AN ~~ Thank You!

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Hello everyone, Anime One-Shots~~ now has over 5 thousand reads, and that is freaking insane. I remember getting 100 views and thinking that I was famous. I never could have imagined getting 5 thousand + views on my shitty one-shots. Thank you so much to everyone who reads, votes, and comments on this story! I am glad that I could entertain people with my one-shots! Thank you to everyone who has requested on my story, because it makes me very happy to know people actually want me to write stories for them.

I don't plan on updating frequently, because I usually am busy with school. When I am not busy with school, I spend all my free time watching anime and playing games.... My updating schedule will probably become random, but when I do post I will most likely write a few. I randomly go in and out of the writing mode, so that's why there isn't a confirmed updating schedule. I just posted a Sanji one shot yesterday, and still feel in the writing mood so there may be another one shot soon. Season 3 of Boku no Hero Academia came out not to long ago, so I was thinking of maybe writing one about Amajiki Tamaki? I can't wait to see him animated.

That is all I have to say for this AN. Once again, thank you so much for reading and supporting my story!

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