Glory and Gore

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Tris's POV:
"You what?!" Tyree screams.
"I'm thirsty are you guys thirsty?I'm gonna go and get us some drinks" I lie.
I make a run for the door but the gods are not on my side. Tyree beats me to the door and blocks my one opportunity of freedom. I attempt to fight my way past her but she's much too fast and immediately puts me in a head lock.
Great awkward situation just tell them Tris they're your friends they won't judge. I hope.
She releases me from gprilla like headlock and pushes me in the direction of the bed. Giving me a place to sit Zarah pats the empty space signalling me to sit down.
"Please Tris sit" Zarah commands.
Her tone of voice makes me think about times when my parents would tell me bad news. Or even being in an interrogation. But then again this is an interrogation.
The case at hand Tris Prior and Four against the Peoples court.
Why did I have to let it slip?
Making the effort to not make any eye contact with either of them we sit in silence. Every once and a while Tyree would let out a sigh hinting me to tell them the story. Zarah makes farting noises with her mouth while at the same time tearing the split ends.
"Okay this is going on longer than it needs. And I don't know about you but I'm not a fan of having one of the leaders walk in on us so...Tris time to fess up" Tyree says forcefully.
"It was a beautiful summer day Four and I walked alongside each o-"
"Bullshit. Stop fucking around Tris give it up" Zarah stops me in the middle of my beautiful lie.
Damn it maybe I can twist it a bit more make it believable.
"And don't think about twisting it either. After 18 years of being brutally honest it's easy to sniff out when people are lying" Tyree says forcefully.
After ensuring that I won't lie she throws a brick like pillow at my face. I let out a loud sigh while I trace circles on the pillow fighting back the urge to try escape this room.
It's not everyday that a Dauntless Leader kisses me. Let me say that again It's not everyday that a guy ever kisses me.
"Fine. After Ty and I finished dressing you I decided to go back to the training room. Four just happened to be there so I took it upon myself to get some extra help. And while he was helping me with my stance we had this moment....some sort of chemistry then..we....kissed"
My heart pounds faster and faster just remembering that moment.
I loved each second of it. The way he held me. How his lips felt against mine. How he smelt. Although it was only for a few seconds it felt like forever. If I could turn back time I would replay that moment over and over again.
He made me feel safe. He made me feel wanted. He made me feel things I've never felt before. It was some sort of emotion people say you feel everyone and a while with only very special people. Love.
Growing up I'd look at the way my father looked at my mother. It was love that was in his eyes. And I often wondered how it felt when someone looked at you that way and I felt it when Four looked at me that day.
The tingling sensation within my body and the butterflies in my belly. I felt as though if I ever lost him I wouldn't be able to live without him like my heart would stop beating. And that's how's everyone described it.
"Wow that's actually really icky" Tyree says pulling me out of my daze.
I watch as he scrunches up her face  trying to comprehend with all the lovey dovey emotional stuff.
"Shut your face hole Ree just be glad that Tris is happy" Zarah snaps at Tyree as he gives me a pat on the back.
She lets out a sigh of boredom before heading in the direction of the door. I want to stop her but hearing what she's been through today, she deserves some time out of this room.
"Where do you think you're going?" Tyree asks pulling herself out of the nice comfy bed.
"I've been locked in this room the entire day with a psychopath I think breaking into the training room for a little bit of exercise wouldn't hurt. Don't you agree" Zarah replies.
Throwing a hoodie over head she darts out of the room like a bunny.
Without even thinking I follow behind her like a lost puppy.
I really hope we don't get caught there's only so much wind sprints I can run. Oh gosh I wish Four we're here to stop us.
For a second I lose her but the sound of metal dropping on the concrete floor leads me in her direction. With each step I take I feel my heart beating faster and faster. I know that everything we're doing is wrong but I don't care.
"Zarah I don't think this is right" Tyree whispers as Zarah struggles to find the light switch.
"Your face isn't right" Zarah jokes as she pulls on the light switch.
The sudden brightness blinds my eyes and I immediately shield my eyes with my hands. The two of them run off to the punching bags and start playing around like little kids.
Trailing off to the other side of the room I sit myself up against the wall. I watch as the girls practice on their punching for a second it doesn't feel like we're breaking any rules at all. We're just a couple of friends that snuck out in the middle of the night to break into a training room that's all.
My life before this was never this adventurous. I don't even think I could ever sneak out of my house at any time of the day. Usually I'd be feeling bad for myself because I'm boring but who cares this is a new me. And new me can fight for herself and fire a loaded gun.
Suddenly my mind trails off to Four. His light brown eyes. His soft pink lips. And to think I honestly thought that I didn't have a chance with any guy. But then again Zarah did say that somewhere someone is thinking about me. And she was right. He was right under my nose.
"What do you think you're doing?" A familiar voice asks.
Turning my head to see who the voice belongs to my heart melts. Light brown eyes and soft pink lips. Four. Pulling myself to my feet I wipe off the imaginary dust from my clothes.
"Four I...uh..we..uh...yea it's exactly what it looks like" I laugh trying to cover up the feeling of embarrassment.
"She ran and you chased?"
Pulling me into the shadows he hold me close to his chest. Slowly his hands trail up and down my arms until they find their place on my hips. Staring into my eyes he lets out a loud sigh. With each every breath he takes my heart skips a beat. The thought of no longer being able to feel him breathing scares me. 
"You're terrible" he jokes.
Cupping my right cheek in his hand I watch as his lips curve into a smile. Leaning in ever so slightly I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his lips onto mine.
Come on Tris you barely know the guy and suddenly you're his girlfriend?
The feeling of him next to me is indescribable all I know is that I don't ever want it to stop.
He pulls me in closer making me want him more and more. Breaking the kiss his lips kiss along my jawline before they're sucking on my neck. Instead of shoving him away I allow him better access.
The sound of small chatter stops us in the middle of our heated make out session.
"We need to leave now" he whispers taking hold of my hand.
We step out of the shadows hand in hand Tyree and Zarah just stand in shock at the very sight of us together. Nothing. Out of all the things they could say at this very moment they say nothing.
"Can I say something?" Zarah asks raising her hand.
"No we need to get you back to your apartment" Four snaps.
Tugging at my arm I follow him without hesitation. My heart pound out of my chest with each step. Pounding not out of love but fear. Fear of being caught in the hands of a Dauntless leader by anyone especially another Dauntless leader. Or even Eric.
When others find initiates dating or sleeping with Dauntless leaders you're automatically pinned as a who're. Girls only sleep with the leaders when they're low in the rankings. 
And if I get caught with Four I won't get in trouble but the looks that I'll receive will be punishment all in itself.
"Are we not going to talk about where the hell he magically appeared from?" Tyree yells from the back of the pack.
Coming to a halt he drops my hand like a sack of potatoes. He turns to face both of the girls with an angry look in his eyes. Tyrees eyes turn from happiness to fear in an instance. Tugging at Fours hand he ignores my acts of getting his attention and instead he hits my hand away from his.
"Look I'm trying to save you guys from Rebels psychotic boyfriend"
"He not my boyfriend" Zarah interrupts.
"Not important! If Eric finds that she was anywhere near that training room one of you will be punished and I can't let that happen to Tris" he says trying to be as calm as possible.
He instantly grabs my left cheek with his hand and stares deep into my soul.
"Okay I have questions why would Eric care if I was anywhere? He doesn't care about anyone but himself. Also why would they get in trouble and not me?" Zarah asks in confusion.
"I'll answer the second question.....he's insane and he doesn't care. As for the first one you need to ask your brother. As for now do me a solid and shut up. Okay?" Four replies sounding like a dad.
She crosses her arms across chest arms and shoots him a 'fuck you' look before she storms off in the direction of her apartment like a little child. I rub Fours back gently and place a small kiss on his cheek in an attempt to calm his nerves. He wants to protect us, but in Zarah's defence he could've been nice. But what do you expect from a Dauntless leader? t's not like it's in their job description to sugar coat things.
"You could've been a little nicer to her" I say stopping him in his path.
"What?" He asks turning to face me his face red with frustration.
"Four imagine being in the same room as psychotic self absorbed hotheaded sadistic lunatic for an entire day then finding out that he has a soft spot for you how would you feel?"
"I trained with the psychotic self absorbed hotheaded sadistic lunatic and you know what I did to keep him off my ass? I came first in my class" he blurts before storming off like an angry child.
Was this a fight? Oh my gosh this was an actual couples fight? We fought like two parents I'm Ty and Zarah's mother. And Four is their father. Great just great.
Instead of following Four I continue in the direction of Zarahs room. Turing a corner I stop dead in my tracks.
Black ink tattoos running down his neck. Eyes that could scare anyone back into their mothers womb. Huge bulging biceps and playboy written all over his face. Eric.
"Where do you think you're going?"  He asks angrily.
Taking hold of my wrist he squeezes it tightly within his grasp.
"I was just going back to Zarah's apartment" I wince in pain.
"Your orders were not to let her out of your sight" gritting at his teeth his jaw clenches in anger.
Breathing through the pain I fight off every urge to scream. If I do scream Four will come to my rescue and knowing Eric nothing ever slips past his radar. I'll be dead before I hit the ground.
"Eric let go of her!" Zarah screams from the end of the hallway.
Loosening his grip only slightly I manage to let out a small squeak.
"What are you doing out of your apartment!" He commands.
He turns with full force he pulls me along with him. Giving me a reassuring look I give Zarah a smile of gratitude. In the background I see a terrified Tyree. At this moment I'm putting all my trust in Zarah. If there's one person I know that can get me out of this without anyone getting seriously injured it would have to be her.
"I asked them to take me out for a walk is that a crime? Let her go now!" She commands.
He drops my hand in an instance and shoots me a dirty look before stomping off in Zarah's direction.
"Ree you and Tris go back to your apartments I'll deal with this" Zarah commands sounding like a proper mother.
"Zarah" Tyree says weakly.
"Now Tyree!" Zarah snaps.
Taking hold of Tyrees hand we run off into the night like a pair of robbers. I want to go back right now, but if I do Zarah will get angry at me. We run for a little while longer until we are back at the pit.
"Do you think she'll be okay?" I ask Tyree as I hold my rib trying to get rid of the stitch.
"She's a tough girl don't worry"
But I am. What if she gets hurt even more because of me? Oh god what have I done!

(So with the other peoples POV for example Tris it'll sort of be a different story. But it will still be linked to this one, but it's basically them and their everyday lives. Just in case you get confused. Still praying my writing improves. Love you all xx)

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