Monkey D. Luffy~ One Piece

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"(y/n)! Come play tag with us!" Luffy shouted. I don't really feel like running around right now, but how could I say no to our childish captain. Yes, that's right I am part of the Straw Hat's Crew, and since I have joined I have developed a major crush on our childish captain. But Luffy probably dosen't even know what love is, so any chance of having a relationship with him is screwed. "Okay, Give me a second to put my book down" I shouted back to him. I then put my book down on the table and ran over to Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp.

            "Ok, because I'm captain I decided that (y/n) is going to be it since she got here last," Luffy said. "Oi, that's not fair I didn't even know we were playing tag until you called me over here" I responded. "Ok, we decided (y/n) is going to be it" Luffy stated ignoring me. "Ok, I will give you a five second head start" I said because I can't say no to Luffy. "1..2..3..4..5, I'm gonna get you!!" I yelled as they ran away from me. Of course being the person I am, I chased after Luffy. I made a big mistake this boy is a ball of energy, I don't think I can catch him I thought, and then as we were running Luffy got cocky and began to run backwards. He was doing really good until he tripped and landed on his back. I didn't have enough time to stop and I proceeded to fall and land right on to Luffy's chest. Our faces were only inches apart and I could feel the heat rising to my face, as I payed on top of my captain. And then the strangest thing happened. I could have sworn Luffy was blushing, but there's no way Luffy would blush because of this. "I'm sorry I fell on you, but now your it" I said before getting off of him and running. The four of us continued to play tag for about an hour until we got tired. I then went back to reading my book until I got a bit peckish and decided to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. When I went into the kitchen I saw Luffy talking to Sanji and once again I could have sworn I saw Luffy blush. I must be seeing stuff, Luffy must have just been thinking too much so he got a fever. "Hi Sanji, hey Luffy" I said as I walked closer to them. Luffy just looked at me and then walked away, ok Luffy has been acting really strange lately. It's time to do some investigating, I thought as I began to follow Luffy.

As Luffy began to walk around the ship I then realized where he was going, to Nami's room. Oh no..... does Luffy like Nami, is that why he was blushing? Well I guess this is what I get for being nosey, I thought as Luffy entered Nami's room. My heart shattered as I heard Nami laughter come from the room. To ease my pain o decided to go talk to so one else. Well Luffy and Nami are busy, Robin is most likely reading a book, Franky and Usopp are most likely messing around with contraptions, the others are most likely doing whatever they do and Zoro... Is probably asleep. I don't give a shit wether he is sleeping or not. He is almost always sleeping, so the least he could do is take some time out to talk to me. I thought as I began climbing up to the crows nest. "Oi, Zoro what's up m8" I said as I entered. In return he glared at me. "Oh it looks like your in a good mood today" I said sarcastically. He just sat there and pretended to be asleep..... nuh uh not in my house bitch. "Hey, I had a pretty shitty day too, so don't act like that" I said to him. "What did Luffy do to piss you off" he said. How the heel did he know that Luffy made me angry. "I saw Luffy talking to Sanji in the kitchen. Luffy blushed, and I rarely ever see him blush, so I decided to investigate. And by investigate I mean follow Luffy to where ever he goes. Luffy went into Nami's room and I heard them laughing together, I'm just really sad, but I should've know he would like her not me" I said spilling everything to Zoro. "Holy shit," Zoro said softly "You're almost as dense as Luffy" he said as he looked at me like I was an idiot. "What do you mean" I said clueless as to what he meant by his statement. He sighed and then began to speak "Just confess to him (y/n), you need to get this off of your chest wether he likes you or not. I'm sick of being your romance advisor, for fucks sake I'm a swordsman not a therapist." He said. Ouch Zoro that hurt, but he's right. "Thanks Zoro, you're right I'm going to do this no matter what" I said with determination in my eye

*Timeskip to dinner time*(Still your POV)

YESSSSSSSSS ITS DINNER TIME BITCHESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! MY FAVORITE TIME OF THE DAY..... Well one of my favorite times of the day. My three favorite times of the day are, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As always I sat next to Luffy and conversed with everyone like I never got my heart shattered by Luffy and Nami. I guess at least Luffy is happy, I love him so all I want is for him to be happy. I just can't help jealousy thought. Everything was pretty much normal; everyone arguing, stealing food from each other, and having a good time. Then Luffy spoke up "Here (y/n), you can have my meat" Luffy said. Everyone got silent. "Why is everyone so quite? Did I do something wrong?" Luffy asked. "Luffy you never give other people your meat, why did you give your meat" I said. "Oh, I did that because Nami said one way to show a girl that you like her is to give her something you love. So I shared my meat with you because I love you (y/n)" Luffy spoke. "OH MY GOSH CUTENESS OVERLOAD. I NEVER KNEW LUFFY LOOKED SO CUTE WHILE BLUSHING. HDJDVDJAVVJCFNSKKDDHDHWIDBSK" I thought in my mind while on the outside I was very "calm". By calm I mean blushing profusely and glomming Luffy while telling him how much I love him. "Oh (y/n), Sanji told me about a thing called a kiss, and I want to try it with you" Luffy said. Before I could respond Luffy pulled me into a kiss and Sanji began to cry over the fact that I was now claimed by the captain. Ahhhhhh I'm so happy.... Wait now I get what Zoro meant earlier. WAIT THAT MEANS HE KNEW WE LIKED EACH OTHER THIS WHOLE TIME!!! THAT BASTARD COULD HAVE ATLEAST GAVE ME MORE HINTS!!! Well whatever at least I now have the greatest boyfriend in the world. I wonder what will happen tomorrow.......

Hello everyone, sorry I had already written this a while ago, and I thought I published it. But apparently I didn't. But at least it's up now, thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed!!!!


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