Lloyd Asplund~~Code Geass

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--AN-- This was requested by @ChrolloLucilifer. Sorry if the characters are ooc, it has been a while since I watched Code Geass, but I tried my best to remember his personality and everything. Thank you for requesting, and I hope you like it!

I climbed a little higher up the ladder to reach the top of Lancelot, so I could check it and make sure everything is ok. I am a mechanic that helps repair the Knightmare Frames for the Britannian Military. I happened to be working on Lancelot which, was created by my crush and piloted by my close friend. That's right I happen to have a crush on the sociopath, Llyod Asplund, and I'm close friends with Suzaku Kururugi. It's great isn't it, I haven't taken interest in any man besides the one that's a sociopath.

Back to my work though, as I was inspecting Lancelot Suzaku came and interrupted me from my deep concentration "Hello (Y/N), how are you doing." "AHHHHH" I shouted as I got startled and fell off the ladder, great just my luck. Before I hit the ground I was caught by Llyod who happened to be walking by at the time. Once I realized who caught me I began blushing profusely and my heart began racing. Of course, Lloyd didn't react at all. "You should be more careful (Y/N), if you got slacking off on your job like this you might get fired" Lloyd spoke. "I wasn't slacking off, Suzaku scared the living daylights out of me because I was so focused on my work I didn't hear him coming." I responded

"Excuses, excuses" He said as he put me down and walked away with a smirk on his face. "Sorry (Y/N), I didn't mean to scare you like that" Suzaku said while smiling, most likely because he thought it was funny that I got that scared. Also he knew about my crush on Lloyd.
"Suzaku you jerk, stop laughing at my pain" I said as I began climbing up the ladder once more to complete my work. Suzaku continued to talk to me as I inspected Lancelot "You know I think you should tell him about your feelings" he said. "Since when were you my love advisor, plus I'm older than you so I should be the one giving advice" I responded sarcastically.

"I might be younger, but I think I have more experience in the romance field" Suzaku responded sarcastically. "Also, isn't he engaged to some girl. I bet she's way better than me" I mumbled the last part. "Yeah he is, you're just going to have to win his heart over, but that will never happen if you continue to think so negatively about yourself" Suzaku said. "Yeah, yeah I know. Well I'm done for the day now that I have finished inspecting Lancelot" I said. As I began climbing down the ladder a familiar voice call me. "(Y/N), come here" Lloyd said. Once I got down I walked towards Lloyd and he began to talk to me again "After everyone leaves stay back, I need your help with something." 'There is really no point for me to say no, it's not like I have anything to do and it gives me a chance to get closer to him' I thought. "Ok I will see you later then, I'm done for the day, so you're lucky" I responded.

*Timeskip to when everyone leaves*

"Ok Lloyd, I'm here what do you need help with" I said trying to sound unhappy about this when I was actually really happy to be alone with him. "I overheard your conversation with Suzaku" he spoke seriously. 'Oh crap, out of all the times you listened to our conversation it had to be then' I thought. "I just wanted to tell you that you are merely a tool to me.." 'I knew that's all I would be to him' "but you are one of my more important and interesting tools. What I am saying is that I am interested in you" he said. No way, is he.... confessing to me? "I will be your romantic partner, because I am interested in your behavior" he spoke. "What about Milly, aren't you engaged to her" I said trying to hold back my excitement. " I will figure out something" he responded.

I then let go of all my worries and jumped up to peck Lloyd on the lips(unless your tall and don't have to jump, I'm barely 5 foot And he's 6'1" XD). "Please refrain from doing stuff like that" he said. "I won't kiss you in public if it makes you feel better, but if we are by ourselves I will" I responded. We then stood next to each other in silence. "Lloyd" "Yes" "I have pudding, do you want some" "Yes" "Well then you have to let me kiss you" ".... Fine but just this once."


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