Taking a few more sips of his coffee he walks around the board room. With each step my heart beats a little faster. Everyone attention is drawn towards him making me feel much more anxious and angry at the same time.
"It's your father" he says dropping a thick file in front of my face. 
My heart sinks to my stomach and I almost choke on my breath. Tears start to fill my throat and I struggle to keep control of my emotions.
He's lying. It's all a lie don't believe him, it's all a scheme to make you marry Eric. Be strong.
"And Margery  Lyon, Kens mother" he finishes.
I laugh in disbelief "Is this some kind of sick joke? My father is dead" this is a all time low, even for Max.
"It was fake. You were too young to fully piece everything together at the time. Your father and Margery Lyon run Candour" he replies any sense of amusement has now been wiped off of his face.
"Yea but n-"
"No one has ever seen them?" He cuts off Thaddeus mid sentence "That's correct. If you're doing your job right and benefiting the faction there's no need to question who's running the show. A few years after your fathers pretend death he and Kens mother married in secrecy"
Married? Oh god.....
"Are you saying we're brother and sister?!" Ken panics as he paced back and fourth around the room.
His chocolate eyes are riddled with fear and shock. He bites at his fingernails and mutters good words to himself just to calm himself down.
I think I'm gonna throw up.
"I went to second base with him!" I scream trying my best to keep down the vomit that's threatening to move up out of my oesophagus.
Ken and I have done stuff that any sort of newly we'd couple would do on their honeymoon. Minus the sex of course. But we did have some intense dry humping sessions.
In all honesty he's the best sex I've ever had in my life. And I've only had actual proper sex with 1 other guy, in the back of the car. They make it look like it's so fun in the movies, but it's not. You've got gears shoving into your ass, it's all cramped, the roof it too low & there's no fucking privacy at all. At least when we slept together he made sure that I was comfortable.
Eric coughs "Incest much".
I grab an empty glass and quickly fill it with whatever type of alcohol I can find.
Jimmy Bean? Hmm not bad.
The alcohol behind to circulate throughout my body numbing the pain that I'm feeling inside my heart right now. If it could rage away everything I feel then I would inject into I my veins everyday so it would permanently be  sitting in my veins. But since it can't this will have to do for now. 
Gripping the glass tightly within my grasp I throw it as hard as possible in Eric's the direction. Be quickly dodges the glass letting it slam against the wall and shatter on the floor. He goes to charge towards me, but Thaddeus, Ken, Four and Peter step around him stopping him from going any further.
Tears threaten to escape my eyes, but I mentally curse at myself to stop myself from letting them fall. I guess it's a mixture of anger, shock, sadness and betrayal that's making me feel this way.
At this moment I feel so emotionally compramized, but I can't afford to cry at this moment. As soon as I let those tears fall I'll be an emotional wreck and I won't listen to anyone. All reasoning will be lost, all I'll see is red. 
Max lets out a disappointed sigh "We had discussed the bringing together of the two factions, and it was your father who proposed the marriage"
"And he chose me? Why not Thaddeus or Ken?" My entire body is shaking an I feel that I may collapse pretty soon.
"Dauntless doesn't have any females around their age of high standards so you were our only option"
I lift my hand and point a shaky finger at Eric "And why am I stuck with that and not Four?" I snap.
"Four isn't a leader thus he is not of high standards. Eric is our youngest leader"
A hush falls amongst us. A single tear falls down down my face. Everyone around me states in shock as the tears begin to fall.
I left Candour to run away from my past, but instead it just followed me all the way here. I wanted to find the happiness that was stolen from me many years ago. I wanted a fresh start.
This pain that I'm feeling physically hurts.
My entire worlds coming to an end. My father raised me to be an independent wan and to never let anyone control my life. But here he is taking control of the life that I thought once belonged to me.
Did I ever really have control of my own life? I don't know anymore. Everything seems so fake now. Everything just seems like a great big lie. I just want to die at least I'll have control of my own death.
"Shut your face!" I scream at Eric.
"I didn't say anything" he snaps his eyes full of anger.
"Just shut up" I mutter. 
Another tear falls from my eye. A warning. Coving my face with my left hand I charge for the doors. When the sound of small chatter or any human life is no longer within ear shot I collapse to the ground. The tears begin to fall at an alarming rate and the pain in my heart grows stronger and stronger. I hold my chest as I struggle to breathe, but it makes no difference.
Every single time I think that the takers have finished falling it starts all over again. Each time worse than the other. The pain is unbearable. My muscles are aching and my my eyes are burning because they're swollen and are dry. My head is pounding because of dehydration and my entire body feels as though it will fall apart at any second now.
I just want it all to stop.

Trust Me, I'm Lying|| Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now